Flag of Lado
Flag of The Freedom Fighters
Map of Lado Land

LADO - NewsNews Service for The Kingdom of Lado
P.O. Box 192 - DK 2000 Copenhagen F - Denmark Tel.: +45-3535 5503 - Cell phone: +45-3118 3732
E-mail: npi@npi-news.dk - Homepage: www.npi-news.dk
King John Bart Agami is the exiled ruler of Lado, Africa. He has proclaimed freedom from British colonial rule. He says "One hundred years of occupation is enough. My people have lost patience and want their liberation now. We have never signed any agreement with either the British or the Belgians to hand over Lado as a colony," says King John Bart Agami. "The occupation is therefore illegal, following Article 6
in the Berlin Treaty signed on 26 February 1885. "
There is no Sovereignty under the British Commonwealth, by Queen Sally Agami
Lado News
News Service for the Kingdom of Lado
(Press Office: NPI-news)
P.O. Box 192 - DK2000 F - Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 9886 1290 or (+45) 3535 5503
www.npi-news.dk - npi@npi-news.dk
Message From King John Bart Agami of Lado:
Is NATO and UN Military Campaign in Northern Africa a Cover
for Control of Lado, Central Africa, and Other African Nations?
By Britt Bartenbach
Press Officer
Gallant phrases such as ‘Protection of Civilians’ and ‘Support for Democracy’ are used to get popular support for the heavy-handed Military Force against the Gaddafi Regime in Libya.
But behind the pretty façade hides the truth about the fear of having to share Power and Resources with the fast growing Industrial Nations of the BRIC Block (Brazil, Russia, India and China).
Recent campaigns that led to War for Oil, Gas and Pipelines were Iraq and Afghanistan, and now the oil and gas rich Libya is under attack. Removing Gaddafi is just an excuse to Control the Resources.
In the other Nations on the African Continent people are wondering when they will be next. One of these States in Central Africa is the Occupied Kingdom of Lado or the “Lado Enclave” situated in the Upper Nile Valley in the Nile Valley Basin, and the Great Lakes and the Great Western Rift Valley, and the Nile-Congo Watershed Region of Africa.
Real Plan is to
Control African Nations
Behind the Shining Armour of the modern day Crusader Knights in their flying bomber machines to ‘Rescue of the Oppressed’ is a Cynical Plan to Control the African Nations and their Natural Resources across the African Continent.
Lado has been a Target for the Western Powers (USA and Western Europe) since 1871 when Lado was Invaded by a US led Coalition of the Willing. However, the Intruders were fought and kept out up until 1947 when Lado was subjected to an Illegal Occupation shared jointly by Britain and Belgium, and this Occupation is still being upheld today.
As Lado is close to getting the Issue of Sovereignty and Independence and Territorial Integrity up for voting in the UN General Assembly, there is real fear that the present NATO Campaign in Libya will spread to the other States in Africa. Under the covert of such a Campaign there will be plenty of opportunity for Land Grabbing leading to large parts of the Populations driven on the run.
Paris Conference of 1875
on Africa Revisited in 2011
The Head of the Provisional Government of Lado, Central Africa, King John Bart Agami (Onzima II) has warned his People to keep calm whatever happens.
“It is not only a question of Resources, but about Restoring the Balance of Power in the World, and those who hold the leash on Africa has the Upper Hand in World Politics”, says the King.
“It is a bad Omen that the Command Center for the new Campaign against the African Nations is
set up in Paris, France, where the past Takeover of the African Nations was decided during the Paris Conference in 1875. (The Paris Resolution of 3 August 1875).
It is as if time is standing still, because in 2011 we are watching the old Colonial Masters raising their ugly heads once more. They are convinced that they have the God-given right to grab the African Continent that they dubbed “Terra Nullius” (Land belonging to the Africans – therefore it is Land for Grabs) in 1875 and 1885 (Berlin Conference on Africa).”
US Losing the Grip
As World Super Power
“The US and US Allies are Losing the Grip, and therefore they have decided to show their muscles and carry out their long-term Objective: ‘By All Means Necessary’.
People should be aware of the Propaganda that World Leaders use to get Popular Support for their Wars and Military Interventions”, says the King.
“In fact a thumb rule is to understand the opposite meaning of the words they use. When they go to War to ‘rescue the Civilians’, it should read: ‘We are going to commit Genocide’.
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing for Resources, Land and World Supremacy is the real Hidden Agenda. We are fully aware of it.”
Plan is to Occupy Lado
And African Nations for Settlement
Genocide is not uncommon to the Nations on the African Continent. In recent times the Genocide in Rwanda is still vivid in living memory. However, a Genocide in Lado has been ongoing for the past ten years without anyone lifting an eyebrow or wishing to intervene to ‘rescue the Lado Civilians’ who live in the Lado Enclave between hostile neighbours.
Lado has lived under Oppression since 1947 under an Illegal Occupation by Britain and Belgium. The Colonial Occupiers rule by Proxy by forcing Lado People under administration of Uganda, DR Congo and Sudan since 1947 till to date (2011).
“On top of that the US have just created the new State South Sudan, and in this creation they have Taken the Major City Juba of Northern Lado”, says the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami.
“Lado’s Northern Border is about 7 degrees North of the Equator, and Juba is within the Lado Territory.
We are congratulating the South Sudanese People on their new State and their new found Independence. However, the South Sudanese People should understand that they are being used in a much bigger Game that has as its End Goal the Resettlement of the African Population.”
Occupying for Settlement
Means Killing Black Africans
“People should begin to understand that it is a question of ‘Taking (Raping) Africa’. The methods used to Implement this are the same which have been used since Christianity was misused to justify the use of the Sword to slay ‘Unbelievers’ or the ‘Infidels’”, stresses the King.
“The motto of today’s Conquestadors is as always: ‘Civilisation, Christianity and Commerce’ known in Colonial Code language as ‘The Three Cs’.
However, the Recolonization Code language is known as ‘The Three Ds’ (Dignity, Democracy and Development), which is equal to ‘New Colonialism/Neo Colonialism’.
We will see a new and much more Aggressive from of Occupation which will replace the subtle Occupation and Oppression done throughout the Colonial Powers’ African Commonwealth Stewards or Patsies (Governor Generals).
If one of their Stewards/Patsies does not obey his Master and starts to speak for a better deal for his People, he is immediately ousted and replaced by a ‘Loyal Dictator’.
That was what happened to Joseph Desire Mobutu (former President of Zaire/DR Congo) after thirty years of loyal service to his US and Allies’ Masters. All his assets were frozen, and his relatives were not even allowed to bury his earthly remains in his Homeland in DR Congo.
It happened to the onetime Darling of the West, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, when he decided to play ball with the Russians instead of the US and allies, and now it is happening to Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.”
US and Allies
Don’t Mind ‘Good Dictators’
“The US and Allies don’t mind ‘Good Dictators’. As long as the Dictator will play their game, he will be allowed to Oppress and Torture his People and fill his own and his Cronies’ pockets”, says the King.
‘Democracy’ and ‘Reforms’ are just a Cloak and an Excuse used to start a War and to Replace the Disloyal Dictator with another Tyrant or a By Proxy ‘Democratic Regime’.
The Truth is that the US and Allies were taken by Surprise when hundreds and thousands of peaceful Protesters in the Arab World took to the streets to demand Freedom and Liberty, and when they saw that the Tunisian and Egyptian People succeeded in bringing down the Loyal Stewards of the US without having to fire a single shot, they became Desperate to set their long-term plan in motion.
A panicky plan was rushed through with a UN Mandate and with yet another ‘Coalition of the Willing’ plus NATO – and the Quest for Regaining the Control of Egypt and the Gulf States, as well as the rest of the Arab World, is underway.”
‘Good Governance’
Is ‘How We Want It’
In the Western World Leaders often like the term ‘Good Governance’, but what does this positively sounding term really stand for?
On this King John Bart Agami says:
“Good Governance is another one of the US code worlds which means that a country is ruled according to our orders. Nothing else. The minute a country does not comply with ‘His Master’s Voice’, or wants to Nationalise Natural Resources or ask for fair prices for their produce, it will be smashed with no regard for Human Life or Human Rights including Human Dignity.
It usually starts with boycotts such as UN Sanctions, Trade Embargoes, etc., and eventually ends with full scale War and Occupation. The UN Security Council is just used as a Cover to wage Illegal Wars on weak countries as a ‘walkover’.”
US and Allies Fear
Chinese Gaining
Foothold in African States
“The real fear of the US and Allies is that the Chinese, and the BRIC Block on the whole, will gain too much of a foothold in the African States”, says the King.
“But the main interest for the countries in the BRIC Block is Commerce, and they use Diplomacy, not armed intervention, to get Lucrative Business Contracts to keep up their Economic and Industrial Advance.
To counteract this, US and Allies have moved up the timing for their Settlement Plan, and the staged ‘uprising’ in Libya was very opportune to launch Military Strikes which could well lead to a Third World War.
Living in Camps
“The Illegal Occupation and Oppression of Lado has meant that Lado People’s Land and Homes have been Grabbed by neighbouring Armies under the Control of US and Allies’ Officers”, says the King.
“Lado People are forced into Concentration Camps where they die from Hunger, Execution, Maltreatment, Torture, Infectious Diseases, and Women and Children are Systematically Raped.
The surviving Lado People, and the Indigenous Peoples of the African Continent, will face a future life in Reservations if the Cruel US and Allies’ World’s Plan for Settlement, or Resettlement for ‘Terra Nullius’ will be Implemented. They are like Wolves in Sheep’s clothing. All one hears is: ‘Africa is for Business’ (CNN) – but Business for who?”
Lado People Will Continue
The Struggle for Freedom
And Sovereignty of Lado
“We cannot hope for Protection or Mercy from the UN who are Controlled by the US and Allies, and in any case Lado People, and particularly Africans of the Sudanics Race, are the main targets for Extinction – as is the Lado Royal Family”, says the King.
In the light of such great Danger and Fear of annihilation under the Pretext of what may develop into a Third World War, I can only say that Lado People are not yielding an inch from our Right to our ancient Ladoland, the Homeland and Sacred Burial Ground of our ancestors. Ladoland is Holy Land for us. We shall not Surrender our (Lado) Freedom and Liberty.
I can only hope and pray that the Peoples of the other African Nations, consisting of many ancient Kingdoms, different Tribes and Races, will come together, and Defend their Homelands in Africa.
So, there is nothing left to say to the People of Lado than to stay put, stay calm and not to give up the Struggle for Freedom and Independence in a Sovereign State of Lado, Central Africa..
May God Save Us All! May God Bless Lado and its People.”
27 March 2011
Message From King John Bart Agami of Lado:
Is NATO and UN Military Campaign in Northern Africa a Cover
for Control of Lado, Central Africa, and Other African Nations?
By Britt Bartenbach
Press Officer
Gallant phrases such as ‘Protection of Civilians’ and ‘Support for Democracy’ are used to get popular support for the heavy-handed Military Force against the Gaddafi Regime in Libya.
But behind the pretty façade hides the truth about the fear of having to share Power and Resources with the fast growing Industrial Nations of the BRIC Block (Brazil, Russia, India and China).
Recent campaigns that led to War for Oil, Gas and Pipelines were Iraq and Afghanistan, and now the oil and
gas rich Libya is under attack. Removing Gaddafi is just an excuse to Control the Resources.
In the other Nations on the African Continent people are wondering when they will be next. One of these
States in Central
Africa is the Occupied Kingdom of Lado or the “Lado Enclave” situated in the Upper Nile Valley in the
Nile Valley Basin,
and the Great Lakes and the Great Western Rift Valley, and the Nile-Congo Watershed Region of Africa.
Real Plan is to
Control African Nations
Behind the Shining Armour of the modern day Crusader Knights in their flying bomber machines to ‘Rescue of the
Oppressed’ is a Cynical Plan to Control the African Nations and their Natural Resources across the African Continent.
Lado has been a Target for the Western Powers (USA and Western Europe) since 1871 when Lado was
Invaded by a US led Coalition of the Willing. However, the Intruders were fought and kept out up until
1947 when Lado was subjected to an Illegal Occupation shared jointly by Britain and Belgium, and this
Occupation is still being upheld today.
As Lado is close to getting the Issue of Sovereignty and Independence and Territorial Integrity up for voting
in the UN General Assembly, there is real fear that the present NATO Campaign in Libya will spread to the
other States in Africa. Under the covert of such a Campaign there will be plenty of opportunity for Land
Grabbing leading to large parts of the Populations driven on the run.
Paris Conference of 1875
on Africa Revisited in 2011
The Head of the Provisional Government of Lado, Central Africa, King John Bart Agami (Onzima II)
has warned his People to keep calm whatever happens.
“It is not only a question of Resources, but about Restoring the Balance of Power in the World, and those
who hold the leash on Africa has the Upper Hand in World Politics”, says the King.
“It is a bad Omen that the Command Center for the new Campaign against the African Nations is
set up in Paris, France, where the past Takeover of the African Nations was decided during the Paris
Conference in 1875. (The Paris Resolution of 3 August 1875).
It is as if time is standing still, because in 2011 we are watching the old Colonial Masters raising their ugly
heads once more. They are convinced that they have the God-given right to grab the African Continent that
they dubbed “Terra Nullius” (Land belonging to the Africans – therefore it is Land for Grabs) in 1875 and
1885 (Berlin Conference on Africa).”
US Losing the Grip
As World Super Power
“The US and US Allies are Losing the Grip, and therefore they have decided to show their muscles and carry
out their long-term Objective: ‘By All Means Necessary’.
People should be aware of the Propaganda that World Leaders use to get Popular Support for their Wars
and Military Interventions”, says the King.
“In fact a thumb rule is to understand the opposite meaning of the words they use. When they go to War to
‘rescue the Civilians’, it should read: ‘We are going to commit Genocide’.
Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing for Resources, Land and World Supremacy is the real Hidden Agenda.
We are fully aware of it.”
Plan is to Occupy Lado
And African Nations for Settlement
Genocide is not uncommon to the Nations on the African Continent. In recent times the Genocide in Rwanda
is still vivid in living memory. However, a Genocide in Lado has been ongoing for the past ten years without
anyone lifting an eyebrow or wishing to intervene to ‘rescue the Lado Civilians’ who live in the Lado Enclave
between hostile neighbours.
Lado has lived under Oppression since 1947 under an Illegal Occupation by Britain and Belgium. The Colonial
Occupiers rule by Proxy by forcing Lado People under administration of Uganda, DR Congo and Sudan since
1947 till to date (2011).
“On top of that the US have just created the new State South Sudan, and in this creation they have Taken the
Major City Juba of Northern Lado”, says the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami.
“Lado’s Northern Border is about 7 degrees North of the Equator, and Juba is within the Lado Territory.
We are congratulating the South Sudanese People on their new State and their new found Independence. However,
the South Sudanese People should understand that they are being used in a much bigger Game that has as its End
Goal the Resettlement of the African Population.”
Occupying for Settlement
Means Killing Black Africans
“People should begin to understand that it is a question of ‘Taking (Raping) Africa’. The methods used to
Implement this are the same which have been used since Christianity was misused to justify the use of the
Sword to slay ‘Unbelievers’ or the ‘Infidels’”, stresses the King.
“The motto of today’s Conquestadors is as always: ‘Civilisation, Christianity and Commerce’ known in Colonial
Code language as ‘The Three Cs’.
However, the Recolonization Code language is known as ‘The Three Ds’ (Dignity, Democracy and Development),
which is equal to ‘New Colonialism/Neo Colonialism’.
We will see a new and much more Aggressive from of Occupation which will replace the subtle Occupation and
Oppression done throughout the Colonial Powers’ African Commonwealth Stewards or Patsies (Governor Generals).
If one of their Stewards/Patsies does not obey his Master and starts to speak for a better deal for his People,
the is immediately ousted and replaced by a ‘Loyal Dictator’.
That was what happened to Joseph Desire Mobutu (former President of Zaire/DR Congo) after thirty years of
loyal service to his US and Allies’ Masters. All his assets were frozen, and his relatives were not even allowed to
bury his earthly remains in his Homeland in DR Congo.
It happened to the onetime Darling of the West, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, when he decided to play ball
with the Russians instead of the US and allies, and now it is happening to Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.”
US and Allies
Don’t Mind ‘Good Dictators’
“The US and Allies don’t mind ‘Good Dictators’. As long as the Dictator will play their game, he will be allowed
to Oppress and Torture his People and fill his own and his Cronies’ pockets”, says the King.
‘Democracy’ and ‘Reforms’ are just a Cloak and an Excuse used to start a War and to Replace the Disloyal
Dictator with another Tyrant or a By Proxy ‘Democratic Regime’.
The Truth is that the US and Allies were taken by Surprise when hundreds and thousands of peaceful
Protesters in the Arab World took to the streets to demand Freedom and Liberty, and when they saw
that the Tunisian and Egyptian People succeeded in bringing down the Loyal Stewards of the US without
having to fire a single shot, they became Desperate to set their long-term plan in motion.
A panicky plan was rushed through with a UN Mandate and with yet another ‘Coalition of the Willing’ plus NATO
– and the Quest for Regaining the Control of Egypt and the Gulf States, as well as the rest of the Arab World,
is underway.”
‘Good Governance’
Is ‘How We Want It’
In the Western World Leaders often like the term ‘Good Governance’, but what does this positively sounding
term really stand for?
On this King John Bart Agami says:
“Good Governance is another one of the US code worlds which means that a country is ruled according to
our orders. Nothing else. The minute a country does not comply with ‘His Master’s Voice’, or wants to
Nationalise Natural Resources or ask for fair prices for their produce, it will be smashed with no regard
for Human Life or Human Rights including Human Dignity.
It usually starts with boycotts such as UN Sanctions, Trade Embargoes, etc., and eventually ends with full
scale War and Occupation. The UN Security Council is just used as a Cover to wage Illegal Wars on weak
countries as a ‘walkover’.”
US and Allies Fear
Chinese Gaining
Foothold in African States
“The real fear of the US and Allies is that the Chinese, and the BRIC Block on the whole, will gain too much
of a foothold in the African States”, says the King.
“But the main interest for the countries in the BRIC Block is Commerce, and they use Diplomacy,
not armed intervention, to get Lucrative Business Contracts to keep up their Economic and Industrial Advance.
To counteract this, US and Allies have moved up the timing for their Settlement Plan, and the staged ‘uprising’
in Libya was very opportune to launch Military Strikes which could well lead to a Third World War.
After more bombing raids and land troops on the African Continent, Black Africa will be Ethnically Cleansed,
and Black African Americans will replace the original inhabitants who will have nowhere to go. Refer to the
Objectives of the US Africa Command based in Stuttgart, Germany.
This policy was applied successfully in North America two centuries ago against the Red Indians, the Indigenous
People of the US, who are still in 2011 living in Reservations in their Native Homeland. This is what the People
of Lado fear most today.”
Thousands of Lado People
Living in Camps
“The Illegal Occupation and Oppression of Lado has meant that Lado People’s Land and Homes have been
Grabbed by neighbouring Armies under the Control of US and Allies’ Officers”, says the King.
“Lado People are forced into Concentration Camps where they die from Hunger, Execution, Maltreatment,
Torture, Infectious Diseases, and Women and Children are Systematically Raped.
The surviving Lado People, and the Indigenous Peoples of the African Continent, will face a future life in
Reservations if the Cruel US and Allies’ World’s Plan for Settlement, or Resettlement for ‘Terra Nullius’
will be Implemented. They are like Wolves in Sheep’s clothing. All one hears is: ‘Africa is for Business’ (CNN)
– but Business for who?”
Lado People Will Continue
The Struggle for Freedom
And Sovereignty of Lado
“We cannot hope for Protection or Mercy from the UN who are Controlled by the US and Allies, and in any case
Lado People,
and particularly Africans of the Sudanics Race, are the main targets for Extinction – as is the Lado Royal Family”,
says the King.
In the light of such great Danger and Fear of annihilation under the Pretext of what may develop into a
Third World War, I can only say that Lado People are not yielding an inch from our Right to our ancient
Ladoland, the Homeland and Sacred Burial Ground of our ancestors. Ladoland is Holy Land for us.
We shall not Surrender our (Lado) Freedom and Liberty.
I can only hope and pray that the Peoples of the other African Nations, consisting of many ancient Kingdoms,
different Tribes and Races, will come together, and Defend their Homelands in Africa.
So, there is nothing left to say to the People of Lado than to stay put, stay calm and not to give up the Struggle
for Freedom and Independence in a Sovereign State of Lado, Central Africa..
May God Save Us All! May God Bless Lado and its People.”
27 March 2011
Lado News
News Service for the Kingdom of Lado
P.O. Box 192 - DK2000 F - Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 3535 5503 or (+45) 9886 1290
www.npi-news.dk - npi@npi-news.dk
Message From King John Bart Agami, Agofe of Lado, Central Africa
US President Barack Obama Signs a
Congress Decision for Military Intervention
in Lado, Central Africa...
By Britt Bartenbach
Press Officer
US President Barack Obama has signed a Decision from Congress to send Troops to South-Western
Lado in the District of Ituri. To confuse matters the Ituri District is mistakenly shown on the map as
part of DR Congo.
The desire to Control and Govern the mineral rich ancient Kingdom of Lado in Central Africa is
not new. In 1871 a US led Invasion Force of US Troops and Coalition Armies from the European
Colonial Powers was sent into Lado by US General and President Ulysses S. Grant.
Decades of fighting to drive out the Insurgents ended in 1947 with a Joint Occupation of Lado by
Britain and Belgium. But the Lado People's struggle for Freedom has never ended.
This Illegal Occupation is still in force though it is a clear Violation of UN Resolution 1514 of
14 December 1960 and UN Charter Article 1 and 73, and the Lado Issue is a 'hot potato' in the
UN Security Council where particularly the Permanent Members US and Britain are Opposing
the Lado Issue of Independence from being Debated and Voted on in the UN General Assembly.
Lado Wiped
Off the Map
Although the original Borders of Lado from 745 A.D. are still Intact, the Occupiers Disguised
the Existence of Lado by Wiping the name off the Map. This cover-up to hide Lado has added
to the confusion and made it easier for the Occupiers to carry out Massacres and Ethnic Cleansing
against the Lado People who mainly belong to the Sudanic population group.
Lado has been disguised by varying names such as "The Lado Enclave" and "Equatoria Province
of Egypt" (during the Ottoman Empire), and since 1947 all traces of the name "Lado" have disappeared.
The British and Belgian Occupiers split up Lado to be administered by its neighbours: Uganda (Eastern Lado),
Sudan (Northern Lado) and DR Congo (South-Western Lado).
Sudanic Peoples of Lado
the Target of Ethnic Cleansing since 1700
The Lado People consist of 29 Tribes who mainly belong to the Sudanic population group
(Lugbari, Madi and Kakwa), and they have been the Target of Ethnic Cleansing since the
"Sixty Year War" which started in year 1700.
The War was prompted by Insurgents belonging to the Nilotic population group who mainly
populate the countries which are today known as Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda.
"The Insurgents from the Nilotic Clans (Acholi, Lango and Luo) had their eyes fixed on Lado
Territories in the West Nile District where the Capital of Lado Arua is located", says the Agofe
of Lado King John Bart Agami (Onzima II).
The King is the Head of the Lado Provisional Government who has been pressing for
Independence and Sovereignty for forty years, and it was the King's great-great grandfather
Onzima I who led the War against the Nilotic Troops.
Rape Used as
a Weapon of War
"The Nilotic soldiers, who mainly belonged to the Luo Tribe, used the age-old weapon of raping
women on their way through Lado. This Weapon of Oppression is very much a specialty today,
and is particularly practised by Army Troops from Uganda and Rwanda in the Ituri area of Lado
with the main city of Bunia. It is this area which is mistakenly referred to as "DR Congo".
The many hundred Sudanic Rape Victims from the "Sixty Year War" three hundred years ago
had become pregnant with the Luo soldiers. Their babies of mixed race, with both Sudanic and
Nilotic Blood, known as "Alur", had their destiny sealed by the Nilotic leaders who ordered their
soldiers to kill the babies", says the King.
However, the Lado Army managed to save the majority of the children, and a Sanctuary for
the children and their mothers was placed west of Lake Albert with the main city of Mahagi.
The descendents of the Luo (Nilotic) soldiers are still living in this area under special
Protection by the Lado State.
Sinister Plan to
Exterminate Sudanics
In 1760 a Peace Treaty ("River Odrua Agreement") was signed thanks to King Kabarega
of the Unyoro Kingdom ("Bunyoro" in Western Uganda east of Lake Albert) who acted
as an Intermediary to end the War.
"The bad blood between the Sudanic and Nilotic Peoples did not end with the
"Sixty Year War" because the Luo Desire for more 'Lebensraum' never stilled",
says King John Bart Agami.
"Two hundred years later, in the late 1960's, a Sinister Plan to Exterminate the
Sudanic Peoples of Lado was drawn up. The Objective was to take Lado Land
in the district of the West Nile."
The Secret Plan, known as "The Lango Masterplan" of 1967, was made by the
Ugandan Government under President Milton Obote and was to be carried out with
the backing of Britain and the US.
President Obote, himself a Luo, had given orders to set the Plan in motion in January 1971.
He had timed the Operation to coincide with his visit to a British Commonwealth
Conference in Singapore so that the outside world and the press could not accuse
him of having blood on his hands.
Phony Coup Backfired
on the Aggressors
"The Phony Coup", as the Purge was later described, was implemented on 24 January 1971
by the Ugandan Army. The Army had Isolated the Sudanic Officers, and the Sudanic
Soldiers had been Disarmed and locked up in their barracks.
"They were Trapped like 'Sitting Ducks' in the Lubiri Barracks outside the Ugandan
Capital Kampala. The job to finish off the soldiers of Sudanic origin was to be a simple
'walk-over', but it ended as a total Fiasco for the Ugandan Army. The Plan backfired thanks
to two brave Sudanic Soldiers, and the Luo Soldiers fell into their own trap", says the King.
While all this was taking place in Uganda, King John Bart Agami was in Paris to complete his
Ph.D. in Law and Economics at the Sorbonne University - unaware of the imminent
Slaughter of his people.
Ugandan Ambassador
Threatened with Killing
Sudanic Soldiers
"My good friend, Mr. John Mpuga, who was the Secretary-General of the Inter-African
Coffee Organisation in Paris, had been approached by the Ugandan Ambassador who asked
him to invite me to a dinner at his home", says the King.
"When I arrived at my friend's home on Sunday 24 January 1971, Uganda's Ambassador
Mr. Barungi wanted me to sign an Agreement to abandon the West Nile District so it would
become a part of Uganda. If I refused, my "miserable, good for nothing people" would be
butchered without mercy.
I refused blankly and left the dinner party, and when I returned to my lodgings in Paris,
calls came through from my people in Uganda informing me of the situation for our soldiers."
What was to be a Bloody Massacre ('Bloody Sunday') against the Sudanic Soldiers turned
out to be a Disaster for the Ugandan Army. Sergeant Musa Yega, was among the few
Sudanic Soldiers who had avoided being locked up in the barracks. He now took
charge as Commander of the fight against President Obote's National Army.
Tank Driver Rammed
His Tank into Weapons Arsenal
Assistant Sergeant and Tank Driver Jackson Asiki (from the Kakwa Tribe) rammed his tank
into the weapons arsenal, and in a short time they had armed the Sudanics from Kampala
who had been alerted and arrived at the barracks.
"The whole operation was run by a Sergeant, a Tank Driver and a Corporal, Longino Ofuruko,
who was Tank Chief in the Ugandan Army", says the King.
"The Sudanics waited for the Luo Soldiers to come through the gate after which they were
to finish the job of killing the Sudanic Soldiers inside the barracks. They sensed no danger
as the Sudanic Soldiers tricked them by pretending to be Luo and speaking the Luo language.
Once inside the grounds, the Luo Soldiers were Attacked and Defeated, and the Coup
was over in twenty-four hours.
Ugandan Army Tricked
by Ten-Year-Old
"One of the gimmicks which tricked the Luo Soldiers to storm the barrack gate was the
wild shooting from the Command Post on the Kololo Hill. It was Amin's ten-year-old
son who had been placed there with a machine gun, but the Luo Soldiers thought it was
Amin himself", says the King.
"However, Amin, who was Chief of Staff in the Ugandan Army, was not even at the
barracks. He had left Kampala earlier sensing that something was in the making and not
wanting to be part of it.
When Obote's Forces had been Defeated, the Sudanic Lieutenant-Colonel Ernest Obitre Gama
of the Lugbari Tribe was asked to take Power as President of Uganda. He refused, and the next
in rank was Major-General and Chief of Staff Idi Amin Dada from the Kakwa Tribe. Amin could
not refuse, and this is how Amin became President of Uganda on 25 January 1971."
The story of what really happened and what led to the rise of Amin as President of Uganda,
has now been told for the first time.
President Obama Revives
"The Lango Masterplan"
It is thought provoking that exactly thirty-nine years later, in January 2010, US President
Barack Obama (himself of Luo background) signs a Congress Decision for Military
Intervention in DR Congo, i.e. in the Lado Territory Ituri.
By his signature President Obama revives "The Lango Masterplan" of Ethnic Cleansing of
the Sudanic Peoples living in the Lado Territories in Central Africa, the Great Lakes
District and the Nile-Congo Watershed.
Five Million Lado People
Killed in Last Fifteen Years
It is no secret that more than five million Lado People (Sudanic Peoples) have been killed in
the Lado Territories during the past fifteen years, and that hundreds of Sudanic Women
and Children are constantly being Raped by Ravaging Troops from Uganda and Rwanda
under US and British Command under the blind eyes of the UN Peacekeeping Troops.
Adding to this the Lado People are being Killed and Driven from their Land by Forces
from the SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army) who take Lado Children as
Child Soldiers.
It is no secret that the SPLA are heavily Sponsored by the US, and that the Plan is to
Annex the Northern part of Lado, with the main city Juba, into Sudan - and into a brand
new state which will be known as "South Sudan".
Lado People Refuse
to give up Fight for
Independence and Sovereignty
"President Obama has no Intention of coming to the Rescue of the Lado People or to
Stop the Killing and Raping of Lado People", concludes King John Bart Agami.
"His Objective is for the US to Control Lado, Central Africa, through the neighbouring states. This
will enable the US to get Access to the vast Natural Resources belonging to the Lado People.
But even against the Mightiest Powers of the World, Lado People will stand firm and
Refuse to give up their Fight for Independence and Sovereignty and to end the Illegal
Foreign Occupation of Lado Land.
If President Obama pursues the US Strategy to take over Lado, he will have so much Blood
of Lado People on his Hands that it will never wash off, and he will still not be able to kill us all.
Lado will, at the end, become an Independent Sovereign State of Lado."
1 October 2010
News Service for the Kingdom of Lado
P.O. Box 192 - DK2000 F - Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 3535 5503 or (+45) 9886 1290
www.npi-news.dk - npi@npi-news.dk
Message From King John Bart Agami, Agofe of Lado,
Central Africa:
Seven Degrees Determines Life
or Death for Lado State, Central Africa...
The Ancient Kingdom Ladoland/Lado State (Central Africa) lies in the very Heart of Africa. Exactly Seven Degrees north of Equator is the Borderline between Lado State (Lado Enclave) and Sudan. This Territory has falsely been portrayed on modern days' maps as the Republic of Sudan.
However, this Border was drawn up in 1906 (13 December) by the European States: France, Italy and Britain.
Borderline is
A Valid and Legal
This Agreement is a Valid Legal Document kept at the International Court of Justice in the Hague and recognised by the United Nations.
Lado has Suffered from Perpetual Attacks to Conquer Ladoland Territory since it was Invaded by European and US Forces in 1871.
Lado has since been fighting to drive out Foreign Invaders and Slave Traders and has till this date Succeeded in remaining - at least formally - Uncolonised.
but not Colonised
Since 1947 Lado has been under Illegal Occupation by Belgium and Britain who have Partitioned Lado into Three Parts under the Administration of D.R. Congo/Zaire (Southern Lado), Uganda (Eastern Lado) and Sudan (Northern Lado).
Lado Terrorised
by US Sponsored
Since 1983 Lado has been Terrorised by Rebel Forces from among others SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army). This Terror Organisation has turned Northern Lado into a Battlefield, has driven out Lado People and Kidnapped and Enslaved Lado Children to fight as Child Soldiers against their own villages.
"The Aim for the SPLM (the Political Section) is to break loose from Sudan and form an Independent State called "Southern Sudan"", says King John Bart Agami, Onzima II, Agofe of Lado and Head of the Lado Provisional Government.
"However, Sudan will not allow the Rebels to Separate the South Sudanese Territory from the Sudanese Motherland. Therefore the Rebels have set their eyes on Lado Territory south of the Internationally Recognised Borderline at Seven Degrees North of Equator."
South Sudanese Rebels
Want Lado Town Juba
as their Capital
"The Quest for the SPLM is to gain Control over Northern Lado and Create a South Sudanese State with Juba as its Capital", says King Agami.
"They Pretend that Juba is a Border Town, but Juba is 200 miles south of the Official Seven Degree Borderline from 1906 and is the bona-fide Capital of Northern Lado.
Terrorists Finansed
and Armed by the US
In these times when Europe and the US are keen to place any Independence Movements and Resistance Groups on the Terror List, it seems odd that the SPLM and their Military Wing SPLA remain absent from this list.
The Organisation is never the less Responsible for Atrocities committed on Lado Territory amounting to Millions of Deaths and the Creation of other Millions of Refugees and Displaced Persons inside and outside Lado.
End Objective
is to Partition
Black Africa
"These Atrocities and Blatant Violations of Human Rights are of No Concern to the US and the Europeans", says the King. "They are siding with the SPLA Bandits in order to fulfill their End Objective which is to Partition Black Africa, to Minimise Sudan and to Destabilise the whole Region of Central Africa.
Part of this Plan is to Create another Separate State, namely Darfur (Sudan) where Chaos has prevailed for years thanks to US Sponsored Terrorism carried out by three different Militia Groups against the Black Civilians in the Darfur Area.
These Planners do not care about Human Suffering, and in this respect the Superpowers have not moved an inch since Days Immemoriable, or more recent events in Human History, such as the Days of Alexander the Great, the Conqueror Hannibal, the Holy Roman Empire or for that matter Hitler or Stalin.
The Common Denominator is: 'The End Justifies the Means', and whether or not the Means are Barbaric and Inhumane, is of no concern. Especially when it hits People in Black Africa where Lado People have been Targeted as 'Undesirables' for decades."
Lado People and Lado State
in the Way for US and EU
Sattellite States in Africa
Lado People's steadfast Determination to Demand the Abolishment of the Bogus Illegal Occupation and to be Recognised as a Sovereign Nation State, with the Full Territorial Integrity of Lado, is a Hindrance to the Overall Plan by the US and their European Partners. On this King Agami says:
"The US and the European Corporate Governments have no Scruples to side with the Devil when it comes to Realpolitik and Geopolitics to Reshape the Map of the World.
The Objective is to Control Land, Natural Resources and Human Resources, and this Overrides Concern for Human Lives, Welfare and Human Dignity.
Millions of Dollars plus US "Command for Africa" have been póured into Rebel Movements and the Armies of Neighbouring Countries, in particular Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda in order to Undermine Legal International Agreements and UN Charters and Resolutions."
Plan is to Move
Poor African-Americans
to Lado Territory
"This is how the US wish to carry out their 'Final Solution': A Giant Resettlement Scheme which will move the poor African-Americans to the Lado Territories in Central Africa. Here they will Serve as Cheap Labour for the Corporations and Multi-Nationals", King Agami emphasizes.
"Lado will then be Governed as a Sattellite Territory of the US/European Empire and will be used as a Buffer Zone from where the Empire can Control most of Africa ('Terra Nullus', ref. the Paris Resolution of 3 August 1875)."
Urgent Action Needed
to Recognise and Save
Lado State in UN
"To put a Stop to this Devellish Plan and to Avoid more Spilled Blood in Ladoland and in Central Africa it is Imperative that the Question of Lado Independence is put up for Voting without Delay in the UN General Assembly where the 192 Member States will be able to Cast their Vote according to Articles 1, 11 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945", says King Agami.
"The Lado Issue has finally been Freed - though this is just a Proforma Release - from the Locker of the UN Security Council. The Lado Issue has been Trapped inside the UN Security Council Locker ever since 1947."
From One Deadlock
To Another
"The Final Step to Freedom and Independence for Lado State (C.A.), however, is still Blocked by heavy-handed Interest Groups", the King says.
"They have now managed to Block the Lado Issue from the General Assembly Voting by a 4-year hold-up in the UN Department of Political Affairs. This Department is a UN Body Acting on behalf of the UN Security Council whose Task it is to Prepare the Committee Report on which to Vote.
Deliberate Delay
Used as a
Bureaucratic Weapon
The Deliberate Delay is a Bureaucratic Weapon in Facilitating the Giant Plan to Create a New State called Southern Sudan in Northern Lado (C.A.) and to give away the other Lado Territories to our Neighbours D.R. Congo/Zaire and Uganda.
If this is allowed to happen because of the Deliberate Deadlock in the UN Department of Political Affairs, Lado State (C.A.) will be Wiped Out, and Lado People will Cease to Exist.
And the UN will be Responsible for Another Genocide and Holocaust in the History of Mankind.
Is this what the World and the Peoples of the World want?"
20 March 2010
Message From King John Bart Agami, Agofe of Lado, Central Africa
Lado People (Central Africa) Freeing
Themselves of the Ghost of Colonialism...
By Britt Bartenbach
Press Officer
The cold winds of White Supremacy in the shape of British Rule is fast losing their grip on Lado (the Lado Enclave), the Nation squeezed in between a number of countries in the Nile-Congo Watershed by the Upper Nile Valley and Great Lakes District deep in the very Heart of Africa.
Truth about Lado
Hidden from the
Outside World
Like among others the People of East Timor, Curdistan and formally Poland in the Heart of Europe, Lado People have been living in the shadows of Oppression, Occupation and Partition for generations.
No means or harsh measures have been spared in order to keep the People of Lado in Ignorance of their History and to hide the Truth from the Outside World.
The Big Lie which has been keeping up the Illusion of a 'never existing' Lado is about to be exposed for all to see.
British Occupiers
Desperate to Hold on
to the Big Lie
In 1871 Lado was invaded by joint forces from Britain, France, Italy, Austria and the US. Lado was then named Equatoria and was administered by Egypt under the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire.
After twenty-one years of fierce fighting to oust the Foreign Invaders, the Belgians, who had remained with the British to share Lado between them, decided to withdraw their troops.
Made a False
Document to
Lease Lado
Britain, however, refused to let go of their Precious Conquest.
"Since they could not own Lado by Legal means or on the Battlefield, they drew up a False Document saying that Belgium had Leased Equatoria (Lado) to Britain", says King John Bart Agami, Onzima II of Lado, who heads the Lado Provisional Government from his refuge in Denmark.
"After several failed attempts to Force or Bribe the Kings of Lado, first my Great Grandfather, HM Ayingani, then my Grandfather HM Lemiro, followed by my Father HM Anacleto Atobua and myself to hand over the Sovereignty of Lado to the British Crown the British resorted to cheating and used the false Lease Contract in September 1892.
In 1948 my father was close to get Recognition of the Lado State as a Sovereign National Entity in the UN General Assembly", says King John Bart Agami. "Just as he was about to leave for New York the British had him shot by an assassin outside his house in the Lado Capital Arua Aru."
Lado King under
UN Protection after
Countless Assassination
The present King of Lado, King John Bart Agami, has lived ever since in danger of being assassinated for his steadfast Refusal to Bow to the British Demands. He was imprisoned, Tortured and finally managed to escape before Execution from the Military Maximum Security Prison in Kampala, Uganda, the Obedient Neighbouring State which is the "Jewel of British African Commonwealth".
Belgium Recognised
Lado as an Independent
Country in 1892
Though Belgium recognised Lado as a Sovereign State in its own right back in 1892, the Belgians were bound by the Paris Treaty, the Berlin Treaty and the Vienna Convention to side with Britain in the Question of the Colonies and the Partition of the African Continent.
So, at least formally, though not practically, Belgium is still Responsible for the present day Illegal Occupation of Lado.
EU Countries
Desperate to Fill
State Coffers
"According to International Law and to the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and UN General Assembly Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988, Lado is 'Occupied Territory', and if the International Community had a Will to abide by International Law, Lado would have been an Independent Nation State by the year 2000", says King Agami.
"Indeed, Britain's Queen, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, promised Lado Independence in 1960. However, the Countries of the European Union are so Desperate to fill their State Coffers and the Pockets of their Corporate Share Holders that they have no second thoughts about Robbing Lado's Natural Resources and Grabbing Lado Agricultural Land for Pig Farming and other Industrial Projects which are unpopular and not feasible in Europe due to the Carbon Issue and the Global Warming lobby."
10 Million
Lado People
"They don't think twice about turning Virgin Land into a Wasteland and to cause Death and Expulsion of hundreds and thousands lives, even several million lives in the case of Lado People, whose Ancestors have been the Caretakers of our Ancient and Sacred Ladoland for Centuries. This has been the case ever since our people left Egypt around 700 b.C. and settled at Mount Lado in the northern part of Lado", says King Agami.
"During the Late Period (712-3032 b.C.) of the Reign of the Egyptian Pharaos Nubia was part of Egypt. In 712 b.C. Lado People under King Alia joined forces with Nubian King Pianike in an uprising to free themselves from slavery in Egypt. When King Alia was killed in 704 b.C., his son Laro continued the fight, and finally Lado People succeeded to break loose and leave Egypt. All this took place in the 25th Dynasty of the Egyptian Pharaos under Pharao Shabaka (712-698 b.C.) of the Nefrikare Dynasty. This was the beginning of the end of the great Egyptian Pharaos.
"Lado People lived peacefully inside their borders up till the Occupation of the Ottoman Empire when Lado was once again ruled from Egypt on behalf of the Ottoman Empire. Still under the Ottoman Empire Lado was once again occupied in 1871, this time by Western Forces (U.S., Britain and their European Allies) - and the present Occupation by Britain and Belgium has lasted since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1947.
The present Occupiers are so Desperate to hold on to their Loot that since 1980 close to 10 million Lado People have been killed. These Victims can only be seen as 'Sacrificial Lambs' to the Big Quest to Rule Lado for Profit and stupid Pride, and the World's Media Machine has chosen to pretend they do not know what is happening."
Lado is the
Geographical and
Spiritual Rooftop
of Africa
Many Myths and Legends still prevail about Ladoland, the Lado People and the Lado Royal Family.
On this King Agami says: "The Truth is conveniently hidden behind this Veil of Myth and Legend. By using this the British Occupiers have succeeded in Silencing the Lado People to the effect that they have come to Control their Minds resulting in a kind of 'Stockholm Syndrome', the expression used to portray the situation when a hostage comes to love his or her jailor."
Lado People
Have Been Fed
With Lies
"Our Lado People have not even dared to whisper the name "Lado" for Fear of Repercussions, and they have been told that their King is Dead, and that the entire Royal Family of Lado has become extinct. Therefore Lado People have been given to believe that there is no Hope for the Resurrection of the State of Lado in Central Africa", says the King.
Winds of Change
Blowing in Lado
But the Winds of Change have started to blow in mountainous Lado, the Rooftop of Africa, as the young People of Lado are set on breaking out of the Colonial mental and physical Prison and Demand to know their True Identity.
Lado is
a Historical
Treasure Box
"Lado History and Identity have been Hijacked and locked away for too long, and the Key to the Lado Historical Treasure Box is Ready to open up so that we can realise our Dreams for the Independence and Sovereign Nation State of Lado. Then we will Sweep away the mouldy Ghost of British and Colonial Rule", concludes King John Bart Agami.
18 February 2010
Lado News - Message From King John Bart Agami, Agofe of Lado:
The State of Lado is on the Road to Independence...
The present turmoil and unrest in several African Countries, with Kenye as the immediate example, is naturally disturbing and sad because many People are affected by Death, Violence and Loss of Property.
However, according to the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami, in the midst of all this Misery and Injustice against the African Population, there is a glimmer of Hope for the African Peoples and Countries in shaping their own Future.
The Agofe, Onzima II of Lado, has been fighting an untiring battle to put the State of Lado in Central Africa back on the map since the forbidden name of "Lado" was erased from the Maps of the World by the European Colonial Masters.
Lado kept in Stranglehold
of Joint Illegal Occupation since 1947
Since 1947 Lado - the "Lado Enclave" or "Equatoria" - which is situated in the Great Lakes Region in the Upper Nile Valley, has been kept in a Stranglehold by the European Powers Britain and Belgium who have joined in an Occupation of Lado.
"The Joint Illegal Occupation of Lado by Britain and Belgium in 1947 has made the State of Lado into two Cultural Sectors: (a) the French Speaking Lado to the West (Belgian), and (b) the English Speaking Lado to the East (British)", says King John Bart Agami. "The Act of Occupation alone is not consistent with the Treaty of Berlin 26 February 1885, Articles 6, 12, 15, including 34. However, the British/Belgian Occupation of Lado was not translated into complete Colonial or Protectorate Status by Treaty signed by the Agofe of Lado."
European Colonial Masters
Cannot Inherit the State of Lado
"Consequently, the Former Colonial and Protectorate Countries of Belgium and Britain cannot inherit the State of Lado, which still exists as a Political Entity and as a Nation State of Lado. However, it is a Fact that the State of Lado is an Occupied Territory, first by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) on 26 May 1871, and by Belgium-Britain jointly from 15 May 1947."
The King emphasizes that Lado People have never accepted Foreign Rule, and that Lado is the only African Nation that never signed over her Sovereignty to Colonial Powers.
"By standing firm and demanding our Right to Exist and to be Recognized as a Sovereign Nation State by the International Community, Lado has stood out as a Beacon and an Example for the People all over Africa who will no longer tolerate Suppression and Enslavement in their own Homelands.
After four hundred years of Slavery (during 1440-1840), Degradation and Poverty, the African People were left in a State of Shock. And it is little wonder that they chose to lull themselves into Apathy in order just to try to Survive", states the Agofe who sees the present Unrest in Africa as a sign that the African People are Awakening from their Sleep, and are taking charge of their own destinies."
African People are Ridding
Themselves of their Ruling Elites
"What we are witnessing now is that the African People are ridding themselves of the Ruling Elite, who have Betrayed their People, and who have only been kept in Power with the massive Support of the Old Colonial Powers, mainly Britain, France and Belgium, who have contributed heavily with Military Expertise and Weaponry. And not least to the pockets and Foreign Bank Accounts of their African Leaders.
In this way, and by creating a Ruling Class chosen from a favoured group or a Tribe/Clan, who got Positions in Power, the former Slave Traders have managed to Divide and Rule and ensure that the African People have been kept Enslaved in their own Homelands long since the lucrative Slave Trade was Abolished.
This Policy has led to needless Massacres and Bloodbaths and Tragedies as the one which happened in Rwanda, which are often referred to as 'Ethnic Cleansing'. However, this covers over Atrocities and gross Human Rights Violations by Government Security Forces who are used to quell any sign of Resistance or Criticism against the Ruling Elite.
Through Brutal Force these Ruling Elites have managed to keep their Populations in a state of constant Fear and Obedient Silence", says King John Bart Agami.
Ruling Elites have been
Rigging Election Results
"Up till now these Elites have even got away with the Rigging of Election Results, which have not only taken place in our neighbouring country Kenya, but also has been the Order of the Day in Ugandan Politics where the President still reigns Supreme with the Backing of Britain and Britain's Scandinavian Allies who will gladly Support Uganda to suit their own Interests", says the King.
"Uganda has for many years been the 'Darling' of the Anglo-American Powers and their Scandinavian Allies, who are Running and Controlling the Ugandan Administrative System, and in this way are in a position to use Colonial Uganda as a Stepping Stone to take over and usurp Lado's Natural Resources and Drive out the Inhabitants: The Lado People who have become Refugees and 'Displaced Persons' in their own Homeland.
This situation has become Intolerable to the People of Lado, and they have started to take matters into their own Hands, and to Stand Up for their Rights and for what is rightfully theirs.
Like their Neighbours in Northern Uganda, the Local Lado People have Bravely Protested and Fought the Ugandan Government, who had made a Deal for the Sale of Virgin Forest Land to a Canadian Lumber Company.
The Lado People successfully stopped the Devastation to their Natural Resources which would have Laid Waste valuable woodlands into Arid Desert if Big Business had its way.", says King John Bart Agami.
Success Stories Throughout
Lado to Stop Big Business Plans
Other Success Stories throughout Lado, such as the Lado initiative to stop Oil Drilling, the UK Indians' Plans of Sugar Plantations and the Colonial and Corporate Plan to turn Lado into a Giant Pig and GMO Soya Beans Farming Area, which would have resulted in Widespread Pollution, have given the Lado People the Courage and the Determination to fight for what they Believe in.
"That is the Territorial Integrity of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado and the Independence of Lado", the King states, and continues: "The Days of Imperialism and Colonial Power are gone, and a New Age of Freedom and Independence is Emerging. We want Freedom of Lado.
The Powers who have held Command of the World for the last four hundred years, are losing their Hold of the World, and the African Nations want to Write their own History.
For much too long the Oppressors have Occupied, Raped, and Erased the African History, but the Lado People are beginning to find and recognize their Rich Cultural Heritage as the Ancient Kingdom Created on the Remnants of the Old Egypt as early as 700 BC, when Lado was founded under the name "Ladoland" and on 9 May 847 AD when the Modern Lado was Established."
The Restoration
of The State of Lado
"Lado People will Stand Firm to see that the Lado Sovereign Nation State is Restored with its Original Boundaries from 1887-1907, and the State of Lado is Recognized by the U.N. and the World Community", concludes King John Bart Agami.
4 April 2008
Cover-up Operation Against Lado...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
A Multinational Force consisting of 11,000 troops from 'Nations of the Willing' are preparing to make a swift move of insurgence to North Lado (Central Africa).
Officially they are to supervise the 'Nairobi Agreement' of 9 January 2005 which is to bring Peace between the Rebel Forces SPLM (Sudan People's Liberation Movement) and the Sudan Government in Khartoum.
Long-term Objective
to Destroy Lado
However, there is no doubt that behind the move is the long-term Objective to Destroy Lado, the Lado State in Central Africa situated in the Great Lakes Region and in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region, which is falsely shown on the map as Southern Sudan and DR Congo. But it is the Northern Territory of Lado ("Equatoria and Ituri Province of Lado" since 1871).
Occupation of Lado
under the UN Banner
"Once again the UN is being used as a shield to gain access to Lado Territory which is difficult to conquer.
To cover an Illegal Invasion it is most convenient to let the Operation go ahead under the UN Banner", says the Agofe (King) of Lado, Onzima II, Dr. John Bart Agami, from his refuge in Denmark from where he is the Head of the State of Lado.
Keeping Up Illegal
Occupation of Lado
"The UN is assisting those who have been Waging a War against the Lado Issue of Independence since 1947.
Till today Britain has doggedly refused to let go of Lado Territory, which comprises the Ituri Province of Lado which shares borders with North-East Congo, and where more than Four Million Lado People have been Killed in the last ten years", says the King.
In that same Ituri Province, where UN troops have been posted for the past three years to 'protect' the Lado People from Attacks and Massacres carried out by insurging troops from the British controlled Uganda and Rwanda - and with additional troops consisting of soldiers from Kenya, South Africa and the US - there have been grave Sexual Abuses by these UN troops against minors and young women of the Lado population. All of which has recently been admitted publicly by the UN, and a UN report is currently being made on the situation.
Abductions and Sexual Abuses from UN
Commonwealth Soldiers the Order of the Day
The citizens of Lado in the Ituri Province had enjoyed relative Peace and Protection when Uruguayan UN troops had been stationed in the Province (Ituri Province).
However, since the Uruguayans were replaced by the 'UN Peacekeepers' (Troops) from the British Commonwealth countries: Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and South Africa, the Devil has been on the loose in the Ituri Province of Lado.
"Our Lado People in the Ituri Province are living in speechless Terror from these UN Forces (Peacekeepers) who make daily raids on Lado Citizens' homes where they force young women and children to come with them at gunpoint.
If they refuse, or their family members attempt to intervene, they are simply shot on the spot", says King Agami.
"The number of such Abductions is out of hand and can be counted in their hundreds. They are taken to the infamous KZ camp 'Ariwara' and other camps where they are subjected to Sexual Abuses by the UN Soldiers, and forced into Prostitution. Those who they can no longer use are being disposed of - and noone knows what has become of them - whether they have been killed or taken to another camp.
The boys who have been abducted are being trained and drugged to turn them into 'Killing Machines', who can be ordered to attack their own Lado Villages and Families in the Ituri Province."
UN BombingRaids
on KZ Camps
However, some of the Ituri People (Citizens) of Lado finally decided to defend their families which resulted in armed skirmishes that ended with the death of nine UN Commonwealth Soldiers.
This defiance of the Lado People so angered the UN Garrison that UN Troops launched Bombing Attacks on the Ariwara Camp and on other camps which Killed more than sixty Innocent and Defenseless Women and Children and wounded hun-dreds more Lado People in the Ituri Province of Lado.
Lado Protest to the
UN Security Council
"On behalf of the Provisional Government of Lado we have sent a Protest Letter to the UN Security Council, dated 11 March 2005", says King Agami.
"However, the UN has not reacted yet, apart from Dismissing the Lado Protest by saying that the UN Soldiers Killed Lado People in the Ituri Province in "Self Defence".
The UN's next move was to give the 'Go Ahead' for the Occupation and Final Annihilation of the Nation State of Lado and of the Lado People who are apparently not allowed to inhabit this World, and especially not their own and Ancient Homeland of Lado in Central Africa."
UN has Become
a War Machine
"The UN has turned into a War Machine. It has Betrayed its Purpose to Protect the Weak and the Poor against the Insatiable Greed of the Rich and the Powerful", says the King, who is appalled by the willingness of the UN, to comply with and to bend to the Interests of the Powerful and Warmongering Nations, spearheaded by Britain and their Allies - and with the Support of the less noticeable Nations in the European Union, the old Slave Traders and Slave Transporteers.
Recolonisation by
Old Slave Masters
"It looks like the UN has ganged up with the 'Colonial Masters of the World', who are the same Nations that made their Riches on the Slave Trade by Exporting Millions of Africans like 'Livestock' to their Colonies in the West, in the USA, and the West Indian Islands in the Caribbean Sea through four hundred years 1440-1840", stresses King Agami.
"They forced their Reign of Terror upon us, but they never succeeded in Colonising Lado.
And Lado never signed over its Sovereignty to any Foreign Power.
This is why the continued Occupation by the British is Illegal according to International Law - and so is the UN Force which the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has condoned to force their way into the Territory of Lado (Central Africa)."
Blitz War to Obstruct Lado Independence
and the Return for Lado to the Nation State Status
"The UN Decision to deploy Foreign Troops on Lado Territory is a Panic Move to Obstruct the Imminent Declaration of Independence for Lado which the UN is well aware was to be announced this year (2005)", says the King.
"The Ploy is to carry out a 'Blitzkrieg' under the Cover of a 'Peacekeeping Mission' between the Warring Factions in our neighbouring country Sudan.
But the skirmishes in Sudan, involving the SPLM and the Darfur Crisis - which are both Orchestrated and Financed by Britain, the USA and their Corporations and Companies - have nothing to do with Lado. And Lado will not allow its Territory to be used as a Base for UN Troops in Lado Land (Central Africa)."
Reign of Terror Paved the
Way for Occupation of Lado
Lado has suffered greatly from the Reign of Terror of the SPLM (Sudan People's Liberation Movement). The Khartoum Government has been made to promise the position of Vice President in Sudan to SPLM. The Nairobi Agreement of 9 January 2005 between the Sudan Government and the SPLM does not include the Equatoria (Lado).
The official name of Lado was changed on 20 May 1871 to "Equatoria Province of Egypt".
Lado was Occupied on 26 May 1871 under the Sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), and was administered from E-gypt as the "Equatoria Province of Egypt".
Million Dollar Contracts
to 'Nations of the Willing'
The King is quite familiar with the ways these Colonial Masters Conquer and Rule through their paid off Lackeys and Collaborators in Africa, who are promised Titles and Fortunes when the Colonial Masters and their Business Corporations take over to 'Cultivate' the land by Clearing the Virgin Forests, Polluting the Environment with Oil Drilling, Mining and, not least, by Spreading their Giant Industrial Pig Plants throughout the Countryside.
The People of Lado are being Killed and Chased off from Their own Land in order to Clear the Land (of Lado) for Colonial Powers and Masters to benefit from the Lado Natural Resources: (a) Land, (b) Minerals, (c) Forests, (d) Animals (Fauna) and Fish, (e) Water, (f) Special Medicinal Plants, (g) the People of Lado (Slave Labour) and Sex Services.
The Occupation of Lado Snubs
UN General Assembly Vote on Lado (Africa)
The news to Deploy 11,000 troops in Lado snubs the real chance which Lado has to let the Issue of Independence be decided by Vote at the UN General Assembly later this year (2005).
"The UN Security Council has refused to implement the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and the UN General Assembly Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988, and which a Majority Vote of the UN General Assembly can force the UN Security Council to abide to", says King Agami.
"And that will eventually result in real Peace and Stability in Lado and in the Region of Central Africa.
But that is obviously not the Objective of the Colonial Masters and their Allies who are willingly letting these 'Colonial Masters' carry out their Plans under the umbrella of a Covert UN 'Peacekeeping Mission'."
Killings in Lado Mean Nothing to
Colonial Powers
"These Colonial Powers should not forget that Lado has the Right to Defend its People, its Borders, its Land and its Natural Resources under the UN Charter of 26 June 1945, Articles 1 and 73 - and according to International Law", adds King John Bart Agami.
"The fine words and memorial services all over the world for the Victims of the European WW2 Holocaust sound frightfully hollow - when you know that noone is lifting an eyebrow at the fact that millions of Lado Peoples' lives are Sacrifised to Satisfy the Needs of Colonial Powers and their Allies and Governments.
The Lado People have become the 'Jews of Africa'. But we refuse to let the UN or anybody else lead us like docile Easter Lambs to the Slaughter.
And we will not let the World close its eyes to the Holocaust taking place in Lado, Central Africa, though we are fully aware that African Human Lives do not count in the European World View.
All that we, the People of Lado, want is the Full Independence of Lado and the Full Sovereignty of Lado, (Central Africa).
God Bless Lado - Vive l'Etat du Lado!", concludes King Bart Agami, (Onzima II), Agofe of Lado, Central Africa.
Good Friday
25 March 2005
No Peace in Central Africa without
a Political Solution on Lado...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The present situation in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa has for a long time been a powder keg, ready to ignite into a full scale war on the entire African Continent at any moment, unless there is a Political Solution to Recognise Lado as the So-vereign and Independent State of Lado.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has desperately been trying to avoid a new Genocide which threatens to outnumber the Genocide of Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda - a Genocide for which the UN had to apologise for its share of responsibility.
in Lado
However, a Genocide of a much greater Magnitude has been taking place for the past ten to twenty years in the State of Lado which is loc-ated in the very centre of the Great Lakes Region, in the Great Western Rift Valley of Africa and in the Upper Nile Valley of Africa. Lado is also situated on the Nile-Congo Watershed or Divide Region of Africa, and due to Lado's elevated position, Lado is often referred to as the 'Continental Watershed (Chateau d'Eaux)of Africa'.
UN Security Council to
Recognise Lado Issue
"The UN Security Council cannot expect any Peace in Central Africa until they recognise that such a Peace, and a lasting Peace, is depending on the Recognition of the State of Lado and the Lado People's Right to Exist as an Independent Sover-eign State of Lado", says the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami (Onzima II).
Precious Time has
been Wasted by UN
"Precious time has already been wasted since 1947 with the pussyfooting of the UN who are anxious to avoid another Bloodbath of Historic Proportions. So, if the UN Secretary General is sincere, he will no longer hesitate to call for a Political Solution, including the Lado Issue of Sovereignty and Independence", says King Agami (Agofe of Lado).
A UN Peacekeeping Force has been deployed for the past two years in the Ituri Province of Lado (Bunia), which is falsely shown on the map as Eastern Congo. However, these forces have not been able to protect the Lado People from Massacres, Killings, Rapes and Kidnappings from Neighbouring Countries, from rampant 'Rebel Forces' and Gangs who are both Fin-ansed and Controlled by the Multinational Companies, eager to Profit on the Natural Resources of Lado.
Lado Demand for
Sovereignty Since 1947
"One wonders whether there is a Genuine Will to achieve Peace in our Region", says the King, "because there has been no attempt from the UN to call for a Political Conference on Lado, which is what we have been demanding since 1947.
Instead, you get the feeling that the UN has bowed to the Demands of Mighty Britain, and that the UN and the International Community prefer to pretend that the State of Lado and the Lado People in Central Africa do not exist.
They have adopted this attitude, without taking into account that the modern Nation State of Lado was established in 847 AD, and that the Ancient Lado was founded already in 700 BC."
Britain Keeping the Iron Boot on
the Occupation of Lado
"The Lado People have managed to look after their own Affairs inside the State of Lado in spite of being an 'Occupied Territory' by Britain and Belgium who have forced upon us an Occupation since 1947.
The European States divided the African Continent amongst them on 3 August 1875 (the Paris Resolution) and again on 26 February 1885 (the Berlin Treaty) where they took African Freedom and Liberty and imposed their Religion and their Values on the African Peoples", says King Agami (Agofe of Lado).
Plan is to Reinstall
Colonial Rule in Africa
"Nobody cared then that the African Continent consisted of Ancient Countries and Kingdoms which were much older and possessed a Richer Culture than that of the European States. Just as the Europeans and the US have now drawn up a Blueprint to divide the Middle East, im-posing their Values, i.e. Religion, Market Economy, Education and socalled Human Rights on the Populations in that Region bombing them into 'Democracy' if they don't submit willingly.
This same 'Gunboat Diplomacy' was used on the Af-rican leadership more than a Century ago, and in South America five Centuries ago.
In this Grand Chessboard of the World, where the Winners take it all, the Plan is that the African Continent is to remain under the Dominion of Europe, or rather under the extended EC/EU, who will Dominate the Continent under Colonial Rule."
British Plan to Annex Lado into
Sudan and Uganda
"Under these Auspices the British are planning to Annex Lado into Uganda, which is a British Protectorate under the British Commonwealth and into the Republic of Sudan, the former Anglo-Egyptian Condeminium (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan)", says the King (Agofe of Lado).
"Neighbouring Uganda, whose Public Service Sector is being administered by Foreign Countries on behalf of Britain, is suffering from food shortages, poverty and HIV/AIDS epidemics.
Uganda is dissolving rapidly in growing unrest and Rebellion against its Leadership who is using brutal Military Force to clear land in Northern Uganda where they chase People away by gunpoint and imprison them in Concentration Camps.
The same methods are being used against the Lado People to clear land for Corporate Business.
The Ugandan Government has planned forcefully to remove Madi People in the Nile Region of Lado from Metu along the River Nile through Laropi, Obongi and Bura (Rhino Camp) to clear the Land for 'Multinational Business Corporations'.
Where will these Madi People go (hundreds of thousands of men, women and children) - apart from being Exterminated?
But the Lado Council of Chiefs and the Lado Provisional Government have requested the Ugandan Government to withdraw its plan of depriving the People of Madi Kalavu of their Ancestral Mother Land."
Almost Four Million
Lado People Killed Since 1980
The Refusal to give in to the Oppressors and the Vultures, represented by the Multinational Companies, has come with a great cost, and the cost for Lado during the past ten to twenty years is almost four million Lado People who have been killed in what can only be described as the 'Genocide in Lado' (Central Africa).
Culture of Violence
and Greed
"The African Continent, and especially Central Africa in the midst of the Great Lakes Region, is one of the few places on Earth where there is still no lack of Natural Resources, and that is why the socalled 'Civilised Countries', who should more fittingly be named 'the Countries of the Culture of Violence and Greed' are so focused on Controlling the African Continent, and by Controlling Lado, that they want to be in total Control of the Land of Lado, the Resources of Lado and the People of Lado", says King Agami (Agofe of Lado).
An Independent Lado Will Assure Territorial
This is the reason why there is an urgent need for Recognition of the State of Lado as a Sovereign State (of Lado) in Central Africa.
The Recognition of Lado as an 'Independent Sovereign State' shall assure the Right of Lado People to Protect and Defend their Territorial Integrity and Sovereignty of Lado (Central Africa).
Quest for Resources
May Start World War
"If the UN lets them get away with this", says King Agami, "they will start a War amongst themselves for the largest Share of the Spoils, and if they are not stopped before that, there will be a Situation of Perpetual Warfare and Bloodshed, not only on the African Continent, but in the whole World.
The European States and the EU (European Union) are still reluctant to face realities, and they all prefer to bury the Lado Issue in the sand as they have done up till now in 2004.
They think that this provides them with an excuse to avoid solving the Situation politically, and they think that this might free them from sharing the Responsibility with Britain, who, with their backers the US, are refusing to let go of their Occupation of Lado, Central Africa."
Lado is Requesting Political and
Diplomatic Support
"The Lado Provisional Government is requesting the Political and Diplomatic Support from and through the UN in order to avoid the inevitable War for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado (Central Africa)", says the King.
"All that the People of Lado want and demand is the Right to Freedom and Liberty from the Intolerable Situation of Foreign Occupation of Lado.
Lado has never been Colonised, although Occupied, in contrast to so many other African States. And therefore, Noone has any Legal Right to Occupy Lado.
We, the Lado People, demand Independence of Lado and Sovereignty of Lado, and we will build up our Nation to Prosper in Peaceful co-existence with our neighbouring countries, Congo-Zaire, Sudan, Uganda, CAR (Central African Republic), Kenya and Ethiopia.
An Independent Sovereign State of Lado shall use the Natural Resources and the Human Resources for the Benefit of the People of Lado, Central Africa", says the King (Agofe of Lado).
Lado Needs International Recognition
as a Sovereign State
Since Lado was never Colonised, it has never handed over the Nation's Sovereignty to any Foreign Power.
However, as an 'Occupied Territory' Lado is denied the Right to a Seat and to a Voice in the United Nations General Assembly and must Struggle in Silence while the Lado People are being Butchered within their own Borders.
"We are Defending our Borders, our Land, our Natural Resources and our People as best we can, which is our Right under the UN Charter of 26 June 1945, Article 1, Article 51 and Article 73, including all the relevant instruments of United Nations and International Law.
But since there is a Lack of International Recognition of the State of Lado as an Independent Sovereign State (Lado), and because of the Negligence of the International Community, and of the UN, anyone feels free to Loot and Kill in Lado ( Africa)", says the King (Agofe of Lado).
Multinational Companies and Their Mercenaries
Behave like Warlords
More than fifty Foreign Com-panies are looting in Lado, and they have bought Protection from National Armies of some of the Neighbouring Countries and have hired the services of Private Companies providing Military Assistance in the form of Mercenaries, who are led by retired Foreign Colonels and Generals from Armies from Europe and North America.
These Companies and their Hired Hands, who are also hired by the Companies' Nation States, behave like Warlords of the most brutal kind, and they are not governed or restricted by any International Law or UN Conventions.
These Warlords have a Vested Interest in clearing the Lado Territory from its Rightful Owners because they own Shares in the Companies who have hired them to carry out their Bloody Business.
British want to
Kill the State of Lado
"The British, who have been sharing the Occupation of Lado with Belgium since 1947, are doing everything in their Power, and are using their Position in International Affairs and in the UN Security Council, to kill the State of Lado, and they are using their former African Colonies, their African Protectorates and their African Territories to do just that", says the King (Agofe of Lado)
"Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair's African Creation, the 'Africa Commission' has been set in motion with the main objective to finish off and Annihilate the State of Lado and to erase all trace of the Lado People from World Records", says King Agami (Agofe of Lado).
"The Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Nigeria have been chosen to spearhead this Initiative, and in this capacity The Republic of South Africa and The Republic of Nigeria have been appointed Britain's African Commissioners for NEPAD.
By doing so, the Right Honourable Mr. Blair is co-vering 'British Conspiracy' under the Cloak of African Affairs, and pretending that the Slaughter of a Nation and an Entire People - the Nation State of Lado and the People of Lado - are merely an 'African Affair' to be dealt with solely by the African Union (AU).
This Foreign Created Institution, the AU, is nothing but a copy of the EU, and Lado does not want to be a part of that AU.
The EU and the European Countries, who Colonised and Raped the Ancient African Kingdoms and oper-ated their profitable Slave Trade, are Responsible for the present Chaos and Conflict raging on the African Continent because the Colonialisation of Africa has never ended till today.
The Europeans, i.e. the British and the US, are wielding their Power through their willing Stooges and Puppet Leaders in the former Colonies who get their Share of the Spoils by Oppressing, Enslaving and Betraying their own People and their own Countries in Africa.
The European created African Union (AU) is imposed on African Countries as European imposed Artificial Borders on the Continent of Africa by the Berlin Treaty (General Acts) of 26 February 1885", says the King.
UN Secretary General
Must Act to Save the Lado People
"Instead of closing his eyes and ears and letting this International Conspiracy against the State of Lado go unnoticed, the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan should act under UN Article 99", says King Agami (Agofe of Lado).
"Lado has sent a Petition to the UN Security Council and has requested the UN Secretary General to act under Article 99, and all the the UN Secretary General needs to do is to express his concern for the Lado People and say that this Situation is Dangerous. The Secretary General needs to Express his Opinion on the Issue of Lado (Central Africa).
The least one could expect from the UN Secretary General is that he makes a Noise, even though he may not be Heard.
If he does not raise his Voice on the Lado Issue, the UN as an Institution will not act on behalf of Lado, and then the UN shall be regarded as practising a Policy of Discrimination and Racism against the Lado People in Central Africa."
Is the United Nations Part of the International
Conspiracy to Kill Lado?
"Does the UN Secretary General's Silence and his Lack of Noise mean that he doesn't know about the Issue of Lado?
Does it mean that he has not been informed about the Issue of Lado?
Or does it simply mean that he does not care about the Issue of Lado", asks the King (Agofe of Lado).
"Or is the United Nations part of this International Conspiracy to Kill the State of Lado?.
Whichever the reason, the Lado Provisional Government intends to pursue its Commitment to finding a Political Solution to solve the Question of Lado and the Crisis in Central Africa.
The Proper lasting Political Solution to achieve Peace in Central Africa is to call for another Berlin Conference which will pave the way for the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of the Nation State of Lado in Central Africa in the Great Lakes Region.
Alternatively, the UN Security Council could call for a UN Conference on the Question of Lado which would also pave the way to the Independence of Lado and the Sovereignty of Lado (Central Africa)", concludes King Agami (Agofe of Lado).
29 September 2004
LADO Stepping Into
Freedom and Liberty...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
After more than fifty years in the Shadows of International Politics and World Affairs the LADO Enclave in Equatorial Central Africa (ECA) in the Heart of Africa, LADO, is finally breaking through the Iron Curtain which has encircled LADO since the British secret Occupation of Egypt in 1882.
During that time Egypt was a Possession of the Ottoman Empire under which LADO was administered through Egypt under the Sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey), and since 1947 LADO is still, up till today in 2004, an Occupied Territory by Belgium and Britain.
By this Occupation of LADO both countries (Belgium and Britain) have the Responsibilty to the Occupied People of LADO, as "Non-Self-Governing Territory", to prepare them (LADO) for Independence and Sovereignty.
By refusing to allow the Independence and Sovereignty of LADO, Belgium and Britain are in Breach of Article 1 and Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945.
In the Event that Belgium and Britain choose to continue Obstructing and Hindering the Independence and Sovereignty of LADO, Article 51 of the UN Charter of 1945 steps into force.
Article 51 gives the People of the Occupied Territory of LADO the Right to take up Arms for Self Defence and for the Protection of the People of LADO, the Property of LADO and the Natural Resources of LADO.
LADO to have been
Independent in 1923
During Ottoman Rule LADO had been administered by and through Egypt, and this continued as LADO was still the 'Equatoria Province of Egypt' under the Sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey) until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire was dissolved by the Treaty of Lausanne of 24 July 1923.
According to the Lausanne Treaty, the Ottoman Empire, which had now become the Republic of Turkey in 1923, had to relinquish all the Territories under the then Ottoman Empire.
This included Egypt and LADO (Equatoria Province of Egypt), and meant that the Occupied Territories were and still remain Political Entities (Nation States).
That means that LADO should have been an Independent and Sovereign Nation State in 1923.
"As an Area under Egyptian administration LADO ought legally to have followed suit and shed the chains of Foreign Domination, be it either Ottoman or British/European Rule", says the Agofe of LADO, King John Bart Agami (Onzima II) who is the Sovereign of LADO (the Chief of State/Head of State). The Head of Provisional Government of LADO is the Keego (Prime Minister) of LADO.
"LADO was never Colonised, and we never signed over our Sovereignty to Foreign Sovereign Powers. Although Britain and her Allies waged wars (since 1871) against the State of LADO with endless attempts to wipe us out and Exterminate us until they finally decided to remove LADO from the Map.
Up till now nobody has given it a thought that according to International Law LADO should automatically have been given Independence along with Egypt", stresses the King who from his refuge as a Stateless Person in Copenhagen is preparing for LADO's Declaration of Independence in 2005.
War Against Pharaos
led to the LADO Nation
During Ottoman Rule LADO was known as "Equatoria Province of Egypt" (1871), and the Land by the White Nile in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region bordered by Sudan to the north, the Central African Republic to the west, the Congo-Zaire to the south and Uganda to the east.
Tthe Sudanic People, who are the main population groups in LADO, came from the North after the 50 year war against the last Egyptian Pharoas, ending in 700 b.C. with Victory for the Sudanics who had been joined by the forces of the Kingdom of Nubia (Northern Sudan) and the Kingdom of Makuria (also Northern Sudan).
The Sudanics were led by the Nobleman Alia who was Foreman for the Miners working in the Egyptian Goldmines, and who was killed in 704 b.C.
Alia was of the Moru Tribe (Luu People). His son, Laro, a brilliant soldier, became the first Agofe (King) of LADO in 687 b.C.
Oppression led to the Crumbling
of the Egyptian Superpower
The war and the internal unrest which had been intensified by the power struggle between the Egyptian High Priests and the Pharao couple Tut-ank-Amon and Queen Nefertite, led to the division of Egypt into three Kingdoms: Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt and Middle Egypt with the holy city of Thebes.
The lengthy war had bled the Egyptian Empire and had brought Chaos and Instability to the former glorious and invincible Superpower.
LADO Existed
Since 3000 b.C.
Following the war, which started as a Spartacus-like rebellion from 1090 b.C. to 700 b.C. when LADO became Independent from Egypt, the Sudanics left Egypt around 749 b.C. - as their predecessors the Jews had done under Moses around 11-1200 b.C.
Led by their war hero, General Laro, the Sudanics moved south and decided to settle around the foot of the Mountain which they named 'LADO'.
From this time they began to cultivate and inhabit the Virgin Land around the White Nile within the borders best known as the 'LADO Enclave' or 'Equatoria' - the land which the British arrogantly have chosen to refer to as plainly:
'The Area' in the Great Lakes Region and the Nile-Congo Watershed Region (Central Africa).
Western and European
Nations Ganging Together
However, Britain and the US now no longer stand alone with their abuse of LADO.
"They have ganged together with 22 other Western and European states who are Conspiring to let LADO disappear back into the Shadows, primarily by just referring to LADO as 'The Area in Great Lakes Region' with the sole purpose of hiding the Truth while they loot the Natural Resources of LADO by using Military Might", says King Agami.
Covert Plan to Deny LADO
Right to Exist
"In their Quest for Total Control these Nations, using fine Words and Values like: Liberty, Welfare, Human Rights and Freedom, make a Mockery of their own hollow and false utterances", says the King.
"Behind their rethoric and slick facade they conduct a Covert Plan that will deny us the very Right to Exist - and the most incredible of all is that they are now trying to carry out this Plan under the Convenient Umbrella of the United Nations who will then be willingly participating in a new Holocaust on our Land and without any Conscience they will let the LADO People be covered in more Blood."
Boulder Against
Religious Warfare
The History of LADO and the People of LADO is indeed one which is covered in Blood since theirs has always been a case of Defending their Homeland and their Right to Choose their own Way of Life on their own Land.
As the wave of the new Religion Islam started to roll from the northern part of the African Continent around 700 A.D., the LADO People fought back the Religious Invaders from the North, and LADO acted as a Boulder which prevented Islam (Arabs) from conquering the remainder of Africa.
Together with Ethiopia and Eritrea LADO was the first country on the African Continent to welcome Christianity - a religion very close to their own Ori inspired way of life. The Catholic Fathers - in the shape of their hooded cloaks - were sent as Missionaries (Franciscan Fathers) from Austria around 1711 A.D with their Mother House in Valletta, Malta.
They were followed by the Jesuit Fathers, who were predominantly teachers, and who helped draw up the (unwritten) LADO Constitution of 1772.
The Jesuits remained in LADO until 1867 by which time they were replaced by the still present Verona Fathers from Italy.
British Empire
Made LADO Suffer
When you consider the bitter resentment and the sulkiness that successive British Governments have treated the LADO Issue with ever since they were beaten severely in 1916 by defending LADO forces in the Battle of Erea at the foot of Mount Iti, it is interesting to reflect on the Cruel Revenge the former British Empire has made LADO suffer from since they set their Greedy Eyes on the Lush Pastures of LADO.
The victorious LADO forces were led by the present King Agami's Grandmother who was a Colonel and commanded a Regiment, and whom the British chose to refer to as 'The Bad Woman' (Her Majesty Queen Aliojeku) who was assassinated by the British in 1927 under the British Governor-General John Maffey (former High Commissioner of North-West India, to-day Kashmir).
Perhaps it was the embarassment of being beaten by a woman, and especially a Black Woman, which made the British keep the Defeat secret from Europe - and to bury 'The Bad Woman's" baby girl (HRH Princess Driciru) alive in 1916 - and this seems to be haunting the British Government till this day.
LADO Independence was Recommended
by British Themselves
One European, who was a witness to the Battle of Erea (Mt. Iti), was a young Englishman, who was spared by 'The Bad Woman', and returned to England.
This young Englishman made a Report in which he recommended that LADO be granted Independence.
The Report was immediately stamped 'Top Secret and Classified'.
When the British wanted to Occupy the LADO Territory 'The Area' in 1947, His Excellence, Major E. Weatherhead, was the Acting Governor of British Uganda Protectorate.
Uganda was a Protectorate under the British Foreign Office until it was Transferred by British Order in Council (Uganda) in 1908 to the British Colonial Office (BCO) which is today the British Commonwealth Office with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as the Head of the Commonwealth.
E. Weatherhead, who participated in the Lugbari (LADO) British War from 1914-1919, was now appointed Governor-General of LADO with Headquarters in the Capital of LADO, Arua.
"It is this British Occupation of LADO we have been fighting against up till today and since 1947", says King Agami (Onzima II).
Weatherhead (nicknamed Nzerekede), who came to LADO twice, took his wife Helen and his daughter Margaret there, who kept close relations to the LADO Royal Family up to the 1970's.
The LADO Issue, and the abominable treatment of the LADO People was close to Weatherhead's heart, and during his time as Police Commissioner of South Africa he drew up a Peace Agreement between LADO and England (1919-1920).
Other British VIP's, like Governor-General, Sir Charles Gordon ('China') and Winston Churchill, also warmly supported the Independence of LADO, as did Queen Elizabeth II in 1954 when she promised LADO Independence by May 1960 - but Powerful Political and Business Interests always stood in the way and blocked the Independence of LADO.
Risky Business to Work with
British Empire
"It is risky business to have once worked with the British Empire", says King Agami who is the 40th generation of the direct Royal Line which goes back as far as approx. 700 A.D.
During World War II, my Father, King Atobua (who was assassinated on 14 April 1948 by the British Colonial Agents on British Orders) commanded KAR Regiments under Admiral Lord Louis Francis Mountbatten in Burma.
Admiral of Fleet, Lord Mountbatten was the Supreme Allied Commander in South-East Asia 1943-1946.
The known history of LADO can therefore be traced back to its early beginnings in year 3000 b.C. which contradicts the Great Lie being promoted by the West that LADO did not and does not Exist.
After all we can trace the Historical Roots of our Homeland back longer than most nations in the World.
The LADO People are still very much alive holding up our Culture and Traditions within our Borders."
LADO Noblemen
Joined the Crusaders
as 'Knights of St. John'
"When His Holiness, Pope Urbano II, called for the First Crusade in 1095 A.D., some LADO Noblemen joined with the Knights Templars (St. John's Knights) in Malta to fight in the First Crusade.
"The route went through Malta where the Crusaders were enrolled into the prestigious 'Knights of St. John', and at that time my ebony black forefathers fought on equal terms as Knights of St. John and under the banner of the Maltese Cross", says King Agami.
New Wars are Waged in Former
Ottoman Territories
"Today's wars, or 'Military Operations', waged as 'Pre-emptive Strikes to install Democracy' under the banners of 'War on Terror' and real or imaginary WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), are being carried out in the Territories under former Ottoman Dominion, which includes LADO where the Anglo-American Alliance extends its Military Bases making way for their Business Corporations to take Control of the Natural Resources of the Territories where their Military yields Control through base Force", says King Agami.
When the Greeks dominated the Waves and the Deserts through Alexander the Great, and Hannibal passed the impene-trable mountains with his elephants, the Events of History and the Courage of the People stopped them.
Injustice Against
the People of LADO
Today the quest for Mineral Resources and other Natural Resources of LADO is being fought amongst 45 Foreign Companies from almost as many Nations (led by the Anglo and Western Europe) who have directly or indirectly been re-sponsible for the Suffering and the Massacres of Lado People by their Billion Dollar Financing of Military Movements and War Lords from the Countries surrounding the Territory of LADO, for the purpose of chasing away the People of LADO from their Homes and Land. This is done in an effort to create an Empty Territory in LADO for Foreign Settlement.
One outstanding major Player in this Unjust and Inhuman Action against LADO is the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Move-ment (SPLM) led by Colonel John Garang, a Dinka by Tribe from South Sudan (Upper Nile Region, Bahr-el-Ghazel Region and the Lake District Region). The SPLM got and gets a full Support from Britain-USA through the Governments of Uganda and of Kenya. That is one of the Reasons why the President of Uganda is described as the "Darling of the West".
"I hope the recent Agreement in 2003, between the SPLM and the Sudan Government shall result in a quick removal of all SPLM Bases on/in LADO Territory, the Repatriation of the South Sudanese Refugees from LADO Territory, and the Re-settlement of the Displaced People of LADO. All the Displaced People of LADO have to return and resettle on their own Jorovu (Tribal Lands in Ituri, Nile, Uele, Rohli, Yeyi and Kineti) which are all on LADO Territory. We look forward to the time when SPLM and Uganda will stop to enslave and will stop to kill the People of LADO with impunity with the full Blessings of their Super Power Allies", says King Agami.
Plan to Destroy
the State of LADO
"Not only that, but the Governments of Rwanda and of Uganda, in particular, have been supported (Diplomatically, Politically, and Financially) by Britain and the USA to Colonise the State of LADO so that the State of Lado is killed and removed as a Political Entity in Central Africa. And then the Territory of LADO is to be shared among Uganda, Rwanda, and Sudan on behalf of Britain and their Allies who are very much against the Existence of the State of LADO as a Political Entity in Central Africa. God or the Devil may know why the Anglo-Saxon World does not want to see LADO as a Political En-tity", says King Agami.
"For the last fifty-seven (57) years the People of LADO have been living as Refugees, Displaced Persons on their own Land and as Stateless Persons. They have been killed with impunity by some Governments of the Neighbouring/Surrounding Coun-tries. There have been Plans to Exterminate Millions of some of the People of LADO, in order to take the Territory of LADO, especially by Uganda, since 1967, and Rwanda (1997) whose Troops are/were under the Command of British and European Officers.For the last 20 (1980) years the Foreign Troops have roamed LADO Villages, Settlements and Towns killing with impunity under the Nose and Eyes of the UN. No less than 4 million People of LADO have been killed since then. In fact we have realised that the Black African Lives, especially Lives of the People of LADO, are of little or no value at all compared to other Human Beings, especially those from Western Europe. That is how I, and we, see it in accordance to the treatment of LADO by and in the UN System. It looks as though the UN is meant to recolonise the Black African People to deny them their Sovereign Right because they are Black African People. We, the People of LADO see it as this. Racism and Discrimination by the UN and the International System which is controlled by Great European Powers/Countries", sadly comments King Agami.
Time to Speak Out
to Save LADO
"This Holocaust in the Heart of Africa has been allowed to happen under the noses of the UN, the Red Cross and all the other Humanitarian Organisations operating in Central Africa who dare not speak out on LADO because the Anglo-American Alliance and their Europea Allies comes down hard on anyone who speaks of the true cause of war and of the Situation which we have to endure in LADO. And therefore it is time for all Rightous People and Nations to Speak Out to Save LADO", concludes King Agami who is getting ready to take the LADO Issue of Independence and Sovereignty to the UN General Assembly in 2004 and to the International Court of International Justice (ICJ) in the Hague if necessary.
This will be the last Legal Resort if the International Community and the Member States of the UN still refuse to open their Eyes, their Minds and their Hearts to the indescribable Horrors experienced by the People of LADO and implement the UN General Assembly Resolutions 43/47 of 22 November 1988, UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and Article 1 and Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945.In case of legal complications and Difficulties on the question (Decolonisation) of LADO, the UN General Assembly can refer the matter of LADO to the International Court of Justice for the Advisory Opinions.This will eventually result in the Formal Recognition of the State of LADO as an Independent, Sovereign Nation State (LADO) in Central Africa which will restore LADO to its former Historical Status as a Sovereign Nation State (LADO).
3 February 2004
The Western Governments Close Their Eyes to Genocide in Lado Committed by Britain's Secret Colony Uganda...
The world has looked on in silence while four million Lado People have been killed through the past ten years. Noone has tried to stop the slaughter and the war crimes committed against the Lado People
By Britt Bartenbach
and Ole Hans Jensen
Editors and Writers
Through more than fifty years the two countries Britain and the US have used their position in the UN Security Council to block the issue on independence for the Central African state Lado where a so far silent, and now very obvious, Genocide is being played out.
For a number of years the Danish Government has acted as a Pinnochio for Britain and the US in relation to the question on the independence of Lado.
Denmark has Acted
as a Go-Between
On behalf of England, and paid by this country, Denmark has been acting as a "Go-Between" or rather carried out their colonial functions as a kind of "Governor-General" or even "Viceroy" in Uganda whose army has been used to oppress and terrorise the population in the neighbouring Lado - a country which is the size of Sweden and which once consisted of approx. fourteen million inhabitants of which four million are now killed.
Lado is Constantly being Attacked by UgandaTime and again through the years Lado has been attacked by the armies of among others Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda - forces which are mixed with foreign mercenaries supplied by the British company Executive Outcomes with offices in London and Johannesburg, South Africa.
All this is financed though a fine meshed network by Britain, the US and the transnational corporations who are ready to step in and usurp the enormous unexplored natural resources of Lado, such as oil, gold, diamonds and uranium.
Lado has Struggled for
Independence for 50 Years
Lado, who has struggled to regain its independence for more than fifty years, is located at the socalled "White Nile" in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region and shares borders with the Central African Republic, Kenya, DR Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda.
Lado Royal Family
Under UN Protection in Denmark
Lado is governed by the Lado Provisional Government, which is headed by the Agofe and King of Lado, Dr. John Bart Agami who lives in refuge with his family in Denmark under the protection of the UN. The western governments have been well-informed about the continuing Genocide against the Lado People who are in danger of extinction, and they know full well who is responsible for the killings and the fighting in Lado - massacres which are mainly being carried out by the Ugandan army and by well-compensated "Rebel Movements" sponsored by Britain and the US plus the companies who have vested interests in gaining entry and exploiting the ressources in the Lado area.
A common trait of these sponsored "Rebel Leaders", who are laughing all the way to their Swiss banks, is their flair for the good life which is spent in million dollar luxury villas and by the swimming pools far away from the unpleasantries on the battlefields.
Denmark has Stationed
300 Civil Servants in Uganda
In the name of foreign aid and development in third world countries, which goes down well with the Danish population who have a tradition of contributing a large part of the nation's Gross National Product to poverty stricken countries, the small Scandinavian country Denmark has stationed approx. three hundred civil servants as well as military experts in Uganda. These officials control the Ugandan administrative system and actively participate in the training of the country's security services (among these the much feared Ugandan secret police).
Denmark Gets Her
Share of the Cake
In reality Uganda is run as a "Colony" of Denmark and Britain, and alas the one party state Uganda under the rule of the Dictator, President Yoweri Museweni, is the "African Pearl" of the British Commonwealth - a country which the charitable Denmark has pumped the vast majority of its foreign aid into - and now Denmark (and the Danish companies) expect to get their share of the cake or the spoils when the profitable resources in the neighbouring Lado are within easy reach, i.e. when the Lado People have been cleared out of the way.
For more than thirty years King John Bart Agami has worn out the soles on his shoes when he has been knocking on the doors of all the countries in the world in his untiring struggle to try to awaken the world - and primarily the socalled civilised Scandinavian countries who are always shouting about human rights and who like to get attention in the world press as states that clamp down on suspected war criminals.
Noone has Lifted a Finger
to Help Lado
But noone, not even the Scandinavian countries, has lifted a finger to try and stop the killing of the Lado People, and king John Bart Agami has only been given empty promises or a cold shoulder whenever he has contacted these countries to inform them of the desperate state of affairs in Lado.
Not Ethnic Conflicts
but a Fight for Freedom
The governments and the world press have been busy in making a perfect cover-up for the atrocities being committed against the Lado People on their own soil by calling the killings in Lado "Ethnic Conflicts" in north-eastern Congo.
This is all happening in the Ituri Province in Lado where the main cities Turit and Bunia are situated and where the Lendu population (i.e. the Lado People) heroically are giving their lives in order to hold their cities and their homes and lately have tried to muster some kind of defence against the modern and well-equipped Ugandan army and its heavily armed militia groups.
Order of the Day are
Bombs and Shellings
The order of the day here is nightly bomb raids of cities and villages, shellings, and machine guns against unarmed men, women and children - and the slaughter of the Lado National Defence Forces who in the very best of cases have to make do with old worn-out Kalashnikov rifles, but for the most part will have to contend with whatever may be at hand as a defence weapon, which is often just spears and bows and arrows.
The Genocide in Lado
is an "Endlösung"
The Genocide, which appears to be that "Endlösung" for Lado and its people which has been on the agenda for a long time, is presented in the press around the world as "Ethnic Conflicts" between two ethnic groups - and worst of all in the Danish media where it is shocking to read that the situation is blamed on the Lado People, i.e. the Lendu population, who are supposed to have committed genocide and ethnic cleansing against the poor militant Hemas from Uganda, read the Tutsies, who accompany and mix with the well equipped Ugandan when they invade Lado, and following their killing sprees take over the Lado cities.
Relief Agencies
Also Misinform
This presentation of the Lado tragedy is also given in press releases from the relief agencies who are even present in the area, and who, by the way, also get much of their benevolence from the western countries who stand to gain from the control of Lado.
No doubt these agencies are under heavy pressure to keep the lid on the truth by government censorship for the situation is the exact opposite - as it is the Lado People who are being the victims of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing by the hands of Ugandan troops and others who are being sent across the border with the intent to create muddy waters and so much havoc and terror that Lado will not succeed in gaining the independence which has otherwise been in the process through the UN.
Queen Elizabeth II
Promised Independence in 1960
Lado was to have had this independence already in 1960 in accordance with a promise made by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in 1954 to King John Bart Agami.
However, successive British governments - including the present Tony Blair government - have ensured that this promise was fulfilled in spite of the fact that Britain by no means legally can claim any rights to Lado or Lado's natural ressources.
Lado a Thorn
in the Flesh of Britain
It has been a constant thorn in the flesh of the British governments that they have never succeeded in threatening or bribing Lado and the King of Lado to hand over Lado's sovereignty to the British Crown - but the fact that Lado also has refused to enroll as a member of the British Commonwealth has caused the old colonial power to use even harsher methods against Lado and Lado's hard tested population.
Lado Royal Family
on the Hit List
The Lado Royal Family has been on the hit list for decades which has resulted in a few assassinations, and among these one of the most gruesome was when a British penal expedition buried the present king's baby aunt alive which was done to punish the royal family for its "lack of cooperation" and for its resistance to the British occupation.
Lado has Historic
and Legal Right
to their Homeland
Historically and legally Lado has the sovereign rights to its own state in the territory which is otherwise described as the "Lado Enclave" or "Equatoria" - though a little more than fifty years ago the name "Lado", one of the world's oldest kingdoms, could be found on every world atlas.
Lado Issue is still
blocked in UN Security Council
It is not difficult to guess why the Lado issue is still being blocked in the UN Security Council by the permanent members Britain and the US who do not want to risk the issue to go to the vote in the UN General Assembly because the Assembly would be obliged to fulfill UN Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, UN Resolution 43/47 and Article 1 and 73 of the UN Charter - and on top of this the international community is obliged to stand by Article 6 in the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885 which the old European colonial countries have all signed. However, in order to avoid having to fulfill these resolutions and the treaty, Britain and the US use the UN Charter, Article 12, for with this article they can block any issue that is not in their own interests from a vote among the membership countries in the UN Security Council itself.
The UN Stalls
and so does the World
While the UN is stalling, and the responsible political leaders choose neither to speak, see or hear, thousands of innocent Lado People are murdered, and as these words are being written, approx. sixty thousand people in Lado are desperately trying to run away from bombings, shellings, machineguns, cholera epidemics and a total lack of food, medicine and clean water - and they have nowhere to run.
The relief agencies are unable to get essential supplies through to Lado as they are being prevented from landing their planes in Bunia airport by the Ugandan troops.
Peace Treaty not Worth
the Paper it is Written on
Another "Peace Treaty" is reported to have been signed which is to be seen as a means to stop the "fighting" in Lado.
But as this treaty is signed by the same parties who are in the process of wiping out the Lado People from living memory, it is not easy to see how this piece of paper, along with so many other previous "peace treaties", is going to lead to peace for Lado.
Once again the parties have "forgotten" to invite representatives from Lado or from the Lado government to sit around the "negotiating table" where Lado's counterparts have been able to agree on better methods of camouflage and misinformation in order to carry through the ongoing genocide of the Lado People.
When will the World
Save Lado and the
People of Lado
If Lado, as a unique country and the Lado People as an indigenious people, are going to survive, it is in the nick of time, and they desperately need every support they can get. They are not asking for charity - just for the privilege and the basic human right to live in freedom and peace in their own homeland, in their own sovereign state.
When will the world leaders and the powers of the West act to secure the lives and the land of Lado - will ethics an human values win over profit and greed - or do they think they can hide like the ostrich in the sand and peep out again when the Lado People have been sacrificed on the alter of the Golden Calf, and do they believe then that they will not have blood on their hands and that they have not become an assessory to Genocide...
May 22, 2003
Time for Britain to Implement UN Resolution 1514
of 14 December 1960 for Independence of LADO...
From: King John Bart Agami
By Press Officer Britt Bartenbach
Around the World focus is intensifying with a magnifying glass on hitherto hidden or covered up Political Injustice against African Peoples and Countries.
The French have been through a painstaking ordeal in coming to terms with the Political Injustice in Algeria during the Algerian War of Independence and, in all fairness, are trying to make amends.
British Imperial
Policy Dies Hard
Britain wants to continue the British Imperial (Colonial) Policy through the Machinery of the Commonwealth which is a Body composed of former British Colonies, Protectorates and Dominions with legal Colonial special Links to British Sovereignty.
However, the British are finally directing attention to their own sinister behaviour during Colonial Rule in Africa, which lacks nothing in brutality and horror.
LADO Renamed
by Ottoman Empire
One such state was LADO (the LADO Enclave) bordered by Sudan, Congo-Zaire, CAR, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia, which was renamed Equatoria on 20 May 1871 by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).
The actual Occupation of LADO, however, took place on 26 May 1871.
The first Governor-General of LADO was Colonel Sir Samuel White Baker (a British National/Subject) who was thereby promoted to the Rank of Major General in the Turkish Army and then appointed by the Ottoman Empire to the Governor-General of LADO.
LADO Nation and
People Still Intact
It should still be known to a few that LADO has remained intact as a Nation and a People inside the old borders in spite of the joint Occupation by Britain and Belgium since 1947.
Legally, though, it was still the Ottoman Empire who was responsible for the Occupation of LADO even after the break-up of the Ottoman Empire, which became the Republic of Turkey by the Lausanne Agreement of 24 July 1923.
LADO withstood
Foreign Occupation
LADO is an example to other Nations and Indigenous Peoples who have suffered the fate of oblivion from the hands of Oppressors through the History of Man because LADO has managed to withstand the yoke of Foreign Occupation for centuries and is still managing this today - in spite of continued violent attempts from Insurgents, consisting of troops from Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda, to gain LADO Territory with all means, especially in the western part of LADO which on the map appears as "Eastern Congo".
US and Europe turn a Blind Eye
to Genocide in LADO
"Genocide is usually heavily condemned by the very same countries and their leaders whenever it suits their own interests", says the Agofe and King of LADO, Dr. John Bart Agami, from his exile in Copenhagen where he, as the Head of State (while the Prime Minister of LADO is the Head of the Provisional Government), continues his untiring struggle to free LADO and achieve International Recognition for LADO as the Sovereign Nation State which it Rightly and Legally is.
"When it comes to Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing Operations outside Europe and the US, it is easier to close one's eyes and pretrend you don't know until the Catastrophy has happened, and it is too late, as was the case with Rwanda where the UN could have intervened but ordered/decided to turn a Blind Eye and let the Atrocities happen (one million dead)."
LADO Victim of Ethnic
Cleansing for Decades
"In LADO we have been the Victims of such operations for Decades, and noone has so far lifted a finger to help us.
On the contrary the socalled "humane" Western Powers and their Corporate and Financial Institutions have seen their opportunity, and profit, in supporting, arming, finansing and aiding those countries and Rebel Groups who have been causing havoc and massive Refugee Problems for our People, a scenario which has hindered our Progress and our Chances to rid ourselves of the Poverty forced upon us by these parties", says the King.
Belgian Approach
to LADO is Specific
The Belgians who share joint Occupation of LADO with Britain since 1947, have long been favouring total Independence and Soveriignty for LADO.
Since 1947 Britain, a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, has always tried to Bulldoze the small Belgium into follow-ing the British Colonial Policy over LADO.
US Backingfor
British Colonial Policy
Britain, however, with the loyal backing of the US, is still clinging steadfastly to their hold on LADO, a hold which is administered with an army of Bureaucrats and Military Advisors from Britain and Denmark through neighbouring Uganda and Kenya, (African countries) which are both members of the British Commonwealth.
Independence of LADO
Promised 9 May 1960
LADO, which was promised Independence and Sovereignty in 1960 by Queen Elizabeth II at a meeting on 30 April 1954, has been frozen out as the King has refused to let LADO enrol in the British Commonwealth.
Instead he demands full Independence of LADO and full Sovereignty of LADO, a promise which various British Governments since then have flatly denied to fulfil.
Light at the End
of the Tunnel
For decades there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel on the road toward Freedom and International Recognition of the State of LADO (Africa).
However, in the past year the King's diplomatic endeavours have found sympathetic ears within the Diplomatic Circles, in Foreign Parliaments and in Educational Institutions.
British Colonial
'Pride and Prejudice'
Other countries are now coming to the aid of LADO and are finally beginning to rally together to support LADO's plea to be recognised as a National and Political Entitiy as an Independent Sovereign Nation State - though the British still refuse to let go of Her Imperial Colonial Pride and Prejudice in a Bizarre Remnant of the modern variety of British 'Pride and Prejudice' as in the Case of the State of LADO.
at Crossroads
"We have come to a crossroad in our Quest for Independence of LADO and Sovereignty of LADO where we must choose either/or, which means either we throw in the towel and give in by letting our beloved LADO, the 'Burial Place of our Sleeping Ancestors', and our People be Desecrated and Absorbed into the British Imperial Commonwealth as an Unwanted Minority; or we fight on till we reach our Objective: An Internationally Recognised Sovereign Nation State (LADO).
LADO People
are Determined
The LADO People have chosen the latter - to stay put and fight back with whatever it takes and at whatever costs involved to defend LADO Land and LADO Rights, because as strange as it may sound, non Europeans, People of LADO, who are Africans, also deserve and demand Political Justice and People's Rights", concludes the Agofe and King of LADO, Dr. John Bart Agami.
1 February 2003
Old Crimes never Die, and Yesterday's Hero is Today's War Criminal:
Lado Petition to UN:
No Peace without Justice
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Our World cries out for Justice like never before in the History of Man, and the Masses are pressing on for their Leaders to correct the Wrongdoings committed by States, Regimes, and Satanic Leaders of the Past and Present.
Many are those who, had they been alive today, would be facing charges for Crimes against Humanity, Genocide, and Ethnic Cleansing.
Every Country and each Continent have their War Criminals (W.C.'s).
Some come from within the ranks of their own Countrymen, others can be found within the Foreign Occupation Forces.
Africa the Continent
of Suffering
Just so with Africa, the Continent that probably would come in on the first place as concerns Suffering in the W.C. Competition.
Lado, the Enclave in Central Africa situated in the Nile-Congo Wathershed Region, which the Ottoman Empire renamed "Equatoria" on 20 May 1871, although the Governor- General of Lado (Equatoria) was a British National (Citizen), Colonel Sir Samuel Baker, promoted to the Rank of Major-General by the Ottoman Empire, in the vain hope that the World would forget that Lado ever existed, and that the Lado People themselves would eventually forget about their true Heritage.
Lado has Suffered her fair share in the hands of Great Britain (W.C.'s).
British Reign
of Terror in Lado
The absolute Top Scorer in Lado so far was the British Governor-General from 1926-1934, Sir John Maffey, whose name still today cannot be spoken in Lado without invoking Shivers and deep Emotions.
"During Maffey's Reign of Terror almost every Family in Lado suffered Losses of Dear Ones", says the Agofe and King of Lado (Onzima II), Dr. John Bart Agami, who speaks from his Exile in Denmark as the Chief of the State of Lado.
The Lado Provisional Government is Headed by the Keego (Prime Minister) Amba Basil Z. Olima.
Specific Task to Eliminate the Chiefs
and Entire Royal Family of Lado
"Sir Maffey was brought in by the British with the Specific Task to Eliminate all Chiefs and the Entire Royal Family of Lado.
He followed through on the Oxford Commission Recom-mendation of 1910 which had concluded that 'Lado must Cease to Exist'.
My own Grandmother, HRM Aliojeku, was one of Maffey's Victims.
She was named by the Brit-ish Colonial Government as 'Enemy Number One'. She was killed by a Colonial Assassin in Lado in 1927."
Baby Princess
Buried Alive
"Prior to her own Death my Grandmother suffered the worst that can happen to any Mother.
Her Baby Daughter, and my Aunt, Princess Driciru was only Six Months old when she was killed by the British Army during the Lugbari (Lado-British) War of 1914-1919. She was buried alive in 1916 by the British Army.
The British were enraged that they had not succeeded in Subduing the Lado People, or had not managed to Force the Royal Family to hand over the Sovereignty of Lado and let Lado be Annexed into the British Commonwealth Empire under the Superiority of the British Crown (King/Queen)."
Lado Queen Aliojeku
Defeated British Army
HRM Aliojeku, was the Leading Figure in the Defense of Lado, and she completely Defeated the British Army in Erea, Lado, at the foot of Mt. Iti.
'The Battle of Erea', as it was called, was a Devastating Blow to the British whose entire Regiment was totally Wiped Out by Aliojeku's forces, and the British have up till today neither Forgotten nor Forgiven the Humiliation of their otherwise Invincible Imperial British Army.
Lado Queen named
Enemy Number One
"My Grandmother was a Fierce Opponent to the British Occupation Forces, so they decided that she had to be Eliminated", says the Agofe.
"In fact the British issued a Decree to Eliminate the Entire Royal Family of Lado believing that with our Annihilation also Lado and the Lado People would cease to Exist."
Governor-General Brought to WipeOut
Lado Royal Family and Chiefs
They adopted the same Philosophy as that of the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution, when they Eliminated the Russian Czar Family, the Romanoffs, believing that would extinguish the Desire of the Czar Loyalists to fight the new Communist Regime.
The High Commissioner of North-West India, Sir John Maffey, was appointed Governor-General of Sudan and Lado, and was brought to Lado to carry out that very same Job to Wipe out the Lado Royal Family, the Lado Chiefs, and the Lado Leaders and their Families."
No Resistance to British Rule was Tolerated With this Philosophy in mind the British would not
Tolerate any Resistance and were Desperate to Rule Unchallenged.
Up till now the British have acted with Intent to Wipe out all Trace of Lado Royalty from the Face of the Earth since it is a Fact that as long as the Lado Royal House is Intact, there is still Hope for the Return of an Independent and Sovereign State of Lado.
Killings Continued
Through Decades
The Hunt for Lado's Royal Heads has continued through the Decades starting with the Assassination of the Agofe's Great Grandfather, HM Ayingani, who was killed on 7 March 1887.
In the following Generation the Agofe's Grandfather, HM Lemiro's Reign culminated with his Assasination in 1940, and only eight years later in 1948 his Successor, the Agofe's Father, HM Anacleto Atobua, was shot dead to prevent him from presenting the Lado Issue at the UN General Assembly Meeting in New York, USA.
Brother and
Daughter Killed
The Agofe's Brother, HRH Prince Thomas Candia, was killed in 1979. And on 4 October 1994 the Agofe's 30 year old Daughter, HRH Princess Driciru, who was a Military Officer (Captain), was killed.
She had been given the Choice to Spy on her own Father, the Agofe (King), or be killed.
Numerous Attempts have been made on the Agofe, King John Bart Agami's Life and those of his Closest Relatives.
"Just recently I was informed by a Diplomat, who advised me that I might as well start to write my Epitath (Tombstone Inscriptions)", says the Agofe.
Shrill Tone after Lado Petition to
United Nations
The British tone has changed from sharp to shrill since the Agofe and the Lado Pro-visional Government sent their Petition for Independence to the UN Security Council's Permanent Members on 1 January 2002.
This direct Approach has so Angered the British and their Allies, who are Opposing any Attempts to Pass the Question of Lado for Voting in the UN General Assembly where there would most certainly be a Majority Vote in Favour of Independence as there would be if there was a Vote for an Independent Palestinean State.
Lado the New Center
for an African Echelon
But why is Lado of so much Importance to the British?
Well, apart from being Rich on Natural Resources and Fertile Agricultural Soil, Lado is so Strategically placed on the African Continent, that the Former British saying about Poland in the Heart of Europe: "Who now holds the Leash on Poland" may be very appropriate on Lado.
Politicians keep
their Sponsors happy
The Elected Politicians must make sure to keep their Sponsors happy so not to arouse the Discontent of the Powerful Oil and Mining Lobby and their Affiliated Companies in the Weaponry and Pharmaceutical Industry.
The Weapons Vendors have vested enormous Interests in establishing an African Echelon in Lado which is the Perfect Spot to place the Gigantic Mushrooms and Listening Devices of the Foreign Powers (NSA, National Security Authority).
Echelon will
Control Africa
With such Installations in the mountainous Lado, the NSA, who Operate the 'Echelon System' in close Cooperation with the Countries in the Anglo-Saxon Axis of the British Commonwealth, will have the Optimal Opportunity to listen in on every Phone Conversation and to read each and every E-mail and Telefax being Communicated in the African Continent and Beyond.
Obssession with
Control of the African Resources
The New World's Obsession with Control of the African Resources have resulted in a new kind of War which is to Enforce all Nations to adopt the Anglo-American Prescription of Government: Democracy and Market Economy (Market Reforms) which usually means a US Puppet Government or a British Commonwealth Sattellite State which will be Favourable to the US and the British Business Corporations and not necessarily will Serve the Interests of the Nations' own Populations.
It is well known that Wars are started and Regimes are Toppled where the Big Corporations and their Governments are Eying either Oil, Gas, Uranium, Gold, Diamond Supplies or Land.
They have an Interest in using the Terrority as a Mi-litary Base, and as a Throughfare for Trans-portation and/or Oil and Gas Pipelines.
War on Terror an Ideal Cloak
for Take-overs
The new 'War on Terror' is an Ideal Cloak for such Enterprises and under these conditions Petitions for Sovereignty and Independence are not Welcome.
The Independence of Lado is long overdue, and concerned People are wonde-ring why the UN Resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, 43/47 and Article 1 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 have not already been Implemented so that the Lado People can have their Rightful Chance to run their own Affairs as a State.
New Colonisers Create Chaos
and Instability
In reality not much has changed since Governor-General Sir Maffey and the Colonial Hey Days of the past Century.
Today's Colonisers are getting their Objectives by creating Chaos, and Instability through Finansing and Training the various Government Troops and Rebel Groups who are used to make War against the People and on behalf of the Business Vendors to drive the Civilians away from their Homes to make way for the Bulldozers of the Developers, the Oil Rigs and the Gold Mines.
Rebels and Foreign Troops
Gang Up on Lado
The Rebel Forces and the Kenyan and Ugandan Troops operating in Lado carry out the same Massacres and Atrocities that the Colonial Troops of Governor-General Sir John Maffey.
"Sir John Maffey had been the Pet Governor-General of the British Empire after his Success in Quelling the Resistance in North-West India (today Pakistan)", says the King, Dr. John Bart Agami.
Divide and Rule
Perfected in Colonies
"Through the 'Divide and Rule' Policy Governor-General Sir Maffey had kept the fighting going between the Hindu and the Muslim Populations, which finally ended with the formation of the State of Pakistan in 1947, which was later split into two States with the Birth of Bangladesh in 1972.
But in reality, the fighting never stopped since Kashmir had not been included in the Pakistani State in spite of the fact that the Overwhelming Majority of the Population was and still is Muslim (80%) and belonging to the Pashtun Tribe.
It was no Coincidence that Kashmir was left as an Indian Province with a certain amount of Autonomy under the Watchful Eye of the Indian Military presence.
This presence had been built up massively since 1947 and so has been the Forced Transfer of hundreds of Hindu families who are now Settled in Kashmir and Jamu.
Kashmir may be
Asian Echelon Center
This was all part of a British Plan to Utilise the vast Energy Resources (Oil) in the mountainous Kashmir which in future may even be laid out as the next Asian 'Echelon Centre' - just as is the case with Lado on the Continent of Africa.
Under all circumstances Kashmir - as is the case with Lado in Central Africa - is an ideal Strategic Location for the Control of Asia and the surrounding Countries.
History and the Events in the World today show that the Decisions made one or even two Centuries ago have a Heavy Impact on the Policies and the Wars carried out in our Millennium today (2000 A.D.).
Growing Concern Worldwide for
the Suffering
But the Difference on the World then and today is that there is a Growing Concern for the Sufferings and the Injustices that hit the Common People anywhere in the World - whether it be Men, Women or Children in the West, in the Balcans, in Russia or Chechnya, in the Americas, in Asia or in Africa including Lado.
War Criminals
must Face Justice
Political Leaders or Commanders, who have Committed or Ordered Crimes against Humanity, are rounded up and brought to Justice - that is if they are not Members of the G7 Club, the WTO, the EU, or the Bilderberg Group who hold the real Power of the World and so far have been Beyond Reproach.
A New Age has Emerged with the Attempts to Prosecute Dictators and Lea-ders such as the former US backed General Pinochet of Chile and President Milosovic of Yugoslavia who had refused to Play Ball with the Rich and the Powerful of the West.
However, such Offenders as former US Secretary of State and Presidential Advisor Henry Kissinger and the present Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, plus others, may still be allowed to roam about until the Next Generation makes them face their Victims.
Justice not Reserved Only
for the Rich and the Mighty
"Governor-General Sir John Maffey still today is a Bright Star within the Ranks of the Pro-Colonialists of the British Empire.
But had he lived today, he would have been sitting in the Dock of a War Crimes Tribunal to face Charges for his Deeds in North-West India and in Lado where his Version of 'Maffey's Law' left a Generation of Innocent Killed and Maimed", concludes the King, dr. John Bart Agami.
"Justice cannot only be reserved for the Rich and the Mighty.
The Weak and the Poor must be given the Protection that only an International Court for Crimes against Humanity like the ICC can provide to All. "
ICC Tribunal must
Prevent Violations
"The Role of such an ICC Tribunal is to act as a Bolster to prevent the Viol-ations and the Killings by the most Powerful and best Armed.
Unfortunately the World's most Powerful Country, the US, refuses to sign the ICC Treaty, and so far has been granted immunity, as they demand that their Soldiers, as the only ones, must be Excempt from Repercussion.
This sends a Wrong Signal to the rest of the World and is probably the most striking example of the Double Standards and two-tongued talk of the Mighty who still adopt the Pre-historic Attitude of 'Might is Right'."
Lado Independence and
Sovereignty will Prevent Atrocities
"There is only one way to End and Prevent Injustice and Atrocities like those still being Committed against the Lado People, and that is to end the Unlawful Occupation of Lado and to Implement the UN Resolutions 1514, 43/47 and UN Charter Art. 1 and 73 that give Lado the Right to Sovereignty and Independence.
Lado must be an Independent and Sovereign Nation State in Africa and in the World."
7 July 2002
Lado - Africa's Middle East:
The Quiet Holocaust of Lado...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The Voices of the People of the Middle East have been Crying out for fifty-four years. They have been heard, listened to, but let down - time after time.
Until now, when the Cries of the Men, Women and Children from the Rubbles of the bombed and bulldozed Palestinean towns and Refugee Camps are reaching the Hearts of the People of the World.
Brutal Oppression
the Order of the Day
Brutal Oppression against Civilians that seems to know no Limits have become the order of the day, and while the World looks on and the Superpower turns a Blind Eye, the Willing Vassals carry on with their Dirty Business.
The advanced Technology in Weaponry of the New Millenium has brought with it new kinds of Sufferings that have hit first and foremost the Civilian Populations on whom "Clinical Wars" are being waged for Access to Raw Materials, mostly Oil and Gas Supplies.
Liberation and
Independence on the Way
Yet in this Millennium we have witnessed the Liberation and the Reestablishment of an Independent East Timor, which will soon be followed by a number of other Peoples who have long struggled for their Independence as a Sovereign State.
The Cries of Lado
are not Heard
In the Heart of Africa, however, the Cries of the People of Lado (better known by the Colonial name "Equatoria") have not been heard since the Europeans (Britain and Belgium) jointly took over the Occupation of the old Kingdom from the Turks/Egyptians (Ottoman Empire).
It happens that heartbreaking stories seep out of the Plight of the People and the Refugees of Southern Sudan, Eastern Congo or North-Western Uganda.
Lado Voices
have been Strangled
But these are the People of Northern, Southern and Eastern Lado, an Indigenous People who can date their Ancestral Homeland back to the old Pharaos in the Nubian Kingdom based around the Arteries of the Upper Nile Valley and the Nile-Congo Watershed Region.
The Lado Voices have been strangled by successive Occupiers, Slave Traders and Unscrupulous Corporations who have seen their Advantage in Finansing various Rebel Movements to wage Bloody Wars on the Lado Soil.
UN Resolutions give
Right to Independence
and Sovereignty
As with the Palestineans and the East Timorese, numerous UN Resolutions give the Lado People the Right to determine their own Fate and the Right to Full Independence and Sovereignty.
But the Reality is another. The old Colonial Master, Britain, with her faithful Backing Group the US, still refuses to let go, though today the old Empire's Reign has been transferred, at least on the Surface, to the Commonwealth Sattellites Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and South Africa from where the Arms and the Mercenaries are supplied.
Refugee Camps
are run like KZ-Camps
The Holocaust of the People of Lado is a quiet one.
It takes place in the Clearings of the Jungle, in the Valleys between the Mountains and in the Refugee Camps which are operated like Internment or rather Extermination Camps.
Noone outside the Lado Mountainsides hears the Cries of the Lado People who have been chased from their Burning Villages and their Bombed out Cities.
Or have had their Children Kidnapped by one of the Rivalling Rebel Movements who have been on one of their Raiding Sprees to Recruit a Fresh Batch of Child Soldiers to their Renegade Armies.
Lado People are
finding the Will
and the Courage
Though the name "Lado" is still a Forbidden Word in "Equatoria", and on the African Continent as a whole, there is now the Prospect of a Glimmer of Hope.
The Lado People have begun to find the Will and the Courage to stand up for themselves and be heard as a People.
Recently the Lado National Defence Force, who are Defending the Civilians and the Resources, including the Environment, has been Striken from the List of Rebel Movements active in the Area.
First Step on the
Road to Independence
"I see this as a First Step on the Road to Independence and the Right of Lado to be Recognised as a Sovereign National Entity along with other States in the World", says the Agofe (king) of Lado, Dr. John Bart Agami (Onzima II), who speaks from this Refuge in Copenhagen on behalf of the Lado Provisional Government.
He is also speaking on behalf of the three million Displaced and Stateless People who have been Forced into Exile from their Lado Homeland and have been Forced to Raise their Children far from the Home of their Ancestors.
Spirit of Defiance
is Growing
But more importantly, the Agofe is Voicing the Hopes and the Dreams of the Remaining Seven million Lado People, who cannot, may not and dare not let their Voices be Heard - Trapped and Encircled as they are by Government (Commonwealth) Troops, Rebel Armies and Greedy Profiteers.
Inside the Lado Lands, though a Spirit of Defiance is growing.
Will to Freedom
is being Born
Silently, within each and every Man, Woman and Child the Will to Freedom is being Born, and the Will to shed themselves of the Chains of Foreign Oppression is Venturing forward.
"Now is the Moment for the Lado People, and for our Fellow Africans on this Fantastic Continent with so much Potential, to take our Fates in our own Hands and put and End to letting ourselves be Ruled and Cast around by Others", says the Agofe.
Time to Stand Up
for Lado Rights
"The Hope and Dream Time is over. Now is the Time to Speak up, to Stand up for our Rights and let our Voices be Heard throughout the Continent of Africa so that the International Community will Hear our Voices.
For too long we have let ourselves become Intimidated and have Resigned ourselves to a Life in Fear.
That Fear has followed us like a Curse since the Time when they Exported us as Commodity goods on the Slave Ships little more than a Century ago", the Agofe points out.
Time to Realise
the Vast Lado Potential
And it is high time that the Lado People break away from their Fears and Realise the Potential they have as Individuals, as a People and as a National entity with a Rich and Powerful Cultural Heritage and a History as one of the Oldest Kingdoms of the World. For instance Lado can record its History as a National Entity back to 9 May 847 a.d.
10,000 Killed
in a Single Day
The Voices of the more than two million Lado Civilians who have been Slaughtered during the last ten years and the ten thousand - Defence Forces and Civilians - who Died in one Bloody Battle in a Single Day in the beginning of 2002 have not been Echoed anywhere outside the Mountainous and Fertile Lands of Lado.
But the River Nile has told its own Bloody Tale of the Quiet Holocaust of Lado.
"It is War being waged on a Defenceless People, and my People have not even been given the Right to Speak of their Sufferings or to name their Homeland", the Agofe concludes.
State Terror
against Lado People
Few Peoples around the World have been as Patient as the Lado People who have Refrained from Resorting to such Extremes as the use of Terror despite their Desperate Situation and the State Terror they are constantly being subjected to from Neighbouring States.
Lado Run According
to Five Year Action Plan
Their Quest for Freedom and the Right to Determine their own Affairs have been unrelentless through Necessity and for the sheer sake of Survival - though for the past Decades it has been Fought in Silence.
Apart from the "invisible" Occupation and the Constant Massacres on the Lado Civilian Community by Neighbouring Government Troops and their "Rebel" Terrorists Groups, the Lado Society is run according to the "Five Year Action Plan" laid down by the Lado Provisional Government, and which - Occupation or not - is Operating as if Lado were a Free and Independent State.
UN Security Council
must Implement
UN Resolution
Now all that remains is for the International Community, i.e. the United Nations and the Security Council, to Implement UN Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, Un Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988 and Articles 1 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and Officially Recognise Lado as an Independent and Sovereign State with the Right to Govern their own Affairs within their National Boundaries.
When Will the
Lado Voices be Heard
But how long will they have to wait until the Rulers of the World Hear them and listens with their Hearts and Ears to their Cries for Freedom and Justice?
And how many will have to Die and Succumb in their uneven Battle in the Quiet Holocaust of Lado inside the Heart of Africa... ¨
24 April 2002
Lado - the Country in the Nile-Congo
Wathershed Region
Right in the Core of the Heart of Africa is the State of Lado located the Nile-Congo Watershed Region surrounded by the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Uganda and the Republic of Sudan. It is here that over three Million People over the past Thirty Years have been Killed as a Part of Colonial Oppression and Corporate Interests. And it is here that the Lado People are Determined to Fight for the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado.
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The mountainous and beautiful Lado houses a large part of the World's unique Animal Species, and the magnificent unspoilt Nature.
The Ottoman Empire used to refer to Lado as "Equatoria". And the British simply refer to Lado as: "The Area".
The British never
Colonised Lado
The old British Empire does not easily let go of her Possessions - or at least of the Dream to Control, Own, Excavate and Sell the Contents of the Country's Underground.
The Paradox is that the British have never Colonised Lado. Nor the Belgians who with the British jointly occupied the State of Lado since 1947.
The Colonial
The old Trick which the Colonial Powers had used to get the Kings in the various African Kingdoms to put their Signature on a Blank piece of Paper - using either Bribery or the Barrel of a Gun - had not worked with the Royal House of Lado.
The Defence
of Lado
The King of the time, 1870, King Ayingani Ajua, Great Grandfather of the present King (Onzima II), the Agofe John Bart Agami, refused to sign over the Country and the Sovereign Power to the Colonial Occupation Forces.
Then followed Decades
of Heroic Battles.
And one led by the present King's fearless Grandmother, Queen Aliojeku, who refused to hand over the Freedom and Sovereignty of Lado to the European Oppressors.
The British Empire
showed no Mercy to Lado
It was a bad enough Blow to the British that an African Country put up such a Fierce Fight in the Defense of their Country - Lado.
But to wake up to the fact that the well-equipped Imperial British Army had been Beaten by a Woman - and a Black Woman at that - was too Humiliating.
The British Empire showed no Mercy in the Subjucation of Lado.The People of Lado, whose Cultural Heritage was much older than the British, had to be Broken by any Means. And to this End the British do not shy away from any Atrocities.
The Lado Royal
House has Survived
The present King of Lado, King John Bart Agami, who leads the Lado Provisional Government from his Refuge in Denmark, has never lost his Family's Memory of his Aunt, Princess Driciru, who as a Baby was Buried Alive by the British Troops in a Punitive Operation in 1916.
Or the Memory of his Father, King Atobua, who in 1948 the day before his travel to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where the Question of Lado's Independence and Sovereignty was to be discussed, was Murdered by one of His Majesty's Imperial Agents in front of his home in Omugo.
Royal Family forced
to live in Exile
The Killing of the Agofe (King) delayed the Lado Issue from the UN Agenda, and from then on an intense fox hunt was launched on Lado's Royal Family Members leading to the Assassination of the King's Brother, Prince Thomas, in 1979, which meant that the remaining Family Members live in Danger every Day.
Britain and Belgium
Occupied Lado since 1947
The Occupation of Lado only served to Unite the Lado People even more - and in spite of the hardhitting Means taken to prevent the People from holding on to their Mother Tongue and their Cultural Heritage, the Daily Affairs in Lado was lived and run unperceived and as if Lado was not under Foreign Yoke.
Peace in Lado is not some-thing that could be hoped for - for even though the Colonial Powers had been Defeated, they could Direct the Military Forces of the Neighbouring Regimes to Ravage and Terrorise the Civilian Population of the State of Lado.
The Five Year Action Plan of the Provisional Government is gaining Momentum in Lado.
The Lado Infrastructure and Administrative System includes in all it farsightedness Respect and Consideration for all Parts and Levels of Society and the Lado Tribes and Religions.
Lado National
"The Lado National Guard has been established as a simple Necessity to Protect the Lado Population and Lado Property", says King Agami.
Bribery and
It has been a Bitter Pill to swallow for the British that the King of Lado, King John Bart Agami, could not be Bribed or Threatened to hand over Lado's Sovereignty to the Occupation Forces.
Nor was it possible to persuade the King in 1962 - not even under Torture and the Threat of Execution - to incorporate Lado as one of the "Grateful" States in the British Commonwealth.
As these Methods proved ineffective, the British used another Weapon. They pretended that Lado and the Lado People did not Exist.
in Lado
The Hierarchy of the British Empire was not pleased with the fact that Lado's King had started to be Visible again when in 1965 he commenced his tedious work knocking on the doors of the Shiny Offices of the Diplomatic Corps trying to make their Governments realise the Need to put an end to the Bloodshed and the endless Massacres of the People in Lado.
"Ethnic Cleansing, or rather Genocide, it is called if it happens elsewhere", says King John Bart Agami.
against Lado
"No Country showed the Slightest Remorse about the over Three Million People of Lado who have been killed through the past thirty years.
"There has been a Plan, a "Gentleman Agreement", that Lado was not to be mentioned, and that the State of Lado was to be both Killed and Buried", says the King.
"That explains why the Governments and the Corporations have succeeded in hiding the Truth about the State of Lado for the General Public."
Peaceful and Relentless Struggle for
Lado Independence
"I cannot believe that the People of the various Countries in the Rest of the World would have to look on from the Side Line without raising their Voices in Protest of the Holocaust which has been - and still is - subjected upon the Lado People", concludes King John Bart Agami from his temporary Refuge in Denmark from where he is continuing his Peaceful and Relentless Struggle for an Independent and Sovereign Lado (Africa).
Lado Action Plan
But one thing is certain: Lado is making a Come-Back - not only on the Map but in the Minds and Hearts of the World - before anyone would have thought it possible through the Lado Action Plan 2001-2005.
Whether or not the World's Decision Makers are meaning Business, Lado and the Lado People are Determined to Fight for their Rights as a Sovereign and Independent State of Lado that has its place in the Modern World whilst nurturing their Roots in Lado's Age-old Cultural Heritage in Africa.
20 November 2001
Lado Provisional Government Drafts
Five Year Action Plan...
By Press Officer Britt Bartenbach
"With or without the Consent of the UN and the Anglo-American Powers, we will go ahead with the Implementation of our Five Year Action Plan for Lado as an Independent and Sovereign State."
These are the words spoken by the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami, Onzima II, who has now finalized the Preparatory Diplomacy for the final Recognition of the Independence of Lado.
No more time
to be wasted
Speaking from his refuge in Copenhagen, Denmark, the King voices the feeling of disappointment that his People experience:
"The Indifference of the Western Powers to the plight of the Lado People is a sad Fact.
None the less it has made the Lado Provisional Government realise that we can waste no more time knock-ing on Closed Doors."
Lado Constitution
of 1772
Lado as a National Entity in Central Africa dates back to 9 May 847 A.D., though the name and the People contained in the Present Tribes of Lado can be traced back to around 700 B.C.
The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772, after the 60-year War and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe, which is the Institution of the Government.
The Constitution also gave sweeping powers to women - powers which the women of Lado have made sure to hold on to, in as much as they are very visible in the running of the Affairs of the Household, be it Ori, Muslim or Christian, as well as in the Affairs of Politics.
A number of women had also been fighting on equal terms with the men in the War which earned them places in the War Cabinet, and they had replaced the men in almost all positions to keep the Society running during the War.
All this commanded tremendous respect and at the same time favoured the women with special protection set down by Law, all of it due to the Role women played during the 60-Year War (1700-1760 A.D.)
Women in charge
of Household and Economy
This traditional status of women being in charge of the Household and the Economy may be seen today by some, particularly the younger men pursuing a higher Education and modern living, as too powerful and suppressive since it is not good custom to go against a Mother's or a Grandmother's will.
And this is a Tradition, or rather a Law, which will not be altered in the Lado Five Year Action Plan since Unity, Stability and Family Traditions are the very Foundations for the successful continuance of the Lado Society.
Lado Five Year
Action Plan
The Lado Provisional Government, which was formally proclaimed and established on 7 March 1987 in Arua Aru in Lado (Africa), has set up a Five Year Action Plan from 2001 to 2005 which pledges to bring the Lado Nation and the Lado People of the various Tribes and Religious Observations Peace, Stability and Security.
The Action Plan comes none too soon as the Situation in Lado has worsened gravely with the uncontrolled Political and massive Human Rights Violations and the Ethnic Cleansing Operations against the Lado People caused by the Intensified Fighting in Central Africa by Foreign Warring Parties using Lado Soil, including the Nile Valley, as their Battling Ground.
of Lado Children
A Massive Problem to the Lado Civilians is also the extensive Kidnappings of Children who are hidden in large Camps where they are trained as Killer Soldiers or being used as Forced Workers or Slaves.
Such Destruction of the Children of Lado is in fact the very Destruction of the future Citizens and Generations of the Country and the very Soul of Lado which is victimising the whole Nation State of Lado.
That is the Blue Print of Suppressing and Eradicating the Entire Nation State of Lado, both Physically and Psychologically leaving the Lado People with no Identity of their Own.
Fifteen Dicastries
will Share the Power
"The Lado People are becoming increasingly impatient with these Unstable and Uproaring Conditions in their own Country - conditions which are supported by the former Colonial Powers and Big Business Corporations", says King Agami who together with the Lado Provisional Government is set on Preparing for the Independence and the Sovereignty of Lado.
So in order to restore a proper Political System and to ensure a Just System where all Citizens are given Equal Rights, Duties and a Fair Share in the Affairs of State, fifteen Dicastries (Ministries) have been set up to Coordinate and Structure the Overall Policy of the Affairs of the State (Country).
The fifteen Dicastries are for the following Affairs: Family, Tribes, Justice, Culture, Welfare, Economics, Treasure, Research, Religion, Protection, Information, Relations, Programmes, Administration and Management.
Above all these Dicastries is the Lado Green Bureau, which is the Office of the Agofe of the State of Lado.
The Exercise
of Power
In order to prevent any Abuse of Power or Excesses in the whole Structure of the State of Lado, three Controlling Bodies of Government, have been established by the Constitution of Lado, namely the Legislative Council (Joroti), the Executive Council (Okurujoti) and the Judicial Council (Liimati).
Each Dicastry is headed by the Coordinator of State who is assisted by the Secretary of State.
Each Dicastry has five Directorates each headed by the Director General who is assisted by the Under Secretary of State.
Each Directorate is then divided into Departments which are headed by Directors who are assisted by Assistant Secretaries of State.
All other Affairs of the State are handled by the Lado Civil Service Staff who are selected in accordance with their Skills, Professional Qualities and Merits.
Responsible for the Employment, Promotions and Pensions is the Lado Civil Service Commission, which is placed directly under the Prime Minister.
The Commission is also responsible for the Employment and the Recruitment of the Military and Diplomatic Service Staff of Lado.
In the event that any of the People in the Top Hierarchy of State should be engaged in the Abuse of Power against the State and against the Citizens of Lado, be guilty of Misdemeanours or Treason, they will be Impeached.
That applies to those who hold the Offices of the State, such as .the Prime Minister, the Governor, the Coordinator of State, the State Secretary, the Judges, the Ambassadors and other State Holders of Lado.
The Lado
Political System
As one of the Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of Lado, according to Lado Constitution, the Lado Political System allows for the Freedom of Expression, the Freedom of Assembly and the Freedom of Association, both in Political and Non-Political Organisations, such as Political Parties, Interest Groups, Pressure Groups, etc., etc.
Five Year Plan
will go Ahead
"We will go ahead with our Five Year Plan regardless of whether the International Community recognises the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado or not", states the King who will call for an Election in Lado in the near future.
In order to gain a Seat in the Lado Parliament, the Political Party must first register with the Lado Political Council which consist of the 29 Lado Tribes and is chaired by the Agofe of Lado.
The LPC Council consists of seven Committees, the Constitution Committee, the Associations Committee, the Society Committee, the Unions Committee, the Clubs Committee, the Friendship Committee and the External Relations Committee (ERC).
It is the LPC Associations Committee, a totally Independent Body composed of Lado Tribes, which is responsible for the Registration of any Political Party of Lado.
The Legal System
Protects the Weak
The Power of Clan Committee (Paamvu) holds the Authority to settle all Disputes in the Households (Jooti).
It is this Committee, headed by "The Custodian" (Amba) who acts as a Mediator, or in the Lado term 'The Lord of the Land,' solving all such Disputes, which refers to the Protection of Women and Children and ensures the Safety of Family Institutions.
A Husband must by Law always Protect and Defend his Wife and the Children. This Institution is called 'Baaru' (The Family), whereas the Institution of Jooti is the Household headed by the Wife.
This Law guiding the Paamvu (Clan) consists of the Tribal Customs and the Traditions including the Common Law of Lado which is Basic Law.
Lado Politics and
Committee System
Directly under the LPC Council is also the Society Committee which deals with the Professional Societies, such as Lawyers, the Medical Profession, Engineers, Teachers, etc.
The Union Committee holds the Trade Unions, The Student Unions and the Union of Mothers which advises Young Women, Pregnant Women, working Women, etc.
Under this Committee is also the Young People's Union which is involved in advising and training Young People and especially is responsible for Literacy, and the Clubs Committee which deals with all areas of Social Life, Sports, Music and the Supply of the Financial Support for these Activities.
The Friendship Committee coordinates areas such as Friendship Societies with other countries, Cultural Exchanges, Language, etc.
The External Relations Committee deals with Lado Foreign Relations
Each Committee is well organised by the Representatives of each Tribe.
The Agofe and
External Relations
The Lado Foreign Policy is conducted by the External Relations Committee which consists of five Sections: Foreign Affairs, Peace Affairs, Security Affairs, Religion Affairs and Commerce Affairs.
The External Relations Committee is constantly studying, researching, analysing, organising and advising - and is directly reporting its findings to the Agofe of Lado.
In charge of this Committee is a Vice Chairman and the President of the External .
The Pro-Chairman also acts as a Substitute for the Agofe in order to ensure that the Agofe may always be kept up to date on all important Affairs of the Country and be the Stabilising Factor in the Lado Nation State Foreign Policy.
The Academy
of Lado
The Agofe, King Agami, has long nurtered a Burning Desire to Record the History of Lado through the Centuries of Lado's age-old History as the 'Cradle of Civilisation'.
"It was the Europeans who realised that Lado is the very Base of Central Africa, and on 26 January 1846 H.H. Pope Gregory XVI signed a Document making the Upper Nile Valley, Lado, 'The Vicariate of Central Africa'", says the King.
Other Historical Documents of Importance for the History of Lado, are the Turco-Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841, and the Turco-Egyptian Firman of 1 April 1869 for the Occupation of Lado which took place on 26 May 1871.
King Agami has for a long time been working on establishing 'The Institute of Lado Affairs' which will contain all information on Lado, i.e. History, People, Religion, Languages, Geography, Nature, Sciences, etc..
All this Research Work will eventually lead to the Creation of the National Archives of Lado.
"What the seven million Lado People and the three million Lado Refugees, and 'Stateless Persons' of Lado living in Exile outside Lado need most of all is Peace, Security and Political Stability", says King Agami.
"It is the Sense of Pride in the Lado People's National Identity and Heritage which our Government's Five Year Action Plan is set to Achieve, meaning the Inde-pendence and the Sovereignty of Lado."
3 March 2001
Lado Provisional Government Drafts
Five Year Action Plan...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
"With or without the Consent of the UN and the Anglo-American Powers, we will go ahead with the Implementation of our Five Year Action Plan for Lado as an Independent and Sovereign State."
These are the words spo-ken by the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami, Onzima II, who has now finalized the Preparatory Diplomacy for the final Recognition of the Inde-pendence of Lado.
No more time
to be wasted
Speaking from his refuge in Copenhagen, Denmark, the King voices the feeling of disappointment that his People experience:
"The Indifference of the Western Powers to the plight of the Lado People is a sad Fact.
None the less it has made the Lado Provisional Government realise that we can waste no more time knocking on Closed Doors."
Lado Constitution
of 1772
Lado as a National Entity in Central Africa dates back to 9 May 847 A.D., though the name and the People contained in the Present Tribes of Lado can be traced back to around 700 B.C.
The Lado Constitution was passed on 9 May 1772, after the 60-year War and gave Executive Powers to the Agofe, which is the Institution of the Government.
The Constitution also gave sweeping powers to women - powers which the women of Lado have made sure to hold on to, in as much as they are very visible in the running of the Affairs of the Household, be it Ori, Muslim or Christian, as well as in the Affairs of Politics.
A number of women had also been fighting on equal terms with the men in the War which earned them places in the War Cabinet, and they had replaced the men in almost all positions to keep the Society running during the War.
All this commanded tre-mendous respect and at the same time favoured the women with special protection set down by Law, all of it due to the Role women played during the 60-Year War (1700-1760 A.D.)
Women in charge
of Household and Economy
This traditional status of women being in charge of the Household and the Economy may be seen today by some, particularly the younger men pursuing a higher Education and modern living, as too powerful and suppressive since it is not good custom to go against a Mother's or a Grandmother's will.
And this is a Tradition, or rather a Law, which will not be altered in the Lado Five Year Action Plan since Unity, Stability and Family Traditions are the very Foundations for the suc-cessful continuance of the Lado Society.
Lado Five Year
Action Plan
The Lado Provisional Government, which was for-mally proclaimed and established on 7 March 1987 in Arua Aru in Lado (Africa), has set up a Five Year Action Plan from 2001 to 2005 which pledges to bring the Lado Nation and the Lado People of the various Tribes and Religious Observations Peace, Stability and Security.
The Action Plan comes none too soon as the Situation in Lado has worsened gravely with the uncontrolled Political and massive Human Rights Violations and the Ethnic Cleansing Operations against the Lado People caused by the Intensified Fighting in Central Africa by Foreign Warring Parties using Lado Soil, including the Nile Valley, as their Battling Ground.
of Lado Children
A Massive Problem to the Lado Civilians is also the extensive Kidnappings of Children who are hidden in large Camps where they are trained as Killer Soldiers or being used as Forced Workers or Slaves.
Such Destruction of the Children of Lado is in fact the very Destruction of the future Citizens and Generations of the Country and the very Soul of Lado which is victimising the whole Nation State of Lado.
That is the Blue Print of Suppressing and Eradica-ting the Entire Nation State of Lado, both Physically and Psychologically lea-ving the Lado People with no Identity of their Own.
Fifteen Dicastries
will Share the Power
"The Lado People are becoming increasingly impatient with these Unstable and Uproaring Conditions in their own Country - conditions which are supported by the former Colonial Powers and Big Business Corporations", says King Agami who together with the Lado Provisional Government is set on Preparing for the Independence and theSovereignty of Lado.
So in order to restore a proper Political System and to ensure a Just System where all Citizens are given Equal Rights, Duties and a Fair Share in the Affairs of State, fifteen Dicastries (Ministries) have been set up to Coor-dinate and Structure the Overall Policy of the Affairs of the State (Country).
The fifteen Dicastries are for the following Affairs: Family, Tribes, Justice, Culture, Welfare, Economics, Treasure, Research, Religion, Protection, Information, Relations, Programmes, Administration and Management.
Above all these Dicastries is the Lado Green Bureau, which is the Office of the Agofe of the State of Lado.
The Exercise
of Power
In order to prevent any Abuse of Power or Excesses in the whole Structure of the State of Lado, three Controlling Bodies of Government, have been established by the Constitution of Lado, namely the Legislative Council (Joroti), the Executive Council (Okurujoti) and the Judicial Council (Liimati).
Each Dicastry is headed by the Coordinator of State who is assisted by the Secretary of State.
Each Dicastry has five Directorates each headed by the Director General who is assisted by the Under Secretary of State.
Each Directorate is then divided into Departments which are headed by Di-rectors who are assisted by Assistant Secretaries of State.
All other Affairs of the State are handled by the Lado Civil Service Staff who are selected in accordance with their Skills, Professional Qualities and Merits.
Responsible for the Employment, Promotions and Pensions is the Lado Civil Service Commission, which is placed directly under the Prime Minister.
The Commission is also responsible for the Employment and the Recruitment of the Military and Diplomatic Service Staff of Lado.
In the event that any of the People in the Top Hierarchy of State should be engaged in the Abuse of Power against the State and against the Citizens of Lado, be guilty of Misdemeanours or Treason, they will be Impeached.
That applies to those who hold the Offices of the State, such as .the Prime Minister, the Governor, the Coordinator of State, the State Secretary, the Judges, the Ambassadors and other State Holders of Lado.
The Lado
Political System
As one of the Fundamental Rights of the Citizens of Lado, according to Lado Constitution, the Lado Political System allows for the Freedom of Expression, the Freedom of Assembly and the Freedom of Association, both in Political and Non-Political Organisations, such as Political Parties, Interest Groups, Pressure Groups, etc., etc.
Five Year Plan
will go Ahead
"We will go ahead with our Five Year Plan regardless of whether the International Community recognises the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado or not", states the King who will call for an Election in Lado in the near future.
In order to gain a Seat in the Lado Parliament, the Political Party must first register with the Lado Political Council which consist of the 29 Lado Tribes and is chaired by the Agofe of Lado.
The LPC Council consists of seven Committees, the Constitution Committee, the Associations Commit-tee, the Society Committee, the Unions Committee, the Clubs Committee, the Friendship Committee and the External Relations Committee (ERC).
It is the LPC Associations Committee, a totally Inde-pendent Body composed of Lado Tribes, which is re-sponsible for the Registra-tion of any Political Party of Lado.
The Legal System
Protects the Weak
The Power of Clan Committee (Paamvu) holds the Authority to settle all Disputes in the Households (Jooti).
It is this Committee, headed by "The Custodian" (Amba) who acts as a Mediator, or in the Lado term 'The Lord of the Land,' solving all such Disputes, which refers to the Protection of Women and Chil-dren and ensures the Safety of Family Institutions.
A Husband must by Law always Protect and Defend his Wife and the Children. This Institution is called 'Baaru' (The Family), whereas the Institution of Jooti is the Household headed by the Wife.
This Law guiding the Paamvu (Clan) consists of the Tribal Customs and the Traditions including the Common Law of Lado which is Basic Law.
Lado Politics and
Committee System
Directly under the LPC Council is also the Society Committee which deals with the Professional Societies, such as Lawyers, the Medical Profession, Engineers, Teachers, etc.
The Union Committee holds the Trade Unions, The Student Unions and the Union of Mothers which advises Young Women, Pregnant Women, working Women, etc.
Under this Committee is also the Young People's Union which is involved in advising and training Young People and especially is responsible for Literacy, and the Clubs Committee which deals with all areas of Social Life, Sports, Music and the Supply of the Financial Support for these Activities.
The Friendship Committee coordinates areas such as Friendship Societies with other countries, Cultural Exchanges, Language, etc.
The External Relations Committee deals with Lado Foreign Relations
Each Committee is well organised by the Repre-sentatives of each Tribe.
The Agofe and
External Relations
The Lado Foreign Policy is conducted by the External Relations Committee which consists of five Sections: Foreign Affairs, Peace Af-fairs, Security Affairs, Religion Affairs and Commerce Affairs.
The External Relations Committee is constantly studying, researching, analysing, organising and advising - and is directly reporting its findings to the Agofe of Lado.
In charge of this Committee is a Vice Chairman and the President of the External The Pro-Chairman also acts as a Substitute for the Agofe in order to ensure that the Agofe may always be kept up to date on all important Affairs of the Country and be the Stabilising Factor in the Lado Nation State Foreign Policy.
The Academy
of Lado
The Agofe, King Agami, has long nurtered a Burning Desire to Record the History of Lado through the Centuries of Lado's age-old History as the 'Cradle of Civilisation'.
"It was the Europeans who realised that Lado is the very Base of Central Africa, and on 26 January 1846 H.H. Pope Gregory XVI signed a Document making the Upper Nile Valley, Lado, 'The Vicariate of Central Africa'", says the King.
Other Historical Docu-ments of Importance for the History of Lado, are the Turco-Egyptian Firman of 13 February 1841, and the Turco-Egyptian Firman of 1 April 1869 for the Occupation of Lado which took place on 26 May 1871.
King Agami has for a long time been working on estab-lishing 'The Institute of Lado Affairs' which will contain all information on Lado, i.e. History, People, Religion, Languages, Geography, Nature, Sciences, etc..
All this Research Work will eventually lead to the Creation of the National Archives of Lado.
"What the seven million Lado People and the three million Lado Refugees, and 'Stateless Persons' of Lado living in Exile outside Lado need most of all is Peace, Security and Political Stability", says King Agami.
"It is the Sense of Pride in the Lado People's National Identity and Heritage which our Government's Five Year Action Plan is set to Achieve, meaning the Independence and the Sove-reignty of Lado."
3 March 2001
Lado Five Year Action Plan...
- Part Two...
The Agofe of Lado King John Bart Agami proclaims:
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The situation for the Lado People in the troubled Central African enclave Lado, which on the modern Colonial Maps appear as "Equatoria" may seem like an endless Abyss of Mise-øry and Hopelessness.
But according to the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami, there is Light at the end of the Tunnel and a way out of the Abyss.
"The Lado Provisional Government has drawn up a Five Year Action Plan with the Objective first of all to create a Political Solution to end the figthting in our Area and then to Create an Independent and Sovereign Lado which will Secure Peace and Stability for all the diverse Tribes and Cultural Groups in Lado", says King Agami from his refuge in Copenhagen.
Lado is Occupied
Territory and Enslaved
For decades it has been almost impossible to make known to the World what is happening in Lado since in the media Lado is referred to as: South Sudan, the north-eastern corner of DR Congo and the north-west of Uganda (The West Nile).
The Fate of Lado and the Lado People has been hard - but though the Lado Territory has been Occupied, and the People Enslaved by various Conquerors and Colonisers since 1840, the Lado Kingdom and the Lado People have managed to remain an Indigenous Group (though consisting of various Tribes and Traditional Languages), all with close affiliation to the Ancient Land of Lado.
Contrary to most of the other African Nations and Kingdoms, Lado never signed over its Sovereignty nor the Rights to their Re-sources or Raw Materials to any Foreign Power.
Fifty Years
Systematic Genocide
The scenario in Lado has never looked more Horrific for the Lado People than during the past year where the Systematic Genocide against the Lado People has been part of daily life in the Indigenous Lado Territories.
This unknown Genocide has been the order of the day since 18 August 1955, and has thus been carried out for almost Fifty Years.
It was the Killing of the late Agofe and Keego (Prime Minister), King Atobua, who was gunned down in front of his home on 14 April 1948, that precipitated the Genocide.
Attlee Government
behind Assassination
It was the then Labour Government of Britain, the Government of Clement Richard Attlee, who Masterminded and Orchestrated the Plot and the Assassination of King Atobua.
King Atobua's 'sin' was that he refused to let Lado become a Part of the socalled East-African Federation (The Kenya Colony, The Uganda Protectorate, The Tangyanika Territory, Zanzibar, The Pemba Protectorate, Mombasa and The Coast Protectorate).
The Federation was set up following the Versailles Agreement of 28 June 1919 after the First World War.
Later the Federation became known under the term East African Common Service Organisation (EACSO) in 1961, in short British East Africa.
Churchill worked
for Lado Independence
Long before that, in 1891, an Army was created with the Sole Purpose to defend the British Colonial Possessions in Africa which became known as the King's African Rifles (K.A.R.) who fought in both World Wars for the British Empire.
Had it been up to the man who saved Britain and the World from the Throngs of Nazism in World War 2, former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, Lado would have already regained its Rightful and Lawful Sovereignty and Independence in 1960.
But alas the Grand Old Man of Britain was sidestepped in Westminster and in the Ballots after the War - or the Central African Region should not have seen such Bloodshed and meaning-less Atrocities as have been the case till today.
Lado the Centre
and the Main Spoils
Just to exist as a People and a Cultural Entitity has been an almost Super Human Endeavour for the Lado People who have been surrounded by Enemies in the shape of "Colonial Controlled" African Neighbours, Western Military Advisors, Multinational Corportions, Western Controlled Rebel Groups and not least all those who are bought off with Promises of Position and Money.
Lado is the Centre and the Main Spoils of the Third World War being played out under the Pretext of Regional War in DR Congo with the participation of seven other countries and more than fifty-three Rebel Groups who are all acting out the Battle of Supremacy on behalf of the World Powers.
Cut-Throat Battle
for Natural Resources
Now more than ever, it is a cut-throat Battle for Natural Resources and maintenance of the old National Interests of the European Colonial Powers, who would prefer to replace the African ational Populations with their own Surplus Populations and Marginal Groups in their own Societies - as it was the case in past Cen-turies with th Spanish Conquistadores and the White Australian Convict Settlers, etc., etc.
In order to hide the Truth of the Matter and the Existence in Central Africa of Lado and the Lado People, there is a Total Ban on the very mention of the Name 'Lado' in Africa and in the International Media.
Lado Issue
is a Hushed-up
Matter In fact any Editor who ventures to print 'Lado' in his or her columns or to utter the Name in a Television News Report will suffer Blackli-sting and even Imprisonment on Treason Charges.
All the same, and in spite of the Artificial Partitioning by the European Powers and the US - the Bombings, the Abductions and the Killings - Lado Affairs are running on the auspices of the Lado Provisional Government and the Dicastries (Ministries) that have been set up to pave the way for the Official International Recognition of the Lado Sovereign State.
A Long
and Painful Road
"It has been a Long and Painful Road to get the Lado Issue Fair Play on the International Scene", states King Agami who notes with regret that the Time has not come yet - in spite of the Hard Toil in the Offices and Corridors where the Diplomatic Corps reside - to expect a Budging of Attitude on the side of the Western Powers.
of Hope
"But there is a Glimmer of Hope in all the Darkness, after all, since there is now an unswawering Will that has arisen in the Lado Community to Stand Up and Fight for Our Rights - a Will that Defies even losing your Life and Property.
Finally, the Lado People are Rising Up and Freeing themselves of the Colonial Bondage and the Psychological Chains which have kept them in the Shadows for so long.
With whichever Weapons they have had, be it Bow and Arrow, Hatchets or their Bare Hands, they have had the Courage to Stay Put and Defend their Land and their Property knowing that the Prize was high and that tens of thousands of their Countrymen had to pay with their Lives in the uneven Struggle against the Superior Powers.
Time for Lado
to Stand Up and be Counted
As the World is moving well into the New Millen-nium and the New Age, there will also be a New Way of Thinking and Respect for one's Fellow Human Beings, the Earth itself, and its Resources.
Therefore, this is not the Ti-me to give up or cave in - it is the Time to Hold Out and to Be Counted as a Nation and a National Entity so that those whose Blood was Spilled have not given their Lives in Vain.
Therefore, and for the Sake of the New Generations of Lado People, the Struggle for Independence and Sovereignty of Lado continues - and that is why the Lado Five Year Action Plan 2001-2005 has been set in motion."
20 July 2001
The Battle for the Mind...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
It is just a matter of time before the name Lado will be on everybody's lips and in the Medias around the World, and the Politicians in Africa and in Europe will have to answer questions from the Public about their Secrecy and Pussyfooting Policies on the Issue of Lado.
Lado has long been a Burning Issue on the International Arena, but the Name and the Issue has been largely unknown to the general public in the Countries of Europe (the Western World).
Lado was Hidden
but not Forgotten
To the average African the existence of Lado is no Secret, though no African outside the Lado Territory in Central Africa and the Nile-Congo Watershed would dare mention the name Lado for fear of serious reprisals against himself and his family.
British Removed
Lado from the Map
Since the joint British/Belgian Occupation of the State of Lado in 1947, when the British removed the State of Lado from the Map, the British made great efforts, with the keen assistance of successive Governors, to hide Lado behind the Occupation Lines.
They had no doubt hoped to maintain this stalemate situation until the Resiliance of the Lado People had waned, and the Country's Existence had ceased to exist in Foreign Minds.
Lado has Managed
Against All Odds
Against all odds, and in spite of the Occupation Forces, materialised by Ugandan, Rwandan, Kenyan and South African troops, Lado has managed to exist and function as a Country with a Provisional Government and a well organised Administrative Apparatus operating its Internal Affairs (referring to Lado) inside the Country.
The War against
the National Identity
"What do you do if you want to Colonise a Country and Exploit its Human and Natural Resources?", asks King John Bart Agami of Lado, the Onzima II, who speaks from his refuge in Copenhagen.
"You take away the Country's Identity, pretend that the Country never existed, and try to break down the National Spirit by undermining the Culture, Language and Customs, and first of all you Eliminate its Leaders."
through Education
"This is particularly done through the Education System and by forbidding the National Language which is the age-old way of Imperialism and Colonialism, because by removing the Young People's Language, you separate them from their Families, rob them of their Identity and leave them Weak and Rootless and with no Knowledge of their own Country, History and National Heritage."
is the Key
"Language is the Key Factor for National Identity since that is vital for Communication, Understanding and Maintaining the Unity of the Nation.
That explains why the European Colonisers have grouped the African Countries into Language Communities according to the Colonisers' own Language: The Anglophone, the Francophone, the Lusophone and the Ladophone.
Even inside the Organisation of African Unity (the OAU) these Languages are used as the Official Languages for Negotiation, Communication and Education, in spite of the fact that Article 29 of the OAU Charter clearly states that the
Individual and National African Languages are to be used as the Official Language of the Organisation."
The Great
Divide of Religion
"Religion, mostly represented by Catholicism, Proste-stantism and Islam, is another Key Factor when it comes to Dividing People and setting them against eachother inside their own Communities or Countries.
That can be easily observed on the African Continent, which, apart from the Battle for the Natural Resources and Territories, is the Major Cause for Wars and Armed Conflicts."
the African Mind
"So what it is really all about is touching the Soul of the Individual, by Releasing, Educating and Training the Mind like Cultivating a Rare Fruit, making People aware of the Fact that we no longer live in the Middle Ages or in the Age of Bondage and Slavery (1440-1840), and that it is OK to be Free and to Think for Oneself.
This is a Brand New Millenium (2000 A.D.), and a Time in the Human History when we are Liberating Ourselves from the Common Consciousness and will be Individuals who are Responsible for our own Actions, and even more importantly, Responsible for our Failure to Act."
The Blame
cannot be Pushed
"That is why we can no longer push the Blame for Injustice and Atrocities on to our Leaders alone, whether they be National or Worldwide on our Globalised Planet. We have a Task to do for Justice and Peace, and we are no longer Blind-Minded.
Whether the Individual be African, Asian or European, the Issue is the same: There is no 'cop-out', no Escape from taking a Stand and Act or Speak up against Injustice or Oppression once you know the Truth and the Facts in this Age of Information and Communication.
As Jesus said: "When two People Act in the name of God, then God Listens and Blesses."
So the Individual should not be afraid to do something which he or she knows in his or her Heart is Right, Just and will Benefit the Others."
" In Africa the Colonial Way of thinking is still prevailing, and so far it has been a Heavy Task to Liberate the African Mind.
So many People in Africa have grown accustomed to Identify themselves with the Culture and Language of the European Colonisers that they find it extremely hard and difficult to break out of their Mental Prisons.
After four hundred years of Slavery and two hundred years of Foreign Occupation and Colonisation, this African State of Mind is Understandable - but it is no longer any Excuse which can be used as a Sleeping Pill or a Drug to quell the over-whelming Fear."
A Time
to Act
"Once the African Mind has become Decolonised and its National and Cultural Identity and Pride has been reestablished, it is time to Act and be Responsible.
The Fatalistic way of thinking and refusing to take Responsibility for the Future of Africa and the African People has resulted in a grotesque 'here-and-grab' Men-tality which has Destroyed the Morale and the Mind of the African Populations whether it be High or Low."
The Days of Mindless
Existence are over
"This Attitude of 'Saving Myself for the Day' has led to Crime, Violence, Corruption and a Mindless, Robot-like Existence which is a Meaningless Life without a Care for the Other Fellow or even Hope for Tomorrow ('Poor Fellow My Country').
This Resignation to 'Fate' leaves no place for Initiative, Drive or Hard Work in order to change Life for the better, so the Status Quo of Africa remains the one of Poverty, Ignorance and Hunger - the Three Sisters that go hand in hand."
Process is Vital
"Unless the Decolonisation Process is carried out - i.e. the Mind is Liberated to assume full Responsibility for its own Situation - the Situation in Africa will never change, and in the End we might even lose our own Land to Foreigners.
And Remember - all it takes is Two People, Two Minds..."
Lado has taken up
the Challenge
"The Lado People have al-ready taken things into their own hands, and the Deco-lonisation is in progress on an unprecedented Scale.
Inside the Lado Hills and Valleys - in the Enclave between the neighbouring countries of Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Congo-Zaire and the Central African Republic - there is a Strong Awareness of the National Identity of Lado and an unrelentless Struggle for Independence and Sovereignty which before long will put the State of Lado on the Map and make Lado a bona fide Mem-ber of the International Community, including of course the United Nations."
A High
Price to Pay
"Although the Price for Freedom and Independence has seemed incredibly high, with the loss of more than four million Lives and countless Refugees since 1897 and up till today (State-less Persons, Displaced Persons and Exiled Persons) during the past four years, there is no way back for the Lado People who have taken the National Responsibility to take the Matters of In-dependence and full Sove-reignty into their own Hands."
24 August 2000
The Annihilation of the Lado People Continues…
A Cruel Genocide is systematically being carried out behind Closed Doors hunting down the Lado People in Africa’s Forgotten Land
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
More than three million People in the Lado Enclave, spread over the area of Southern Sudan, Eastern Congo–Zaire and North Western Uganda, have Died or Disappeared without a Trace during the past ten years.
An Abyss of Terror
and Bloodshed
The fighting intensified in Congo–Zaire when Ugandan and Rwandan Troops inaded in a bid to oust Congolese President Laurent Kabila. The Ugandan/Rwandan move, which was backed by Britain and the US, threw the Region into an Abyss of Terror and Bloodshed commited against the Civilian Population, not only by the Regular Ugandan and Rwandan Government Troops, but also by at least fifty-two Rivalling Rebel Groups.
Under Cover
Ethnic Cleansing
Under this Blanket of Violence, Systematic Operations of Ethnic Cleansing are carried out against Lado’s Population, the Luu, Lui, Luo, Lue and especially against the Lugbari and Kakwa Tribes, to speak nothing of the socalled "Nubians" who simply consist of People from all Lado Tribes - with the only difference that they have a Muslim Denomination.
"Ethnic Cleansing of Lado People has been going on since 1948, but the Atrocities, the Massacres in our Villages and the Death Camps have been kept Secret because of the apparent non-existence of Lado and the Lado People," says the Agofe of Lado, Onzima II, Dr. John Bart Agami from his refuge in Denmark.
"Just as the recent "Religious Sect Slayings" in Uganda that hit the Newspaper Headlines were yet another Invention of a number of Ingenious Ways to wipe our people off the Face of this Earth, there are Daily Raids on our Villages and Towns.
Those who manage to flee from the Raids either run into the Forests where they Perish of Starvation or Diseases or end up as Refugees in so called "Protected Villages" or in Camps with Barbed Wire where they are slowly being Exterminated.
Will no longer
Suffer in Silence
"We, the Lado People, refuse to go on Suffering in Silence. We demand to have our own Country back on the Map and the Independence and Sovereignty, which according to UN Resolution 43/47 of 1988 should have been a Fact by Year 2000 of the latest", says King Agami, who has made a Pledge to put the Lado Nation back on the Map in its Rightful Place in Central Africa where the immediate Neighbours are Congo–Zaire, Sudan, Uganda, C.A.R. (Central African Republic), Kenya and Ethiopia.
Foreign Troops
Ordered Out by UN
After years of Footdragging, there may finally be some Light at the end of the Tunnel as the United Nations Security Council last week (June 2000) decided that the Ugandan and Rwandan Troops are to withdraw from Lado Territory with Immediate Effect.
The UN Security Council Decision has created Fury in the Anglo-American Camp as they see their Plan for a Final Take-over and Control of Lado Collapse.
"When the Anglo-American Controlled Aggressors are but, we may begin to realistically hope for a UN Decision to Recognise Lado as an Independent and Sovereign State," says the King who wants an end to his Country being used as a Battleground by Foreign Warlords and the Superpowers.
Remnants of
"The many Wars and Armed Conflicts raging on the African Continent, in Congo-Zaire, in Sierra Leone, and between Ethiopia and Eritrea are Remnants of the European Partitioning of the African Continent splitting Kingdoms, States and People regardless of their Cultural or Ancestral Background," says the King. "The present National Entities and their Borderlines are not Natural but have instead resulted in a number of Artificially Created States inhabited by People of Different National and Cultural Heritage. Within these Nations, these People have been forced to Subordinate to a Common and Artificial Nationality with no relation to their own Heritage.
This is the real Tragedy of Africa and the Main Cause for the Endless Armed Conflicts, Rebel Movements, Genocides and Refugee Crisises.
The Master Takes
the Spoil
The History Books bring Numerous Accounts of War-lords and their Armies who have Robbed and Raped, taken the Spoils of a Conquered Country and Enslaved or Deported its Inha-bitants.
Africa is a Living Example of Modern Day Imperialism and Slavery.
On this King Agami says: "The vast Majority of the Natural Resources and the good Farmland are in Foreign Hands in the former Colonial Possessions of Africa, owned by the Powerful Transnational Organisations who gra-ciously let the Africans work as Unskilled Labourers for a Pittance.
Since the Unemployment Figures in these Countries are Immense, there is no Choice but to take whatever Work is offered.
Naturally, it is the Hardest, the Dirtiest and the most Unhealthy resulting in many Premature Deaths and Health Damages.
In spite of such Conditions, there are no Standards, no Unions to speak for the Workers and no Government Bodies who care to or dare to Protect them. It is Impossible for the Ordinary African to buy Land to Farm profitably, to set up Businesses or Production Outlets or even to finance an Elementary Education. They don’t even have a Chance of geting a Loan from the Bank."
The British Commonwealth
Reaps the Harvest
"This is a Sure Recipe for keeping People in Poverty, Fear and Ignorance and in Bondage to the Almighty Employers, to the Relief Agencies, the "Donor Coun-tries" and not least the British Commonwealth," continues King Agami.
The Commonwealth and the British Crown keep their Realm in a Tight Grip. From their fifty-four Members, plus their Old Colony the United States of America, whom they hold in the Family through the old British "The Virginia Com-pany", the British Crown Scores Neat Percentages of all Goods Sold."
Mr. 100 Percent Takes
All the African Wealth
"Through their Affiliated Companies and Institutions, the British Crown, which is at the Top of the Pyramid in the British Commonwealth, gets the Major Part of what-ever is Exported to the Markets of the Rich World.
That is why the African Commonwealth Family Members are Cultivating Vast Farmlands to growing Luxury Goods, such as Tobacco, Coffee, Cocoa, Bananas, Cotton, etc., in order to Stock the Shelves of the Shops and the Supermarkets in the West. All the while the Africans and their Children are forced to work like Slaves with Hungry Bellies and no Rights. Not even the Rights to their own Land and its Resources.
Those who have not been Fortunate enough to find Slave Labour are Lucky if they can Survive on Hand-outs donated by the Relief Agencies who are Competing to Provide for the Hungry and Needy Masses in the Third World, whose Children they can use as Guinea Pigs in their "Mass Innoculation Programs".
Africa is a Giant
"There are many Ways to carry out Population Control, and all known types have been tried with varying Success through the Colonisation Centuries.
A sure Winner in this Business, of which former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has been an Expert, is the Divide and Rule Policy, which invariably leads to Wars or Armed Conflicts between two or more Parties.
Then there is Poverty, Starvation and Disease, and if that does not cut back the Population fast enough, to the Desired Quotas, you can always spread a Deadly Virus to kill at Random and call it a "Sexually Transmitted Disease".
Then throw in Mass Innoculation Programmes, which - through their Injected live Viruses - will Rob the Young Generations of their Natural Immunity System and leave them Vulnerable to the socalled "Civilised Diseases".
The New
Global Masters
What a Wonderful New Market in Human Laboratory Potential for the Transnational Pharmaceutical Companies. The Owners and Board Members of these Companies are incidentally the same who own and man the Petrochemical Companies, the Food Companies, the Mining Companies, Arms Companies, the Financial Corporations, etc., etc.
Throw in Politicians, Government Members and Crowned Heads who either have Invested in Shares or hold Board Positions in these World-wide Corporations that mer-ge and grow into ever Bigger Monopolies and eventually become our "New Global Masters."
Diamonds are the
Crown’s Best Friend
The British Commonwealth is a Hard and Brutal Master who does not like to be cheated of his or her "Rightful" Loot. That explains the present Scenario in Sierra Leone where the West African Population has called down on their Heads the Wrath of their British "Colonial Masters".
"The British Paratroopers and their Loyal Renegades, the socalled "Government Troops", had been set in to stop the Country from taking Charge of their own Resour-ces, i.e. the Diamonds," says King Agami.
"The whole problem started when some of Sierra Leone’s Military Generals had enough of the Commonealth Rule and formed the RUF (Revolutionary United Fronts) which in fact consist of Regular National Army Units led by General Foday Sankoh and Military Officers trained by the British in the KAF (King’s African Rifles).
They Nationalised the Diamond Mines and with the assistance of President Charles Taylor in Liberia, Sierra Leonean Diamonds were sold Direct to Markets in Belgium, Germany and Denmark.
However, these Bold and Direct Marketing Practices are not exactly Mr. Common-wealth’s Cup of Tea.
It leaves no Kick-backs or Fleshy Doggy Bones to the London Houses where Tea is served to the Subservient Leaders of the Common-wealth Family Members out of Cups of fine china when they meet and dine with the Queen at their Family Gathering every two years.
Loyalty Sworn at
the Royal Tea Party
"During the Royal Tea Party they Swear Loyalty to the Realm in Eternal Gratitude for the Glamour and Abundance with which they are Awarded," explains King Agami, "and not only themselves, but their Sons and Daughters and Enlarged Families who are given free Education Grants at the finest British Institutions.
And, voila, you have created a new Third World Nobility who live in their own Ivory World and who couldn’t care less about their Suffering Countrymen who starve and die outside the Armoured Gates of their Leaders.
Who doesn’t remember Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham?
That was the Scenario of England many Centuries ago. Well, today it is the Scenario of Africa – only there is no Robin Hood around."
The British Commonwealth not only benefits as Mr. 100 percent, Mr. 50 percent or Mr. 10 percent and Direct the Markets for its Family Members - but it Rewards those of its Allies handsomely with a Fair Share of the Bargain who are Instrumental in Aiding to its Success.
In fact the Old Partners from the days of the Slave Trade get their Neat Percentage. Such a Willing Partner is the Seafaring Nation Denmark who oversees the Admini-strative System in for instance Uganda and acts as Mr. Middleman in the running of the Old African Colo-nies of the Commonwealth.
Lado has Never
"The African Nations are awakening to the Grim Facts that their Leaders are merely the Puppets of their Old Colonial Masters and that all the Wealth of their Countries goes into these Pockets," King Agami says.
"In Zimbabwe the Nation has gone into Shock and then a Spiral of Violence when it hit the fan that the hard-fought Independence was nothing but a Mockery.
A bitter President Robert Mogabe lashed out with Accusations against the "Bunch of Gays in the British Government" undermining and running the Country, and he threatens to Nationalise the Foreign Owned Mines and Companies.
All this Chaos, Rage and Violence has been caused when the British and the Americans failed to honour the Agreement signed in London in 1980 according to which they committed themselves to compensate the White Farmers when the land was handed back to the Zimbabwan People.
There is a Great Awakening all over Africa, and particularly the Young Africans are determined to be the Masters in their own House," says King Agami who expects to see a Revived and Different Africa in two Generations’ time.
"In Lado we have never and will never succumb to a Foreign Aggressor.
We have, as the only one of the African Nations, never signed over the Rights to our Ancestral Land."
King Agami was Jailed, Beaten and Tortured by British Officers in Kampala in 1962, and was sentenced to Death by a Military Court when he refused to sign a Document handing over the Sovereignty of Lado to the British Crown. The Sentence was later reduced to seven years Imprisonment.
Miraculously, he managed to Escape, barely Alive, and with the Help of his Coun-trymen was taken to Safety and Medical Treatment in a Safe Country. For Decades after the Escape, the British Pretended that the Heir to the Throne of Lado was Dead, just as they still try to pretend that Lado and the Lado People do not Exist.
Sneaked in through
the Back Door
After the British Occupation of Egypt in 1882 Egypt was made an "Anglo-Egyptian Condeminium", and Lado was Occupied through Egypt already in 1871 under the Sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire which gave the British an Opportunity to sneak in through the Back Door.
"The Agofe of Lado never signed a Document handing over the Rights to the British or any other Occupier", says King Agami.
"This means that the British/Belgian Occupation, which included Erasing Lado from the Map, has been Illegal all along according to Article 6 of the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885.
No wonder that the Illegal Colonial Masters were so Eager to Erase their Theft and thought they could effectively Cover the Crime by giving Lado the name "Equatoria", and recently just degradingly refer to Lado as "The Area".
Put Lado on
the UN Agenda
"Until now they have successfully been getting away with Genocide of the Lado People by letting their Ugandan, Kenyan, Rwandan and South African Commonwealth Troops slaughter our People behind Closed Doors in "The Area".
But "The Area" is Lado, and if the World Leaders mean anything with their Beautiful Speeches on Human Rights, an End to Ethnic Cleansing, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Peace in Africa, they will make sure to put the Lado Issue of Independence and Sovereignty on the Next Agenda of the UN General Assembly which is September 2000.
It remains to be seen whether the UN will still accept this Illegal Occupation.
And will the United Nations accept that the UN Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988, which must be implemented by year 2000, is still violated.
Lado’s Independence is long Overdue, and we demand the Independence of Lado now."
30 June 2000
The Lado People take Pride
in their National Identity...
The Country that is said not to exist, and the People said not to exist are aware
of their National Identity and the State of Lado as their own Political Entity.
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The Independence of Lado was officially declared in January Year 2000 by the Agofe, Onzima II of Lado, King John Bart Agami, in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, UN Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988 and Articles 1 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945.
Freeing Themselves
After 53 years of Occupation, from 1947 jointly by Britain and Belgium, the Lado People are finally freeing themselves from the Yoke of Oppression and are realising that their Hopes of becoming once again an Independent Political Entity is finally within Reach.
To the Outside World it has appeared, at least since 1947, that Lado does not exist, attempting to split Lado into two parts by the British and Belgian Colonisers continues with the assistance of the former Colonies: Sudan, Uganda and Congo-Zaire.
Internal Affairs
are a Lado Affair
However, in Lado itself the Internal Affairs of the Country have been run as One Political Entity as if Lado was never occupied.
The Daily Affairs, such as Schools, Hospitals, Local Administration, etc., have been run by Counties and Communes (Jorovu and Naamati).
Political System
of Lado
The higher Authorities are being handled by the Dicastries (Ministries). The Provinces (Kalavu) are headed by Governors elected by the various Tribal Nations among their own Tribal Members, in reality the true meaning of Democracy.
The elected Governors are formally appointed jointly by the Agofe (the King) and the Council of Chiefs (the Privy Council).
The Governors are then installed in their Tribal Nations in their particular Provinces (Kalavu).
System has Worked
for Three-hundred Years
"The fact is that this system of Affairs has been working and practised for the past three-hundred years since the Constitution of Lado from 1772 AD, a system which was supported and upheld by the Vatican through their Envoys, the Austrian Franciscan Fathers, from their arrival in Lado in 1711", says King John Bart Agami from his temporary residence in Denmark.
The African
System Works
This explains why it was so important for the European Colonisers to wipe the State of Lado off the World Map to hide the fact that the African System works in handling their own Affairs in spite of consistant onslaughts to their Sovereignty by various Foreign Aggressors.
Papal Intervention
to Defend Lado
At the Vienna Congress in 1815 Pope Pius VII asked Austria, Preussia and Russia to defend Lado against Britain, France and Portugal who were the three major Powers in Africa at the time.
The Pope's Concern was provoked by the progression of Colonialism as a replacement of Slavery since the Slave Trade had started to become conspicuously Inhuman and, perhaps more importantly, Economically Unprofitable.
It was in this Climate that the leading Slave Trading Nations: Britain, France and Portugal - and Denmark benefitting from the Trade by transporting the African Slaves to the Market Places in Europe and America - found that it was more lucrative to enslave the Africans at Home, i.e. in Africa.
is Modernised Slavery
Along with the findings of Minerals and Precious Stones, Cheap Labour was in high demand on the African Soil which was to be Mined and Cultivated for the growth of Luxury Commodities, Foodstuffs, Cash Crops and Plantations for European and American Comsumption.
The Aim of Colonialism was to create New Markets in Africa, taking the African Raw Materials (Minerals and Agricultural Produce) and shipping them to Western Europe and America for manufacture whereupon the Manufactured Goods were sold in the New Markets in Africa at an Overprice.
Foreign Debts Chaining Africans
in Perpetual Poverty
This chain of events has chained the African Population in Perpetual Poverty, e.g. the Foreign Debt to African Independent Countries which is the modern and authorised form of Slavery.
Thus the three Big C's were introduced into the African Nations: Civilisation, Christianity and Commerce.
This Hidden Agenda, which is still in force for Africa today, was covered by a Front "The British Anti-Slavery Society" which was ironically established in 1839 to campaign for an end to the Inhumane Slavery.
Colonial Rules
Enforced by Military
Slavery was thus transformed into Colonialisation starting with the Dismantling of the existing African Kingdoms and Nations, drawing Colonial Borders and bringing in the Military to enforce the Colonial Rules over the African People, all of which was formalised in August 1875 at the Paris Conference.
Ten years later, at the Berlin Conference, 15 November 1884 to 26 February 1885, the Slave Masters took the next step, splitting the Cake by partitioning Africa amongst themselves, and this time the Partners included the USA, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and Imperial Russia.
African Nations Ruled by Loyal
Colonial Leaders
Today's socalled Independent African Countries are Remnants of the "Split Cake" (African Partition), which are ruled by Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers who are loyal to their former Colonial Masters.
The African Heads of Governments have chosen to pretend that the State of Lado does not exist, just as the OAU (Organisation of African Unity) pretends that Article 7 of their own OAU Charter does not exist.
African Unity
is throttled
This Article clearly states that all Heads of States and Governments have the Obligation to act in case of Conflicts of any of the African Countries or Nations.
Just as they ignore their own Article 2 which states that the Independent African States should assist the African Colonised and Occupied Nations to be Independent.
African Leaders
Play the Pretending Game
"In the case of Lado, none of them acted. Instead they have chosen to go on pretending that Lado does not exist simply because of Fear of being overthrown by their former Colonial Masters", says King John Bart Agami.
The fact that Lado remains up till today the only African Kingdom (Kaari) who refused to sign over their Sovereignty to any Colonial Power has irritated the British to such a degree that they invented the term "The Area", which is the "Lado Enclave", as it was referred to by France and Belgium in 1894, which by International Law is the State of Lado.
Ethnic and Religious
Tolerance in Lado
The British referred to the Lado Protestant Community as "The Native Anglican Communion" (NAC) or "West Nile", which was a Big Lie since the Lado People consist of Four Main Religions Communities of Equal Standing: the Ori Religion Community, the Catholic Religion Community, the Protestant Religion Community and the Muslim Religion Community.
Between these Four Main Religious Communities Lado consists of Four Ethnic Communities: The Luu Community (Sudanic), the Lui Community (Sudanic), the Luo Community (Nilotic) and the Lue Community (Hamitic).
Equal Rights
in Lado
These Ethnic Communities belong to all the Four Religions Communities, and the Lado Government has specifically established an Inter-Religions Council with the Ecumenical Congregation, consisting of Delegates from all Religions Communities to deal with any Conflicts or Issues arising whether they be Theological or Pastoral Matters, which is to prevent Religious or Civil Wars inside Lado.
The highest Authority of the Lado Inter-Religions Council is the Agofe himself, and directly under him is the Lado Dicastry of Religion, the Ministry that draws up the Overall Legislation concerning the Interacting of the Religions Communities in order to uphold the Mutual Understanding, Respect and, not least, the Responsibility to the People of Lado.
Spirit of Lado National Identity
sustained since 1505
It has been difficult to break down this well-functioning system of Law, Order and Justice which has upheld the State of Lado since 1505 sustaining and maintaining the Spirit of the Lado National Identity.
The otherwise fool-proof warfare of "Divide and Rule" has not been effective when it comes to the Affairs of the State of Lado though the Lado Enclave has been Isolated by their Surrounding Neighbours under the Direct Influence of their former Colonial Masters.
Through the Auspices of "Religious Conflicts and Wars", Genocides and Ethnic Cleanings have been committed with impunity through the Nineteenth Century.
Atrocities Committed under
Guise of Religion
In the name of Religion such Atrocities are still taking place even today though Religion is rarely the Real Issue, but in fact are purely Political and Economic Issues covering "National and Vital Interests" of the Countries concerned or Third Parties.
Hidden Agenda
behind "Cult Murders"
Behind the present "Cult Murders" in Uganda lies such a Hidden Agenda being covered by the Smoke Screen of Religion.
Reliable Sources close to the Events indicate that the particular Religious Cult is merely a Front which has been set up in order to destroy and exterminate Certain Unwanted Ethnic Groups or People.
Cult was
an Evil Invention
The Cult was an Evil Invention to carry out the Ethnic Cleansing under the Cover of Religion which was to convince the World that it was Mass Suicide by Religious Devotees.
According to these Sources the more than 900 Bodies of mainly Women and Children, who have so far been dug out, have been Executed, either by Strangling, by Hanging or by other means.
Who are
the Victims?
The Question still remains: to which Ethnic Groups or People the Victims belonged?
But so far indications are pointing towards People of Lado in Central Africa.
The killing of Innocent People, especially Women and Children, might have been going on for a number of years as it was admitted on 30 March 2000 in a BBC Interview by a hard pressed Ugandan President, Mr. Yoweri Museveni, that he had known about the Religious Cult since 1994.
Policy of Ethnic Cleansing will
"I have no doubt that this Hidden Agenda, which is no longer buried in the ground or hiding behind a Religious Cult, will come out in the open, and the Truth will be known sooner or later ", says King John Bart Agami who is convinced that the Policy of Ethnic Cleansing will hit back like a Boomerang on those who carry the Responsibility of the Killings.
Growing Desire
for Independence
"And there is no doubt that the continued Persecution of the Lado People has resulted in the Growing Awareness of the Need for withstanding the Oppression and the Struggle for the National Entity and Political Independence with which they can truly Identify and be Proud of to determine their Destiny and Fate as a Sovereign State.
Without the Sovereignty and Independence of Lado, we shall always remain an Enslaved and Oppressed People without the Freedom and the Liberty to choose our own Destiny", concludes King John Bart Agami.
31 March 2000
The Key to the African
Identity lies hidden in Lado...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Who will Unlock the present Deadlock on the Peace Process in Lado and in Central Africa?
The present Turmoil, Conflicts and Bloody Wars raging on the African Continent, particularly the Genocides in Central Africa and Lado, are baffling people all over the World.
Even hard-headed Politicians are at their wits end to find a Solution to the Conflicts in Central Africa and Lado that seem to take no end.
Simple Answers
But the answers to the problems may be quite simple and more straight forward than anyone could ever suspect.
"The whole trouble is that the Africans have been deprived of their own True Identity, the Legacy left behind by the former European Colonisers who are still running the show in Africa today", says the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami.
UN Peacekeeping
Force a Monumental Mistake
"Applying a UN Peacekeeping Force in Central Africa is a Monumental Mistake which will only cause more Bloodshed among the Warring Parties, which at present consist of at least nine countries who among them operate at least fifty-one different socalled "Rebel Groups", but supported by various Governments, and on top of all these Governments you can include the State of Lado", says the King.
"Does the UN really believe that a Peacekeeping Force will be in a position to distinguish between these fifty-odd groups - let alone disarm them - and at that even in a Foreign and Hostile Continent consisting of Jungles, Mountains and a myriad of Rivers in Central Africa, in the Great Lakes Region and in Lado.
If so, one can only conclude that they must be either Ignorant or Naive."
The World
All the same the World goes on pretending that the Wars and the Genocides in the Region of Central Africa are Tribal Squabbles and Conflicts between different Ethnic Groups which is not entirely true.
Just the way the World continues to pretend that Lado does not exist, and that the People of Lado: The Luu People, the Lui People, the Luo People and the Lue People are non-existing.
The Lado
Among these Ethnic Groups are the Lado Muslims (Luu and Lui) - incorrectly referred to by the British as "The Nubians" who were recruited into the British Imperial Army (King's African Rifles) in 1891 under the Kavalli Agreement of 17 September 1891.
The Agreement was signed by the English Captain Frederick D. Lugard who later became the Governor-General of Nigeria and Major Selim Matera, a Citizen of Lado.
It was Gov.Gen. Lugard who developed the British Colonial Doctrine called "The Dual Mandate" (Indirect Rule), which is still in force through the Commonwealth Pyramid Divide-and-Rule System with the Queen/King on top, and under the Sovereign Head are the British Administrators, and below them the Local African Chiefs.
British Administrators
replaced by African Presidents
The only difference today is that the British Administrators are replaced by the African Presidents who are operating as Governor-Generals dancing to the tune of Remote Control.
These British Commonwealth African Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers rule in the firm belief that they are the True Sovereign Heads of their Countries. But in actual fact they have been reduced to mere Governor-Generals/Administrators (International Public Law).
"That explains why the many different Indiginous Peoples of Africa, consisting of four Main Races (Bantus, Hamitics, Sudanics and Nilotics) believe they are Independent", says King Agami.
The Hutu
and Tutsi Conflict
That is also the reason behind the Conflict between the Tutsis (Hamitics) and the Hutus (Bantus) in Rwanda and Burundi.
However, few people realise that the Real Owners of Rwanda and Burundi are the Indigenous People, the Twa People (Batua), who are close counsins of the Pygmies. Rwanda and Burundi (formerly Urundi) used to be one Country, along with Tanganyika, before the First World War. The Territory belonged to Germany and was known as German East Africa.
When the First World War ended, Rwanda-Urundi (Burundi) was given to Belgium, and Tanganyika to the British under the Versailles Treaty of 28 June 1919.
Today's Conflict between the Tutsis and the Hutus is a direct result of the Division of the former German
Colonies into two parts, one for Britain (Tanganyika) and one for Belgium (Rwanda-Urundi).
The Belgians chose to rule by appointing the Minority Tutsis "Most Favored Ethnic Group", which carried them forward as the African Intelligentsia Class or the Ruling Elite, who as the new Slave Masters were used to suppress all the other Ethnic Groups.
"This is the Root of the Problem, and unless that is recognised and a Political Solution is found, there will be no end to the Bloodshed and Genocide in Central Africa", says King Agami.
The African
"The Key to a lasting Peace in Africa, and particularly in
Central Africa, is that Lado is recognised as an Independent and Political Entity and a Sovereign State, and replaced on the World Map as one of the oldest Kingdoms in Africa."
First Step
towards African Identity
"That is the first step towards regaining the African Identity, and the Lado Identity which is undeniably interlocked with the Independence and Sovereignty of Lado - something which has been lost for our People for one hundred and fifty years", says King Agami.
The Refugee
"This will also solve all the problems of the Lado Refugees, the Displaced Persons, the Stateless Persons and the Internal Refugee Problem, among them the Nubians (the Lado Muslim Community) who are being held mainly in Uganda and Kenya as Prisoners in Reservations, the socalled Restricted Settlements (Bombo, Soroti and Gulu in Uganda and Kibira near Nairobi in Kenya) since 1897."
The Sudanese
Mutiny 1897
"These People are always referred to simply as "The Nubians" though they are Muslims of Lado origin (Luu and Lui People) who were removed by the British Colonial Authority because of their Mutiny the same year 1897 when they were ordered to go and fight against their own People in Lado", says King Agami.
"The leaders were executed, including their Military Commander, Bilal Amin, the Grandfather of Idi Amin (The Sudanese Mutiny of 1897).
The British have never forgotten nor forgiven the Lado Muslims for this Breach of Discipline, which explains why these displaced People referred to as "The Nubians", are still being punished as "Unwanted Persons."
Treated like
the American Indians
"Apart from being held in the Special Settlements as Prisoners, the Lado Muslims (Nubians) are being heavily discriminated against, very much like the American Indians were treated by the European Invaders one hundred years ago", says King Agami.
"We want these People to return to their Homeland in Lado, an Objective which can only be achieved through an International Conference on Lado and on Central Africa."
"The assistance of the UNHCR is absolutely necessary in order to repatriate the Lado Muslim Families and then resettle them among their respective Clans in Lado", says King Agami.
"That must necessarily also mean that Lado gains her Independence and Sovereignty and is put back on the Map under her own Name as the Kingdom of Lado, just as UN Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988 stipulates, including the UN Resolution 1514 XV of 14 December 1960 plus Article 1 and 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945", says King Agami.
"If we are to secure a Lasting Peace with our Neighbours, and this concerns particularly Sudan, Egypt, Congo, Uganda and Ethiopia, we will have to sit down and resolve the questions of the Running Waters through Lado and into the respective Countries."
Water and
"A Mutual Understanding should be reached under the International Running Waters Agreement for proper Usage of the Water by the Countries involved", the King says.
"That in itself will avoid future Wars over the Usage and the Right to the Water.
Another Crucial Issue is the Boundaries of Lado with the Neighbouring Countries, which should be settled by the International Independent Boundaries Commission to avoid any future Disputes with our Neighbours."
Lado Holds
the Key to Peace
"That is why the Conference on Lado is so important for the Future of Central Africa and the Neighbouring Countries of Lado, and that is why Lado holds the Key to Peace in Central Africa, in the Nile Valley Basin and in the Great Lakes Region and Terra Nullius, which has been protected by Articles 6 and 15 of the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885", says the King.
"In such a Conference the Independence and Sovereignity of Lado is naturally absolutely Essential since the Waterways in Central Africa all pass through Lado."
Countdown to Year 2000:
Three Weeks to
Lado Independence...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The Home is where the Heart is, so the saying goes. It is an old and accepted Truth, but it is not a fact for everyone.
The Country, Lado, which since the dawn of Earth has been considered the Heart of Africa, and not least the Heart of the Planet, has been denied the Right to call their land 'Home' for the past fifty-two years.
All the same the Heart of Lado is still beating.
Wiped off
the Map
Lado was wiped off the World Map in 1947 after 34 years of unsuccessful Occupation by the British from 1913.
Before 1913 Lado was an Independent and Sovereign Country, the size of the British Isles, with a Constitution from 1772, situated at the Upper Nile Valley in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region, and since 1871 called 'Equatoria' as a part of the Ottoman Empire's Divide and Rule Policy.
Lado was Administered
through Egypt
The British Influence started when they signed the Constantinople Agreement in May 22, 1887, when they administered Lado through Egypt, which incidentally was then a possession of the Ottoman Empire.
The first two Governor's of Lado, Col. Sir Samuel Baker (1871-1873) and Col. Charles George Gordon (1874-1876) were appointed through the British, but their salaries were paid by the Ottoman Empire.
British Pretended
not to be a Part
From 1876-1878 two American Colonels were Governors of Lado, viz. Col. Henry G. Prout and Col. Alexander A. Mason, and neither the British nor the American Governors lasted very long as formal Occupiers.
Officially the British pretended that they did not have a part in it, perhaps because the Sovereignty was still under Turkish Control.
The other reason was that France was fighting Britain over Egypt which was secretly under Military Occupation by Britain since 1882.
Knack for Secrecy
The British have always had a knack for Secrecy and have made their Fame from the 'hiding behind the bush' Game and Method, and that is especially obvious in the case of Lado in Central Africa.
The British logo has been that of the Three Monkeys, who don't Hear, don't See and don't Talk, and even in the extraordinary case that they should see, they certainly don't talk.
Another term for that kind of Policy, very much practised in the EU (European Union), in the WTO (World Trade Organisation) and in other such Clubs, is the 'Closed Doors Policy'.
Need for
'Open Heart Policy'
"What we need now, and what the World needs now, is an 'Open Door Policy' and not least an 'Open Heart Policy'", says the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami, the ONZIMA II of the century-old Dynasty of Kings in Central Africa.
"We are turning away from the old Millenium of War and Injustice, and entering into a new and brighter Future where Indigenous People of all Races and Denominations should be and will be recognised and be given the Right to exist and be Visible", says King John Bart Agami.
No Way to Stop
the Road to Independence
"Whatever the old Orders, Clubs, Organisations or Military Powers try to plan and conjure, there is no way they will stop the Road to Independence and Sovereignty and the Right for these Peoples to determine their own Destinies", says King John Bart Agami.
Lado Independence
is Unavoidable
"As for Lado, Independence and Sovereignty of Lado is unavoidable, and it is now just a matter of time and formality, until we will declare Lado Independence which is to be a fact by Year 2000 according to UN Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and Resolution 43/47 of 22 November 1988."
It is the King's Hope that the Independence of Lado will be bloodless and without violence with Lado's neighbours, Congo, Sudan and Uganda in particular, who have been used by the British to oppress the People of Lado for the past Century."
Want to
Live in Peace
"We want to live in Peace with our Neighbours, inclusive Kenya, Ethiopia and the Central African Republic, and with the World at large as Members of the World Community, and we want to contribute to the World with our age-old Knowledge, our Culture and our Language (Lado Language), which will enrich both African and non-African Cultures."
Will Cooperate
on Equal Terms
"Not only can we contribute culturally and with our special know-how, we would also be in a position to cooperate economically and financially as the Sovereign State of Lado, on equal terms with Other States in Africa and World-wide."
Solving Differences
without Arms
"On the economic note we shall develop Diplomatic Relations with the other States on mutual grounds and for mutual understanding in solving the Conflicts that arise between us and the other Nations surrounding us and in the World.
If Africa and the rest of the World is to have a chance to live in Peace, Security and with Justice, which basically all People want, it is Time to solve our differences without Arms."
Fear, Paranoia
and Oppression
"As long as Fear, Paranoia and consequently Oppression are allowed to prevail, and set the Order of the Day, Countries and Peoples are taking to Violence and Arms in the False Belief that Raw Violence will solve their Problems.
It is time that the World realises that Violence and Bombs only generate more Violence and Bloodshed, and ultimately will lead to their own Destruction and the End of the Planet Earth as we know it."
Will the Superpower
Wake up to the Truth
"My hope for the Next Millenium will be that the World's Superpower, and the Policeman of the World, the USA, will wake up to the Truth and cease to be manipulated and secretly governed by the British Isles with their Old World concepts of Paranoia and Desire of Ultimate Control of the World.
An old saying goes: 'If you kill the Heart, you kill the Patient', and in this respect it is important to remember that if you kill Lado (the Heart), you kill the Continent of Africa (Terra Nullus)."
Pray that the
Hearts will be Opened
"My Prayer is that this message will get into the Hearts and Minds of the Leaders of the World and be understood by the Ordinary Citizens of the World, including Lado, and that our Hearts will be opened when the Millenium turns into a higher and happier Wave Length that will also encompass Lado and its position on the Equator and at the Heart Centre of Africa and the World."
Take Lado
into the Hearts
"It is Time that the World and its People take Lado into their Hearts by recognising Lado's Sovereignty and Independence in the Year 2000..."
3 December 1999
Year 2000 - Deadline
for Peace or War...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The Blair Government, of the British Ruling New Labour Party, may find itself in a bit of a squeeze as their Policy on the Lado Independence Issue may jeopardise the credibility of the English Queen Elizabeth II herself.
In 1954 on April 30, two years after her Accession to the Throne, the English Queen Elizabeth II solemnly agreed with the Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami, that Lado would be granted Indepen-dence already in 1960.
The Jinja Bridge Pact
The Agreement became known as the Jinja Bridge Pact and was drawn up in 1953 jointly by Sir Winston Spencer Churchill who was the Prime Minister of Britain at the time, and the Emperor of Ethiopia, His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie (Tafari).
Stalin Pushed the British
The Pact was reached after lengthy negotiations held in Valetta on the Island of Malta in early 1953 before Stalin's death who since 1947 had pushed the British to act on the Lado Question.
"Had it not been for Stalin's untimely passing, Lado would have long since been an Independent Country and represented in the United Nations along with all the other Sovereign States in the General Assembly", says King Agami.
"The Question of Lado was raised for the first time in the United Nations at a UN Con-ference lasting from 28 April to 15 May 1947 by the then Soviet Permanent Representative to the U.N., Andrei A. Gromyko, who later became the Foreign Minister of the USSR.
On this Conference, which incidentally was called by Britain, three Key Issues were discussed, i.e. the Palestine Question, the creation of the new State of Israel, and the Independence of Lado."
Lado was Cheated
"The decision at the U.N. was to grant all three parties Independence, but as everyone knows, only one of these decisions was implemented with the realisation of the State of Israel in 1948.
A lot of bloodshed, anger, pain and millions of displaced and stateless persons have up to now been the result of the lack of implementation of the Palestine and Lado Questions."
By now there remains to be granted Independence to eighteen countries in the World, of which the five are the Palestine, East Timor, Western Sahara, Lado and St. Helena.
Lado not in the Public Eye
"The first three countries, the Palestine, East Timor and Western Sahara, are on the verge of Independence be-cause they have for a long time been burning issues and in the Focus of the Public Eye making their Suffering and Quest for Freedom a Matter of Conscience for the People of the World.
However, the Plight of Lado and St. Helena, both African Nations and both under foreign occupation (Lado Britain/Belgium, St. Helena Britain), has been that of oblivion, covert oppression and shadow boxing on behalf of the two countries."
Lado and St. Helena
in the Same Boat
"Lado is in exactly the same boat as St. Helena as our issues have never been allowed to be discussed in the open and as all topics concerning us have been swept under the carpet", says King Agami.
"The question of National Identity is one of crucial importance to any Man, and the Right of all People on the Planet Earth.
Although it is even one of the foremost Principles of the United Nations Charter, the Lado Peole and the St. Helena People have been denied the Right to even exist, let alone their Independence.The very name "Lado" is the Forbidden Word in the World of Politics and Diplomacy, and not least on the African Continent where there is severe Penalty, even Death, for expressing a single syllable about Lado and its existence as a Nation State or a People."
Lado never called
by its True Name
Lado is always referred to as either the unruly "North-Western Region of Uganda", "the North-Eastern Region of Congo", or even "Equatoria, Region of Sudan", but never by its true and genuine name "Lado".
In fact the mere mention of the name Lado triggers a jittery shock in diplomatic circles, as it is becoming an increasingly embarassing issue for the former Colonial Powers spearheaded by Britain, its Commonwealth Countries and Institutions enforced by their musclemen their American cousins (through the powers of the old Virginia Company).
The Hidden Agenda
But then it is no wonder that the Lado Question has be-come such a Hot Potato to the Ruling Powers of the World when you consider that the Hidden Agenda of the Anglo-American Conglomeration is to create a new state on Lado Land (Territory) by the name of "Southern Sudan".
"The idea is to hand over Lado Land to Black Americans, as it was done in Liberia, which will help "White America" to get rid of some of its Black Citizens that constantly remind them of their infamous and shameful Slave Past."
Annihilation of Lado People
"Invariably this scheme will involve the Annihilation of the Rightful Owners of Lado Land, the Indigenous People of the Luu, Lui, Luo and Lue origin.
These are the National Identities of Lado, and this ex-plains why the name Lado is not even whispered in the Corridors of Power.
Lado has been occupied, but never colonised, since 26 May 1871 by an International Force led by the US military based in Egypt."
Covert Operations
"The Force, which operated under the pretext of fighting the Slave Trade, was the "NATO" of that day (1871), and as history goes yet another American President, General Ulysses Simpson Grant had been manipulated (or forced) by the British Crown to do the dirty work under the auspices of an under-cover Agreement of the Ottoman Empire Sovereignty of which Egypt was a Possession at the time.
The Implementation of the Creation of this new "Slave State", and part of the Secret Anglo-American Colonisation Program of Africa, was preceded by a recent Fact-Finding Mission to Lado carried out by Congressmen Donald M. Payne (a Black American) and Tom Tancredo, and Senator Sam Brownback."
Congress Passed
Resolution to Invade
"Coinciding with the Mission of these three Gentlemen, a Resolution was passed in the US Congress in June 1999 that the US is to supply Arms and Finances to the South Sudan Liberation Army and the South Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement under the pretext of fighting the Arabs in North Sudan.
Part of the Scheme, and the Reason for the Passing of the Resolution in Congress, was to conjure a deliberate Misinformation on the whole situation in the Region which is to hide the Real Reason, namely to destroy Lado as a Country and its People, exactly the same way that NATO (1999) is trying to destroy Serbia and its People."
NATO Operation in Africa
"I can only see it as the pre-parations for a new NATO Operation which will use Uganda and Kenya as their Bases and Buffer Zones.
The Lado People will be the Targets at the receiving end, and Lado Land will be used as the new Testing Ground for their impressive and High-Tech Bombing/Weapons sprees. Who said World Peace?", asks King Agami.
"The Bluff they are calling is to make the World believe that the South Sudan People are in Dire Circumstances and desperately in need of Help to liberate themselves."
"Equatoria" is Lado
"However, the fact is that the socalled South Sudan is Lado Territory, inhabited by Luu, Lui, Luo and Lue People.
The present Rebel War is fought, not in South Sudan, but in Lado (called Equatoria from 20 May 1871), and the real South Sudan People are situated six degrees north of the Lado/Sudan Border to Egypt.
These South Sudan People, living inside the Republic of Sudan, are Dinka, Nuer, Anuak and Shilluk People who have no connection whatsoever to Lado and Lado People.
Consequently, the Phony War is being fought in the Wrong Place and by the Wrong People and for the Wrong Reasons under the pretext of the Christian Victims versus the Cruel Arab Muslims in North Sudan."
US Mission Misinformed
"The US Fact-Finding Mission was based in the town Yei, which is in the Heart of Lado, and very far away from South Sudan, and yet the Honourable Senator and the Congressmen failed to see that they had physically been enjoying the Hospitality and received the Protection of the People of Lado, and not the People of South Sudan.
Instead they manufactured a totally false Report which has fatally resulted in the disastrous Resolution passed by the US Congress in June 1999, a Resolution which will invariably result in the Commitment of the US Government and the Deployment of US Troops, Arms and Finance to fight inside Lado."
British Crown in Charge
"However, and whichever the mighty US Congress may decide, it will be the British Crown who will be in charge of the Overall and Tactical Activities (the Brain and the Muscle).
The game is played through all the institutions of the British Crown, and some of the most useful on-the-spot players are Uganda, Kenya and South Africa to which country all the weapons are being shipped and distributed."
Peace or War
rests with Britain
"The whole Issue of Peace or War - since the Queen's Pro-mise in 1954 - rests with the present Labour Government, the same Party which was in power under Prime Minister, Clement Richard Attlee, in 1947 when the Issue of Lado's Independence was discussed in the United Nations.
The only difference is that the Party now calls itself the "New Labour Party, but it remains to be seen whether the new Prime Minister, Anthony Charles Blair, has the courage to honour Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Word of 1954 forty-five years ago".
Lado Independence
Declaration 2000
"If not, the People of Lado will go ahead and declare the Independence of Lado as a Sovereign Nation State", concludes King John Bart Agami.
END 30 July, 1999
Disciples of the New World Order
are waging Secret War
for Return to Slavery...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
As the World is holding its breath waiting for the next bugle call for War or the next bombing raid, the Disciples of the New World Order are exercising frantic activity to destroy the World before Year 2000.
The objective is total Control, i.e. Centralisation of Power which means that all the World’s natural resources, its technology, scientific research and knowledge will be gathered on all but a few hands.
All this has to happen before Year 2000 when UN Resolution 43/47 of 1988 steps into force, and the UN is obliged to grant all countries and peoples Freedom, Sovereignty and Independence.
A Case of
Fight or Die
That explains the hectic stepping up of military activity in those parts of the World where there is not concensus to submit into the New World Order (NWO) system.
„It is a Secret War for return to Slavery“, says the Agofe of the Central African State, Lado, in the Upper Nile Valley, King John Bart Agami, who with his people are fighting an intense battle to end the foreign occupation of their country.
And for the Ladoans it is a case of fight or die. All other options have been exhausted after decades of endless diplomatic talks, hundreds of letters to the UN and Government Leaders and fruitless attempts to interest the international media in the plight of Lado, the country which was supposed to be the 'Forgotten Kingdom of Africa'.
is ready
„But the Heart of Africa is refusing to die and give in to the overmight“, says King John Bart Agami from his residence in Copenhagen from where he is planning a return to Lado before Year 2000 when Independence and Sovereignty becomes a reality.
„The Provisional Government of the State of Lado has a blueprint ready for the entire infrastructure of Lado involving all aspects of government, be it administration, the legal system, defence, education, health, family, production of food and the basic needs of the population, culture, communication, finance and currency and not least international relations.
Ladoans running
their own Affairs
Though Lado is occupied by foreign troops deployed by Britain in the shape of soldiers from the King’s African Rifles from Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda, the Ladoans manage to run their own infrastructure through their 'Dicastries' administered by religious bishops under whose authority all educational institutions are placed, and through the local Chiefs who are the central and uniting figures for the tribes and families who make up the backbone of the State of Lado.
Lado is synonymous
with Freedom and Liberty
„As the only country in Africa, Lado has never been colonised, and as such Lado’s role is symbolic for the hopes and Spirit of Freedom for the rest of the Continent“, says King Agami who likens Lado to the Heart of Africa, or even the Heart of the Planet Earth with Lado’s central position at the Equator and with the lifegiving force of the Nile as its main artery.
„It is important to understand that if you kill the Heart, you kill the Body, and this is what the NWO Conspirators or Trustees are about to do when they are trying to get a stranglehold on Lado and annihilate Lado and all Lado People in secrecy while the World’s attention is diverted to an explosive situation elsewhere, and right now in Kosovo in Yugoslavia.
Lado is not
alone anymore
But Lado is not alone anymore. Five other countries are fighting around us against the Anglo-American Trustees and their willing henchmen: Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda.
Congo/Zaire, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia have joined the struggle to free Africa of the remnants of Colonisation and future Enslavement of the powerful Transnational Companies, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
„We want a New World Order, but not the World Order dictated by the Disciples of the New World Order who among their numbers count the absolute Elite within Finance, Business and Politics and whose religion is money and by the means of money the total Control of all Countries, Leaders and Peoples.
These 'shadow governments' of the World, who have never been elected, know all too well that Lado is the key to the Liberation of Africa, and the rest of the Humanity, Spiritually, Morally and Physically.
A genuine Liberation from Poverty and Slavery“, King Agami stresses.
However, as the quest for total Global Control and Centralisation of Power, Finances and Resources is intensifying, the situation of the Lado People is becoming absolutely desperate.
Inside Lado itself there is intense fighting by every man, woman and child to defend their ancestral land, and to resist being dragged to camps in the socalled 'Protected Villages', which the Ugandan troops are operating all over Lado with the expertice of British and American Officers aided by an effective team of hardneck mercenaries.
Men, Women and Children
waiting to be shot
Throughout Uganda, the approx. 200,000 Ladoans, who live and work there, are being rounded up, given in by neighbours who easily point out the tall, lanky and darkskinned Ladoans to the Ugandan Security Forces.
Innocent Ladoans, whole families, are hurled off from their homes in the middle of the night and taken to internment camps where they wait to be shot at the rate of 200 at a time.
Their only Crime is being Ladoan and as such living proofs of the country which refuses to die and vanish into oblivion with its non-existence on the World Map.
Contract to assassinate
the Royal Family of Lado
Part of the Anglo-American Plan is to eradicate the Royal Family of Lado, and through the years there have been several assassination attempts on King John Bart Agami, whose father was murdered by the same Conspirators in April 1948 just before he was about to address the UN General Assembly in New York on the issue of Independence and Sovereignty for Lado.
„The Trustees not only have a contract out on my life, but have signed contracts with two 'Presidential Candidates' who are both Ladoans. One is in Toronto, whereas the other 'Candidate' lives in London and was taken out by the British from Kampala.
Presidential Candidates
lined up
The two 'options' have already signed away Lado’s vast natural resources and work force to Big Business, the World Bank and the IMF in return for a life in power, luxury and millions of American Dollars on their Swiss bank accounts as it has been the custom with so many other African dictators who have come and gone with the whims of the Superpowers and the CIA.
„If they manage to get rid of me“, says King Agami, „they will install either one of the 'Candidates', and let the other one remain in the background in case the first one should fail to 'deliver the goods' demanded by the Trustees.“
The Heart of Lado
is still Beating
„But whatever they do, the viscious circle, which has been the tragedy of Africa for three hundred years, will be broken.
Because although the Heart of Lado is bleeding, it is still beating, and we will continue to fight as long as it takes for our Right to live and to determine our own destinies.
Whatever happens, the Spirit of Lado and our Ancestors will live on...“
Lado is stepping out
of the shadows...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Lado is finally through with the "shadow boxing", which has been the prerogative for the Lado enclave in the heart of Central Africa for close to one hundred years.
The fight to regain the freedom of the Lado people and to reestablish the State of Lado will now have to be performed in the openair arena, and in this day and age the stage will be set in the UN General Assembly.
It has been a long and tough struggle to get to this point, and the greatest obstacle has been just to get the issue out of the UN Security Council, which has been sitting on the Lado issue for fifty years.
After twenty years of intense and unrelentless footwork the King of Lado, the Agofe, John Bart Agami, is close to the goal.
Lado is now about to be put back on the map of the African continent, as the UN Security Council has now accepted Article 73 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945 and Article 1 as well as the Resolution 1514 (XVXIV) of 14 December 1960.
These two articles and the resolution cancel the UN usage of Article 12, which was used against Lado.
So far the British have obstructed the independence and more so the sovereignty of the Lado enclave, which they succeeded in hiding away in the shadows of "Equatoria" (Nile Congo Watershed) ever since Lado became occupied territory by the violent assassination of the then sovereign head of the State of Lado, King Agami’s father, in 1948.
The occupation was jointly administered by Britain and Belgium, but in fact none of these countries ever managed to conquer Lado till this day although they manage to administer Lado affairs through their former colonies bordering Lado territory (Congo, Sudan and Uganda).
"The reason why Lado managed to break through the UN locker, was that we managed to bring forward the rights and the legality of the existing Council of chiefs, and the Agofe of Lado, which have been reserved by Article 6 and the right of people in Article 15 of the Berlin Treaty of 26 February 1885", King Agami says.
Article 15 says that the rights of the tribal people must be protected, and no Agofe of Lado has ever signed a paper to hand over these rights.
All other chiefs in the continent of Africa had either been conned or forced at gunpoint into signing a blank piece of paper, which handed over the rights of their territories and people to the particular European colonial power.
This gave the European colonizers the legal right to own the land and the people and enabled the 400 year-old slave trade (1440-1840) to continue in a modern-day modified system of slavery.
These proud old African kingdoms were in fact transformed into slave states, and still today they are kept in the stranglehold of colonial power.
Some of these powers are Britain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and even Denmark who formerly occupied Ghana and later sold it to Britain.
The legality of the Berlin Treaty was derived from the Paris Conference which was concluded on 3 August 1875, the aim of which it was to enslave the Africans in their own continent.
Under the pretext that slave trade was inhuman, the European and American leaders came to an understanding and concluded that it would be more profitable to enslave the Africans in their own African continent under European administration who would bring the "blessings" of civilization, Christianity and commerce to the "backward" African souls.
This concept was termed "Terra Nullus", in short the land of the continent of Africa belonged to the European and American masters, and not to the rightful owners, the African people.
The procedure for the practical implementation was laid down in the Berlin Conference which started 15 November 1884 and was concluded by signing the Berlin Treaty on 26 February 1885.
In fact the Charter of the OAU (Organization of African Union) of 25 May 1963 was drawn up in such a way as to keep and maintain the legal validity of the Paris Conference of 1875 enshrined in the Berlin Treaty in 1885.
This ingenious way of controlling the African people is surpassed only by the Spanish conquestadoros almost five hundred years ago who enslaved the Indian civilizations of Latin and South America and the Carribean Islands, including Cuba.
The control is made complete by imposing the language of the colonizers, i.e. culture through the instrument of the education system, religion (Christianity and later Islam) as well as currency and military.
However, that control has never been possible in the State of Lado, which is the real reason why Lado was punished and removed from the world map.
Till this day the Lado Agofe, King Agami, has never signed away the legal rights of the State of Lado and the right of the people of Lado although as late as in September 1962, King Agami was imprisoned by the British in Luzira Upper Prison outside Kampala, where he was badly beaten and tortured because of his refusal to sign a document to hand over the sovereignty of the State of Lado to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the British Empire.
In the following years there have been numerous attempts on his life which is why he and his family have been forced to live in exile for thirty-six years away from their beloved Lado and African soil.
But it will not be long before King Agami will finally be able to set foot on Lado ground and reclaim his rightful kingdom, the legal State of Lado.
20 March, 1998
Lado is The Code Word
for Peace and Security ...
Africa is the burning point for Third World War, but holding the Key to Peace in Africa is the small central African State of Lado, which the Anglo-American Governments have tried to eradicate from the world map.
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Hunger, displacement, genocide and endless sufferings for the people of the African nations are on the daily menu in the television stations around the world.
Behind all this misery and refugee movements is the military build-up and massing of troops in Southern Sudan, Northern Uganda and around the area of the Nile Region of Lado (formerly Equatoria, Province of Egypt).
Right now forces from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya are being trained to make a united front and strike an attack on Sudan, apparently over the Southern Sudan issue (the SPLM rebels).
The allied African front is, however, just a covert exercise by Britain and the US to divert the International Community’s attention from the real issue, viz. the Independence of Lado.
This issue is so unbearable for the former Colonial Powers, particularly Britain, who without success have tried to colonise Lado for fifty years, and still today, together with their ally the US attempt to block the issue in the United Nations.
Little do these Superpowers realise though that the building-up of the tension in the heart of Equatorial Africa is the direct path to the Third World War.
The next „Holy War“ could potentially break out with the next strike against the Islamic state of Sudan who is fighting against the SPLM Rebels led by Col. John Garang, who has been given sanctuary by Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
High tech arms are supplied in plenty to the Ugandan Government directly by the UK and the US who operate through the multinational companies, who again operate their covert activities through such companies as Sandline Int. and Executive Outcomes whose head office incidentally is placed in South Africa.
These companies act as fronts for governments and supply the skilled manpower, i.e. professional mercenaries, who by the way were also responsible for the genocide in Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo/Zaire, including Sierra Leone.
The Military Hardware is shipped to the port of Mombasa in Kenya and then taken by trucks to Uganda who, in addition to being a "pseudocolony" of the Anglo-American Government's errand boy Denmark, is the central point for the African United Front (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and partly South Africa).
The battle ground for the „Battle of Africa“, which is really the rich world’s battle for oil, diamonds and other essential commodities, will invariably be on Lado Territory as Lado has been enveloped with Sudan, Uganda and Congo/Zaire.
The next holy „Big Bang“ between the Muslim and the Christian Worlds will happen in Equatorial Africa inside Lado right at the world’s axes in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region.
Unless there is an international intervention with or without the initiative of the United Nations.
The situation is highly explosive and dangerous for World Peace and Security since an attack by the Christian cohesion against the Islamic Sudan will trigger the Third World War.
Both parties are supported by heavyweight World Powers, and the entire Arab World, with the Muslim North African Nations, are committed to defend Sudan whom they regard as their Islamic Brother.
While all this scheming and massing of arms and troops is taking place behind the television cameras, and in hiding behind the refugee presence, the World’s Global Power Elite is getting ready to wage the next World War III.
The hidden agenda by the Anglo-American Governments (London and Washington) is to hand over Lado Territory to the SPLM Rebels and ultimately destroy the Government of Sudan which is to be replaced by SPLM people led by Col. John Garang.
That would mean the total annihilation of Lado as a Political Entity, and at the same time it would mean the end of all hope for peace in Central Africa, and indeed the rest of the world.
If the Anglo-American plan is to go ahead unhindered, Africa will be engaged in a long-term war which will bleed the Continent of all human resources and involve the rest of the world in a Muslim/Christian Holy War.
The Anglo-American Go-vernments know very well that the Issue of the Independence of Lado is the key to lasting peace and stability to the African Region, and that is exactly why they are diverting the international attention to the conflicts and „rebel movements“ in Southern Sudan.
So in case the UN are genuinely interested in keeping the Peace in Africa, and avoid a fullscale World War, the UN Security Council must direct the UN Secretary General to call a Conference to solve the political problems of Central Africa.
And in this the State of Lado holds the key to World Peace...
END. May 8, 1998
Genocide is not
the Final Solution...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The Genuine Final Solution for Lado is Independence.
In Central Africa’s Upper Nile Valley there is an urgent need for a genuine Political Solution to end the conflicts raging in the three burning points in Central Africa, i.e. Southern Sudan, the Great Lakes Region (Rwanda, Uganda and Eastern Congo/Zaire) and the Upper Nile Valley (Lado/Equatoria).
The fact is that Lado, the country which the European occupiers have tried to annihilate since 1870, is also the trouble spot of Central Africa.
The trouble is, however, that the Lado People refuse not to exist and demand to be a Political Entity, which is an Independent and Sovereign State rightly placed on the World Charts.
The Lado Borders are quite easily defined as they were already determined by the colonial superpowers’ agreements (such as the Berlin Treaty signed on 26 February 1885), like any other African country today.
Already before the collapse of the Ottoman Administration in 1899, Lado, had been included as a Province of Egypt, and was in 1871 on 20 May renamed „Equatoria“.
At the same time Sudan became a Separate Political Entity and was known as „Anglo Egyptian Sudan“.
In fact three countries, Sudan, Egypt and Lado were included in the overall Colonial Setup, which was drawn up in the Anglo-Egyptian Agreement of 19 January 1899.
The agreement was signed by Boutros Ghali, Pasha, the grandfather of Boutros Boutros Ghali, the Former Secretary General of the United Nations, and now the Secretary General of the newly established French Community (The Union of Frenchspeaking Countries the equavalent to the British Commonwealth).
On the British side the agreement was signed by Sir Evelyn Baring (Lord Cromer) who was the British Administrator of Egypt, just like the modern day Former Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Chris Patten.
The handover was signed on behalf of both Sudan and Lado who were never asked for their opinion.
The result became a vast strategic stronghold centered around the Upper Nile Watershed controlling the entire African Continent including East India.
From a British Imperial viewpoint this was an excellent position as a military stronghold (King’s African Rifles) and a means to Control the World Trade.
That ambition remains today and is the real issue behind the many Conflicts in Africa and particularly centered around the Upper Nile Valley and the Watershed Area of Central Africa.
This explains the Genocides in the Great Lakes Region, where Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo/Zaire, among others, are situated.
By orchestrating these Genocides, condoned by the UN Leadership who knew of the plans and refused to act, the Conspirators (Britain/the US and France), inci-dentally all Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, were able to cover-up for the Hidden Agenda to their Final Solution for Central Africa.
The Conspirators’ Final Solution is the complete destruction of the State of Lado and the scattering of the People of Lado.
The Final Solution will mean that Lado is partitioned among the neighbouring countries like a birthday cake sliced out to Uganda, Kenya, Congo/Zaire and South Sudan, which will then be termed „Greater South Sudan“.
This is the reason behind the created Conflict in the Upper Nile Valley, in the Great Lakes Region and the Nile Valley Basin, which the innocent bystanders of the world see as a Struggle for Independence of the People of South Sudan (SPLM, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement).Already during the Colonial Condominium, whereby Britain and Egypt ruled Sudan in union, the British Divide and Rule Policy was put into effect through the socalled „South Sudan Policy“ of 1930.
This Policy was in all its simplicity to split Sudan into two quarrelling parts, one was the Muslim North, the other the Christian South, and the fertile seeds had been planted for a future Religious Conflict between Christians and Muslims. The very same framework you have in Ireland, where the Conflict has lasted for thirty years.
To this end the Conspirators, who are imprisoned in their own Greatness and Powers and refuse to understand the Political Rights of other people, are ready to use all means, be it Military, Political or Mercantile, at the Taxpayers’ expense - and Genocide is part of the Overall Plan.
Anyway, the End justifies the Means, these Minds think - but the End may not be what they think.
Lado has no objection to the creation of an Independent state of South Sudan, or of any other Nation, as long as it does not happen at the expense of the State of Lado or the National Interests of Lado.
This is a Genuine Political Solution, which will secure Lasting Peace and Stability to the future Sovereign Nations of Central Africa, of which Lado is a Member State.
Lado refuses not to exist and will not be exterminated. Consequently, Genocide cannot be „The Final Solution“.
Albright’s Holocaust in Central Africa
may trigger Third World War...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
With the aid of USA, Britain and Big Business, Uganda is exterminating the People of the small kingdom of LADO in ethnic cleansing operations and in concentration camps.
Before the Year 2000 all countries in the world are to be given Independence according to UN Resolution 43/47 of 1988, but in fact the UN agreed already in 1947 to give LADO Independence.
Colonisers in
frantic Activity
This explains why some elements, orchestrated by the US State Dept. and the Pentagon, with the assistance of CIA and FBI, are working fiercely against the fulfillment of the UN Resolution and are more active than ever before in creating endless havoc and armed conflicts in Africa where Britain and USA still have colonies which they control with an iron fist through their puppet go-vernments.
Via these regimes, who govern by oppression, brutality, corruption and anything than civil liberties, the Anglo-American Conspirators are carrying out a sweeping recolonisation with the purpose of taking full control of the values and the work force, and with the end objective of gaining World Supremacy.
Uganda is annihilating
the LADO People
One of these puppet countries is Uganda who, with the willing and hipocritical help of the Number One Humanitarian Champion of the World, Denmark, is systematically slaughtering the People of LADO, the country which the former colonial masters have handily renamed „Equatoria“ and mutilated into parts of Uganda, Sudan, Kenya and Zaire (now the Congo).
Denmark acts as
the Go-Between
Denmark’s role in this game is top secret, but public scrutiny is now focusing on the fact that Denmark, through her foreign aid organisation Danida, has placed Danish officials in strategic postings throughout Uganda, and that high ranking Ugandan ministerial civil servants are getting their salaries paid by Britain - but with pay cheques issued and forwarded by the Danish Foreign Ministry in Copenhagen.
Many Danida
Projects in Uganda
Under the cover of „Foreign Aid“ Danida runs numerous „projects“ in Uganda, and the Danes are pumping millions of dollars, camouflaged on the state budget as „Humanitarian Projects“, into a country which is ruled by a cynical dictator, Yoweri Museveni, who from his exile in Sweden took power by a state coup in 1986.
Danish Politician
most helpful
Museveni owes his rise to power to the Danish Con-servative MP Viggo Fischer who earned the nickname „The Man without Memory“ after his remarkable loss of memory during his testimony in the infamous impeachment against the former Secretary of Justice, Erik Ninn-Hansen, which followed the Tamil Case scandal toppling the Danish Conservative/Liberal Coalition Government in 1992/1993.
State Coup financed
by Denmark and Sweden
Viggo Fischer was a personal friend of the then Ugandan Ambassador in Denmark, the later Foreign Secretary of Uganda, Ibrahim Mukiibi. During the years 1970-1984 they collected funds to get Museveni instated as Dictator in Uganda. Though Viggo Fischer no doubt has no recollection of that.
Uganda’s new Constitution has been drawn up by the Danish High Court Judge, H. Brydensholt, just as Uganda’s administration and infra structure are controlled by the Danish Foreign Ministry operating through their Danida officials whose top salaries are financed by the Danish tax-payers, who are renowned for their number one position as the planet’s most heavily taxed people.
Elite Troops
preparing for Invasion
The military and security aspects are dealt with by experts from Britain and USA, and from various diplomatic sources it has been confirmed that the Pentagon has sent elite officers to Uganda to train a special force of soldiers from Kenya and Tanzania who are to be used specifically in a regular invasion of LADO Territory.
It means that Britain, USA and Denmark are celebrating their comeback as colonial powers, and if the citizen may wonder where his or her tax money goes, one of the deep black holes carries the label: „Colonial Policy in Africa“.
Museveni placed
by USA and Britain
„President Museveni was placed on the post by Britain and USA who have given him the honourable task of annihilating as many of LADO’s People as possible before Year 2000 so there will be noone left to claim Sovereignty for the State of LADO“, says the Agofe of the State of LADO, King John Bart Agami who lives under the protection of the UN and the Danish Security Police.
„My People, counting seven million, will fight for Sovereignty to the end, and if the Super Powers still refuse to abide by the UN Resolution by Year 2000, I guarantee that there will be endless war in Central Africa.“
Threat to
World Peace
Such a war may lead to a total war which will be a threat to World Peace, particularly since Russia from the time of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, has been an ally of LADO and so will feel obliged to help the LADO Defence Forces and the LADO People in case of a regular war.
Greedy Eyes
upon LADO
But such old-fashioned ideals as Peace, Freedom and Stability are not what the Anglo-American Conspirators are fighting for. It is the central and strategic position of LADO in the heart of the Nile Valley from where one has control of the whole of Africa, and not least the enormous and unexcavated natural resources in the form of Uranium, Gold, Diamonds and Oil which the giant Multinational Mining Corporations and the International Banking Elite, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements, just to name a few, have cast their greedy eyes upon.
Protected Camps
are KZ Camps
King Agami, who himself has received his training at British military academies, from which institutions they also recruit people for their intelligence organisations, is fully aware who are his enemies and who are behind the cynical genocide of his people.
„Museveni performs ethnic cleansing on the direct orders of Britain and the US (Pentagon and State Dept.). Museveni’s troops, under the Commonwealth Kings African Rifles, consisting of Ugandan, Kenyan and Tanzanian soldiers, are carrying out masked „guerilla“ attacks against LADO’s civilian population, causing death and terror by poison gas air raids and by setting up extermination camps, which are in actual fact KZ camps, called „Protected Camps“. Two of the best known camps are placed in the towns of Moyo and Ajumani,“ King John Bart Agami points out.
„With the help of such organisations as Executive Outcomes and the Rebel movement SPLM, the soldiers attack towns and villages, burn and plunder and hurd the survivers off to KZ camps enclosed by military barracks.“
American Military
running KZ camps
According to intelligence sources, American military persons are active inside the camps where the conditions are comparable to those which prevailed in the Nazi extermination camps during the Second World War where torture, executions, rapes and medical experiments were the order of the day.
One and a Half Million LADO’ans
have already been killed
„About one and a half million of my people have either disappeared or been killed by socalled „military activities“, the technical term for ethnic cleansing, but the genocide taking place inside the State of LADO never gets to the world’s attention“, says King Agami, who for the past twelve year has been tirelessly drawing the international attention to the plight of the LADO people.
200,000 slaughtered
„A recent example of the hidden ethnic cleansing in LADO, is 200,000 LADO civilians who were slaughtered in all secrecy in the Ituri Province in eastern Zaire while Kabila kept the world’s attention focused on his invasion.
Behind the horrifying massacre was the Ugandan President Museveni, and masterminding it was the Director of the US Refugee Committee, Roger Winter whose colleagues in the State Dept., Tony Hall and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Susan Rice, act as the perfect backing group. The unmistakable State Dept. involvement explains why Kabila was ordered not to accept a UN investigation into the murders.“
Madeleine Albright
is not working for Peace
„This gloomy scenario is finansed by taxpayers in the West who believe their hard earned money is being used to help the starving masses in the socalled „Third World“.
Through friendly satelitte states, such as Denmark, who have very close ties with the US and Britain, limitless funds and resources are being channelled into the vulnerable African nations, already struggling with their colonial borders. The sole purpose is to step up chaos and unrest.
US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, herself originally a refugee who emerged from the smoking chimneys of the European holocaust, is in charge of US foreign policy, and in unison with the US Secretary of Defence, William Cohen, she is calling the shots.“
Albright is waging
War in Central Africa
It is a joke that Madeleine Albright has earned the reputation „The Woman who travels the World for Peace“. When she visited Uganda last year, she urged President Museveni to wage war against the State of LADO and the LADO People according to reports from our secret intelligence organisation“, adds King Agami.
„Albright’s and Cohen’s first step towards the total annihilation of the State of LADO is to topple the President and Prime Minister of Sudan, Omar al Bashir. This end they hope to achieve through the rebel conflict and the well planned refugee situation in southern Sudan, which is really the northern part of LADO.“
CNN’s Cameras turn a
blind Eye to Genocide in LADO
„Behind the scenes of all this chaos, human misery and suffering, which the world is witnessing daily, the conspirators can carry out their genocidal operations against the LADO People away from the public eye and CNN’s ever present cameras who turn their focus away from the LADO issue.
But if noone interferes soon and prevent a total war from breaking out, the entire African Continent will explode into a holocaust which the world has never seen the like of before and which by far will surpass the European Second World War holocaust. And such a holocaust will invariably cause unpleasant echoes in the West“, concludes King John Bart Agami.
31 July, 1998 END
The Lado Issue will be
the Fall of Kabila...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
As President Laurent Kabila of Congo/Zaire is bracing himself for the unavoidable invasion of the capital Kinshasa, and may be fighting his last fight in Africa, the African Continent is waking up to the Anglo-American Recolonisation Strategy.
To the ordinary observer the war in Congo/Zaire is a fight to topple yet another African dictator, but in reality the war is not at all a just fight for freedom and democracy. It is a well orchestrated military and mass media exercise to effectively kill all African initatives to liberate the African Continent from Recolonisation.
Scheme of the
Anglo-American Trustees
The clever scheme is to use Rwanda and Uganda, both Tutsi controlled countries, to attack the obstinate Kabila and take control of the largest, richest and most populated country in Central Africa, the Congo/Zaire.
But behind the Tutsi rebel invaders are the Anglo/American Trustees whose vital interests are at stake in dominating the Central African countries of which Lado is the key.
The destruction of Lado is the key to the total control of the African Continent, or as King John Bart Agami of Lado puts it:
„When you control the heart, you control the whole body“.
Since 1947, when the Sovereignty and Independence of Lado (raised by the then Soviet Union) was about to become a fact in the United Nations, every Prime Minister of Lado has been assassinated by the British, just like King Agami’s father was gunned down on 14 April 1948 two days before he was scheduled to go to New York for the final presentation at the UN General Assembly.
Time is
running out
Time is running short for the enevitable implemen-tation of the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 saying that all colonial countries and colonial Peoples must be Independent and the UN General Assembly Resolution 43/47 of December 1988 which dictates that all countries pending Sovereignty and Independence must be Independent before Year 2000.
That explains why the Anglo/American Players are acting in desperation and are in such a hurry to prevent the Independence of Lado before Year 2000.
The Colonial Players are using the ideal conditions of ethnic conflicts, created poverty and borderline conflicts as a means to advance their aims to keep the African Nations in a stranglehold and surrender their rights to selfdetermination and Territorial Integrity. Precisely like they have played on the Balcan, where they succeeded in dividing the former Yugoslavia into small warring entities in order to create Strategic Bases for their Control of the East/West Balance of Power („Strategic Matters“).
Cruel Killing
This is the game which some Africans have long since been aware of, but which the African masses have not yet been able to grasp, thus leaving them at the mercy of the Colonial Players and to be used like mindless killing machines by those who claim to be their leaders who again are manipulated by the Colonial Players.
But in the wake of the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, many Africans are beginning to wake up to the cruel fact that the continued fighting and escalating wars in Central Africa are just a strategy to Recolonise the African Continent and to obliterate and crush the State of Lado whose recognition as a Sovereign State is the key to Freedom and lasting Stability in Africa.
Freedom and Stability are the last things that the Colonial Anglo/American Players want to see in Africa, and people of insight and understanding do not give a cent for US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s crocodile tears demonstrated in the funeral parade for the American victims of the bombings.
the War
Same Madeleine Albright is now flying to Nairobi to orchestrate the War in Congo/Zaire, and the next step Sudan, which is a plot to oust President Laurent Kabila, the one Central African President who has seen through the scheme and has refused to obey the British/American command to participate in the final slaughter of the State of Lado („Equatoria“), also known from its ancestral area the Upper Nile Valley.
After the fall of Kabila, the African forces, controlled and financed by the Anglo/American Colonial Players and Big Business, are moving swiftly northwards to overthrow the Sudanese Government in Karthoum.
On their way on destruction they pass through the State of Lado where they will have a free hand to effectively eradicate the Existence of Lado as a Political and Ethnic Entity so the Colonial Players are once and for all rid of the tiring claims for Sovereinty and Independence of the People of Lado.
"Terra Nullus" is the
Overall Plan
And particularly to end the Lado obstruction to Terra Nullus (i.e. the European decision at the Paris Conference from August 1875 to take and maintain African land for the Europeans), which led to the bona fide Colonialisation of Africa. The Berlin Conference, ending in February 1885, legalised the Paris Conference Decision from 1875: „Terra Nullus“.
Last Chance
for Imperial Dreams
The remaining one and a half years to Year 2000 is the absolute last chance for the Colonial Players to implement their Imperial Dreams of Terra Nullus.
To this end the perfect alibi is to use troops from Uganda and Rwanda, as well as the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), to do the donkey job for the Colonial Players.
Will to fight Invaders
with Bows and Arrows
However, in spite of the seemingly unavoidable Terra Nullus implementation in Africa, the African people are still determined to fight for their Freedom and Liberty, be it even with Bows and Arrows.
The Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami puts it bluntly: „The People of Lado will do everything necessary, and whatever it may take, to remain a Political Entity as an Independent and Sovereign State in Africa.“
14 August 1998 END
New Battleground:
USA and France fight bloody War in Lado and
Central Africa using Refugees as Hostages...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The wealthy nations of Western Europe and the exclusive club the European Union have brought an end to wars in the West. The power battles of the nineties between the old colonial powers is being fought on distant battlefields in Africa where human lives come cheap.
Waging war in the affluent countries in the European Union would be far too costly and would upset not only the present world order, but would set back the trade and economies in the EU.
"What is happening in Central Africa now is in reality a fight between France and the US who are backed by their old ally England“, says the King of Lado, John Bart Agami, who has long struggled to open the eyes of the public to the truth of the African issue.
King Agami is the rightful heir to the throne of the old kingdom of Lado, the country which is controlled and divided by Britain and Belgium and called the West Nile District which has up till now successfully hidden the true identity of Lado placed on map in the north-western corner of Uganda with Zaire to the East.
King Agami’s father was assassinated in 1948 outside his home as he was preparing to leave to put the Lado question before the United Nations’ General Assembly. He was killed by British emissaries because he refused to accept the division of his country recognized in 1871 by the former oppressors, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). Then the name Lado was changed into Equatoria.
When the British and Belgians later occupied Lado, the British attempted to divide the country into first two parts, one part, the western Ituri/Uele in the northeast Zaire (Congo) controlled by the Belgians. The British controlled part of Lado was named Nile/Equatoria, the latter now appearing to be the northwestern part of Uganda (West Nile District) and the southern part of Sudan (Equatoria).
The British divide and rule policy, which has worked so perfectly in other parts of the world, has always been a total failure in Lado due to the strong feeling of independence and sovereignty of the state of Lado (Central Africa) where the colonial powers have never managed to subdue the people of Lado.
From his refuge in Denmark, the King says: "Clearly, the old colonial masters are not going to give up easily, but at least the Belgians are sympathetic to our quest for sovereignty.
My people have suffered for three hundred years, first from the slave trade and then from the hands of the colonial oppressors who attempted to divide Lado between Uganda, Zaire and Sudan, and today our enemies are the multinationals who are ready to let thousands of people die just to get control over our vast natural resources in central Africa, and not least to keep up the holy consumerism in the European Union."
The big game is money which is waiting in abundance in the African underground. Rebel leader Laurent Kabila immediately started to sell out of the concessions to Zaire’s diamond mines and when he gains full control of the rest of Zaire, the multinationals will have won the rights to excavate the diamond, copper and gold mines.
In Lado the Ladoan people and the Lado Defence Forces are still holding a brave stance against massive Ugandan troops, and the SPLM Army (Sudan People Liberal Movement Army) of Col. John Garang, who have been in Lado for months in a vain attempt to quell resistance.
"Hundreds of Ladoans have died in the defence of our country and our freedom to choose the future for our-selves, and thousands more will perish if the foreign troops are not withdrawn", says King Agami, who has sent his third urgent petition to US President Bill Clinton.
"It’s up to the Americans whether they care enough to save the thousands of Africans who become homeless and destitute because of the war of money that the old super powers are waging on African soil."
The refugees are used as hostages like a human shield behind which massacres on civilians are performed, and I always shutter when I hear the words: "The district is sealed off because of military activities" because that means mass murders, mass graves and new stories of atrocities told by the surviving refugees."
King Agami has been struggling to convince the world leaders to set up a conference on Central Africa where the warring parties in the region will be forced to sit around the negotiating table and find a political solution to Africa’s problems.
"So far the "Pentagon Plan" steered by the US military bosses in Pentagon has managed to take over Zaire with the help of their willing soldier Laurent Kabila and his US, British and Ugandan backed troops who are mercilessly rooting out the remnants of French influence in Central Africa.
What is really happening in Central Africa is a show-down between the US and France who refuse to give in to US supremacy.
France is the only European challenger to the US president Bill Clinton now because according to US diplomatic sources, Russia and president Boris Jeltsin have been defeated and reduced to a toothless bear without its claws.
The French president, Jacques Chirac’s show of nuclear strength in Muroroa was sheer necessity as a signal to the super powers that France is able to defend her status as a grand and proud nation which will not be dictated by Big Brother, Uncle Sam or their multinational relatives in the US and Canada.
After all they are just following the blueprint of a secret paper conceived in the 1970’s by former National Security Advisor and US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to cut down the population on the African continent with all possible means in order to get more space to excavate the natural resources and to cultivate the land for agriculture.
In this way the rich soil of Africa would serve as an excellent food reserve for the overgrown gourmet stomachs of the West.
And while the masters of the world are fighting their wars on distant battlegrounds using the willing puppet armies of Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, Africa is bleeding to death.
The West looks on through their television screens content to know that the blood is not spilled in their own backyard and unaware that the African holocaust is on a scale as the WW2 holocaust.
But who cares, as long as the raw materials to secure the high standard of living in the West keeps on flowing...
Statement from :
King John Bart Agami of Lado:
Put Lado back on the Map...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Laurent Kabila’s first step after his takeover as the new leader of Zaire was to reestablish the country’s old name Congo, which in its modern shape is now The Democratic Republic of Congo.
"I welcome this move and regard it as a sign that Mr. Kabila is eager to straighten out the tangles in Central Africa created by the former colonial masters", says King Agami from his exile in Copenhagen Denmark.
"Most of the bloodshed, ethnic fighting and particularly the refugee problem are caused by the unnatural borders, which the British, the French and the Belgians forced upon us and divided our ancestral African homelands."
Lado is a country at the size of Sweden situated in Central Africa, which has been the victim of the cruel colonial division, and is now hidden under the fringe territories of Uganda, Sudan and Zaire.
"But I want Mr. Kabila and the world to know that Lado and the Ladoan people are very much alive and are fiercely fighting for their freedom and their right to govern in their own country", says King Agami who views the shift of power in the former Zaire as promising for the other countries in the Central African Region.
The Africans are waiting to see if Mr. Kabila lives up to his promise of creating a new republic where democratic and human rights will be respected, and where the prosperity and vast mineral riches will benefit the population and not only fill the pockets of the power elite and the multinationals.
"The Ladoans want to determine for themselves how to handle Lado’s natural resources, and we are still holding our stance against the multinational companies who are eager to exploit our riches of gold, copper, oil and uranium."
Right now USA, Canada and Britain are backing Ugandan troops who have occupied Lado for several months trying to enforce their rules on the unbendable and proud Ladoans.
"Big business is behind the brutality and suppression against my people", says King Agami.
"They hide behind the Ugandan soldiers waiting for us to submit to the overmight so they can exploit the minerals which are rightfully ours. They need new mining fields to supply the vast demands of the West, and for money they are ready to wipe us all out.
The almighty Barrick Gold Corp with their head office in Toronto, Canada, and former US president George Bush as chairman, already have their eyes set on our gold reserves in the Ituri and Uele area in the French-speaking part of Lado inside the northeastern part of Zaire.
The deputy chairman of Barrick is a former prime minister, Mr. Brian Martin Mulroney of Canada, the General Director is Peter Punk, and another board member is the former president of the German Bundesbank, Karl-Otto Pohl.
Another multinational giant, US Mineral Fields Company, has already got its hands on the copper, oil and uranium reserves in the Katanga Province and the diamond mines in the Kasai Province inside Mr. Kabila’s new Democratic Republic of Congo.
Incidentally, US Mineral Fields Company’s head office is located in Little Rock, Arkansas, where the present president, Bill Clinton was governor before he was elected president of the US.
So Mr. Kabila will need more than a lot of good skills to deal with these ruthless fortunehunters who care not whether the African continent starves to death as long as the rich Central African soil can be dug up and plundered.
I welcome Mr. Kabila and have great hopes that he will be a prominent spokesman for the rights of the Ladoan people to determine their own destiny and put Lado back on the map and also hope that he will propose and support a conference in Central Africa to solve all the remaining issues in the region."
May 19, 1997.
Lado breaks out of
the UN Locker...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Since 1947 the strategic Nile Congo Watershed country, Lado, in Central Africa has suffered the bitter destiny of having been locked away in an airtight closet. Forgotten by the world community and cancelled from the map with a pencil stroke by the permanent members of the UN Security Council.
All attempts to put Lado back on the map have been blocked by Britain and consequently also by the British allies the powerful US.
But these days the winds of war are changing, so the British and the US have found that they are forced to share their influence with the other permanent members of the Security Council.
On the way into the twenty-first century, another superpower is emerging on the world arena - China. An economical and mili-tary power which can no longer be ignored by the other superpowers and who will no longer tolerate just looking on from the balcony.
"I have finally succeeded in getting the Lado issue through the UN Secretary General, Mr. Cofi Annan, to the permanent members of the Security Council (US, Britain, France, Russia and China), who have to make the decision of the independence and sovereignty of Lado according to Art. 12 of the UN Charter of 26 June 1945", says King John Bart Agami (the Agofe) of Lado, who has been forced to live in exile and become stateless for almost forty years.
King Agami has vowed that he will personally lead Lado back to full independence and sovereignty by the end of year 2000, and he is now well on the way.
The British, supported by the US, have shared Lado, or Equatoria, with Belgium, but have never managed to quell the spirit of the Ladoans, who as the only country in Africa have resisted to become a colony.
"As an officer in the King’s African Rifles in Uganda in 1962, I refused to sign a document giving up our soveignty and hand over Lado to the British, and now they are offering Lado to become a member of the British Commonwealth Dominion in turn of independence and a return on the world map.
But what kind of independence is that, everyone knows that a Commonwealth country is just a colony without sovereignty - and on our part there will be no such deal. We are prepared to fight till we reach our goal, a fullscale sovereign state."
The King is tired of the beating around the bush game, and the Ladoan people are pressing on to come out of the shadows of the locker and into the open, which means open discussions in the UN General Assembly.
"The new British Labour Government now have an excellent opportunity to make amends for old wrong-doings against Lado", says King Agami, whom the British have lied dead for forty years since they jailed him in their maximum security prison Luzira Upper Prison near Kampala where he made a narrow escape against all odds, and in the years thereafter managed to survive in spite of repeated assassination attempts on his life.
"It was a British Labour Government who arranged the assassination of my father in 1948, just as he was preparing to travel to New York to present the Lado issue to the UN General Assembly to regain our sovereignty."
"As I see it, it is up to the British to pay their debts and pave the way for the total and unconditional independence and sovereignty of Lado.
We will not be satisfied with anything less, and we will never sell our souls to slavery and surrender our sovereignty, though they have been successful in eliminating two members of our royal family, my father and my grandfather in 1887, and making myself a stateless person up till now.
But neither the British, the US or the multinationals will ever conquer Lado or the Ladoan people.
We refuse to be stuck away any longer in the world international locker and they will never again get the chance to throw away the key to the locker of independence and sovereignty of Lado...".
4 July, 1997
A new Lebanon
in Africa...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Bombing and shelling is a recurrent daily event for the citizens of the small central African enclave of Lado.
The people of Lado have inadvertantly become the victims of the same fate which hit the Lebanese people when other nation’s rebel groups launched their attacks from bases inside their borders.
Lado has the advantage, or sometimes disadvantage, of being right in the heart of Africa where its strategic position at the Nile bed makes it an ideal control point for the entire African continent and also for the control of the Middle East due to Egypt's traditional dependence on the Nile waters.
Rebels from neighbouring Sudan, Uganda and the Congo (formerly Zaire) have built their bases inside Lado, which means that troops from these countries pursue the rebels on Lado territory, make daily air attacks on towns, villages and refugee camps and kill innocent civilians.
The exiled King of Lado, Mr. John Bart Agami, or the Agofe as his people affectionately call him, says from his refuge in Copenhagen:
„The situation in Lado is desperate, and we are spea-king for deaf ears. Each day hundreds of people die in silence, either from starvation because of displacement, nightly shellings or regular battles in which they get caught up.
There are now more than three million displaced or stateless Ladoans who are either sitting ducks in re-fugee camps in their own country or have to live in exile in other countries like myself and my family."
The King has worked fervently to get the US State Office to spearhead a political conference in Central Africa in order to solve not only the desperate situation of Lado, but to find a solution which will bring stability to the region.
However, the main obstacle for an end to the fighting lies in the UN Security Council where Britain and the US have been blocking the issue of the independence of Lado for fifty years.
Britain as a former imperial power will not let go of Lado, which they share with Belgium, though neither of them have ever managed to subdue Lado into a colony in spite of the fact that they have put a lid on the existence of Lado because of the eradications of Lado's borders and the inclusion of Lado into Uganda, Sudan and Zaire. The US have vital econo-mic and military interests in the region, which they will not jeopardize for the sake of peace or African human rights.
„There are too many interests at stake in Lado for the US and the EEC partners to care about human rights for a few million Africans whose lives are not considered half as va-luable as European or American lives anyway“, remarks the King dryly.
The plan is to lease concessions to the multinationals and mine our vast gold, copper, diamond and uranium resources and to sit tight in the „control tower“ of Africa and the Middle East in Lado.
Another part of the plan is to cultivate our fertile land for agriculture using cheap African labour and sell the produce in the West.
In all cases the profit goes to the Western marketeers, and if we are lucky, we get one percent of the profits, or the leftovers when the rich countries have taken the lion’s share, and that will not ever enable us to raise above the poverty line.
It is a modern form of slavery which will serve to keep our people suppressed and subdued through ignorance and poverty.
We do not want handouts, we want to make our own future in independent state which is not run by corrupt puppet governments controlled by the US, Britain, France, Belgium and the CIA.
Africa is ready to take control without the interference of the old slave traders who are still running their slave trade through the multinationals and spreading fear through their puppet armies operating in disguise as national forces.
It now remains to be seen whether the US will eventually put human rights issues above their own monetary interests in Africa, and not least Pentagon interests, and live up to their role as the „World’s Policeman“.
However, if there is still no initiative to make a political solution by december 1999, I can guarantee that Central Africa will erupt like a volcano whose roar will sound much louder than the cannons of Lebanon.“
August 26, 1997.
Lado - the Land without a Face -
will not be England's Pinnochio...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
The small Central African country, Lado, at the same size as the Scandinavian country Sweden, and a population of 7 million, is one of the few countries in the African continent which can truly pride itself by being all its own master.
All Lado needs is the official stamp from the world's superpowers to be recognized as a sovereign state and get its name back on the map.
Lado has suffered the grim fate of having to fight against foreign aggressors for three hundred years. So far the Ladoans have managed to keep their enemies at bay, but they have paid a heavy price for their refusal to be subdued as a British/Belgian protectorate and before that as a part of the mighty Turkish Ottoman Empire - who incidentally governed via the British governor Colonel Samuel White Baker installed 1871.
Only three years later in 1874, another British governor was brought in, Col. Charles Gordon ("Chinese"), who had just as little success, and the next in the line was the US governor, Col. Henry Prout, who only lasted two years (1876-78) until the German Prussian Edward Karl Schnitzer tried with a bit more luck from 1879 to 1889.
Gov. Schnitzer became a Moslem and took the name "Emin Pasha" in the predominantly catholic Lado where the Jesuit priests and later the Franciscan fathers, followed by the Verona fathers, set up mission schools on the direct order of the Pope.
Whilst Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Egypt in the previous century were busy slicing up the African continent like a piece of cake and divided the territories between them, the countries around Lado, which the Turks gave the name Equatoria, became imaginary countries whose inhabitants bled from the artificial borders. Thus Lado became the socalled "Lado Enclave" and ceased to exist from the official map.
But in fact Lado is intact and functioning with its own infrastructure and its own government in exile which is ready to operate openly and freely inside Lado once the country is recognized by the UN.
The King of Lado, John Bart Agami, has dedicated his life to the freedom of the country of his ancestors, and lately he has been doing a lot of footwork and travelling many miles to get support for the Lado issue and force Britain and the US to let go of the lease of Lado. And the mileage finally seems to be paying off.
"The entire former Eastern Block will vote in the UN General Assembly for Lado's right to live as an official state, that means Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, the Baltic states, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
And in Western Europe the Germans are the first to be sympathetic to our cause", says the King.
Perhaps the former communist states have realized what has escaped the British and the Americans, that a free and independent Lado right in the center of Africa will have enormous value as a neutral power point from which their relations to the vast African continent can easily be coordinated.
"Our situation at the Nile River bed in the Upper Nile Valley with Lake Albert is ideal", says King Agami, "and with the Rift Valley containing most of the Great Lakes region of Africa, our waterways go all the 3000 miles to Egypt.
So, whichever way you put it, Lado offers excellent opportunities for the rest of the world to develop ties to the rest of Africa, be it trade, cultural or diplomatic relations."
Indeed, the Lado enclave surrounded by Uganda, Sudan, Congo, Congo/Brazzaville, the Central African Republic and Tchad can function as a perfect transport point, be it by sea, by rail or by air.
As a neutral base in Africa without the interference of the former colonial powers or multinational interests, an independent Lado may act as a diplomatic crossroads to the eastern part of Africa which is British/German speaking, and the western part which is French/Belgian dominated.
"Lado will be a stabilizing factor in Africa, and with our language resources (Ladoans speak English, German, French and Arabic) we will be able to help solve the socalled "ethnic fighting" in our neighbouring countries, but of course we realize that some countries and businesses have vested interests in continuing the bloodshed ", says the King, referring to among others the massacres in Rwanda and Burundi.
"Ethnic fighting is just an excuse for military operations masterminded by the French, the British and the Americans who let the Africans bleed for their continued division of Africa.
The real cause of Africa's poverty and endless wars is that the colonizers created a lot of imaginary states, which consisted of different peoples and different kingdoms, and we will not see an end to the bloodshed in Africa until the natural borders have been put back on the map, just like in the case of Lado.
Examples of such "imaginary" countries are Nigeria and Kenya, which are just a collection of many different tribes who have no feelings of patriotism, which make them excellent "divide and rule" victims for the British who rule puppet states in eastern Africa mainly from their two island strongholds Zanzibar and Penba which are the backbone of British colonization."
But the base for the partition of Africa was Uganda (also called Buganda), which is another British stronghold and originally consisted of four kingdoms - the Unyoro Kingdom, the Toro Kingdom, the Ankole Kingdom and the Mpororo Kingdom. Later the British added the iron rich Koki Kingdom in 1897.
The British used the East African Company, set up in 1888, to obtain concessions from the various mineral rich kingdoms, and with the British government's nationalization of the company in 1894, the kingdoms were transformed into more or less obedient British protectorates.
In 1908 the British succeeded in forcing the kingdoms together under the name Uganda (in reality the British Order in Council), and Uganda became an official puppet state of Great Britain.
The battle for the dominance of Africa was, as it is today, a balance on a razor's edge, and in 1899 the clash between the British and the French, who had occupied the Bahr Al Ghazal region at the Al Ghazal River in southern Sudan, just near the Lado border, became an "international incident".
A world war was prevented when the British swopped Morocco for the French quitting the Bahr Al Ghazal area. Even the US were involved when President Simpson Grant in 1869 decided to support the Turkish forces and sent the US army to occupy Lado, though with little success.
Today, as then, the Ladoans are standing firm and in harmony with their own constitution of May 9 1772 in which the women's position was affirmed with the sentence: "Without the women, Lado would not win".
Lado, the "Land without a Face", has a lot to teach the rest of Africa as well as the socalled "first world" who could benefit by adopting the Ladoan respect for other creeds, religions and not least their equal rights for women which were facts of life already two hundred years ago when women were given the same opportunities in the administrative as well as the military areas of government, and perhaps most importantly, all financial power was handed over to the women.
In the West women are still struggling to obtain equal pay and equal opportunities and are fighting against old stigmas, but in the "Land without a Face" these rights have been natural ingredients of society two hundred years ago.
Who said backwards...
19 October, 1997
King of Lado states:
Give LADO independence now -
or War in Year 2000...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
While the war mongers of the socalled first world are getting ready to sharpen their swords and start the Third World War, the small central African enclave of Lado, and 2,698 year old kingdom, is holding the key to world peace.
On this the King of Lado, the Agofe John Bart Agami comments: "The solution to the endless conflicts appea-ring around the world in different continents and the bloody massacres in Africa is contained in Article 1 and in Article 33, including Article 73 in the UN Charter, which was signed by the victors of the Second World War on June 26, 1945 in order to end all wars.
It says in black and white in UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and in UN General Assembly Resolution 1803 (XVII) of 14 December 1962, that all colonial countries and all colonial peoples should be given Independence, and that the sovereignty of their natural resources should be respected by the occupying countries.
That means that my country has illegally been under foreign siege jointly by Britain and Belgium since 1947, and it was to hide that fact that they had my father killed in 1948 just as he was leaving to address the UN General Assembly in New York on the issue of the Independence and the sovereignty of Lado.
This illegal occupation of Lado has been supported by the US who had a vested interest through the lucrative slave trade, an interest which was so great that in 1871 they sent massive troops to enforce the first oppressors of Lado, the Ottoman Empire who governed through their British administrator, Col. Sir Samuel White Baker.
The first move of the conspirators was to change the name of Lado to "Equatoria" on May 20, 1871, which stroke the name of Lado from the world map. But it was all a big bluff because the occupation was not even an actual fact until May 26, 1871, six days later."
The plot was so effective though - that nobody quest-ioned the legality of taking over an unknown area of "Euatoria" which, according to the occupiers, was just a province of Egypt, which incidentally was a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) and under Turkish sovereignty.
Today the occupiers (Britain and Belgium) are working through their transnational corporations, and former African colonies operating as puppet states.
One of these powerful corporations is the Barrick Gold Corporation operating from their world center in Toronto, Canada, whose aim it is to exploit our vast natural resources.
"It is not only gold, diamonds, copper, oil and uranium they are after, says King Agami, "but also human resources in the form of "cheap labour" and cheap agricultural produce to feed the world population from the fertile Lado larder.
The ingenious mastermind behind this great plan is Imperial Great Britain who still rules the waves across the oceans and through their base in Uganda tries to control the state of Lado as their colonial possession in the Nile-Congo Watershed region (Africa).
Right now Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni's special troops, who consist of entities from the surrounding African states such as Eritrea, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya and South Africa (Executive Outcome Force), and even the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM), are fighting bloody battles inside the State of Lado in a desperate attempt to control Lado and destroy the statehood of Lado."
It seems that no matter how many troops he sets in, the Lado Defence Forces are holding stance with a spirit of unrelentless resistance despite the cost and the price paid in human lives.
No rules of war or conventions concerning prisoners of war are observed by the puppet Ugandan president, Museveni, recently trying to portray himself as a model democratic African leader on BBC's Hard Talk programme, who gave orders for the slaughter of 57 Lado officers and soldiers held in captivity as prisoners of war in Kampala Prisons, a flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention for POW's and human rights.
Despite of all this, Lado is still hoping that negotiations and talks with the superpowers, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (USA, Russia, China, Britain and France) and the neighbouring African countries (Sudan, Congo-Zaire, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, including Egypt) will pave the way to the Independent State of Lado by January 2000.
"Whatever any of these countries are planning against the state of Lado and its Independence and Sovereignty, they cannot escape the UN General Assembly Resolution 48/52 of 10 December, 1993, which reaffirms the UN General Assembly Resolution 43/47 of December 1988 concerning the total eradication of colonialism between 1990 and 2000 A.D.," King Agami says.
"So by the year 2000 it will be the end of all colonial rule on this earth, and the world will enter a millenium of freedom, liberty, prosperity and peace for all mankind, not forgetting the people of Lado and the state of Lado in the heart of Africa."
30 January, 1998
The Lado Issue will be
the Fall of Kabila...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
As President Laurent Kabila of Congo/Zaire is bracing himself for the unavoidable invasion of the capital Kinshasa, and may be fighting his last fight in Africa, the African Continent is waking up to the Anglo-American Recolonisation Strategy.
To the ordinary observer the war in Congo/Zaire is a fight to topple yet another African dictator, but in reality the war is not at all a just fight for freedom and democracy. It is a well orchestrated military and mass media exercise to effectively kill all African initatives to liberate the African Continent from Recolonisation.
Scheme of the
Anglo-American Trustees
The clever scheme is to use Rwanda and Uganda, both Tutsi controlled countries, to attack the obstinate Kabila and take control of the largest, richest and most populated country in Central Africa, the Congo/Zaire.
But behind the Tutsi rebel invaders are the Anglo/American Trustees whose vital interests are at stake in dominating the Central African countries of which Lado is the key.
The destruction of Lado is the key to the total control of the African Continent, or as King John Bart Agami of Lado puts it:
„When you control the heart, you control the whole body“.
Since 1947, when the Sovereignty and Independence of Lado (raised by the then Soviet Union) was about to become a fact in the United Nations, every Prime Minister of Lado has been assassinated by the British, just like King Agami’s father was gunned down on 14 April 1948 two days before he was scheduled to go to New York for the final presentation at the UN General Assembly.
Time is
running out
Time is running short for the enevitable implemen-tation of the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 saying that all colonial countries and colonial Peoples must be Independent and the UN General Assembly Resolution 43/47 of December 1988 which dictates that all countries pending Sovereignty and Independence must be Independent before Year 2000.
That explains why the Anglo/American Players are acting in desperation and are in such a hurry to prevent the Independence of Lado before Year 2000.
The Colonial Players are using the ideal conditions of ethnic conflicts, created poverty and borderline conflicts as a means to advance their aims to keep the African Nations in a stranglehold and surrender their rights to selfdetermination and Territorial Integrity. Precisely like they have played on the Balcan, where they succeeded in dividing the former Yugoslavia into small warring entities in order to create Strategic Bases for their Control of the East/West Balance of Power („Strategic Matters“).
Cruel Killing
This is the game which some Africans have long since been aware of, but which the African masses have not yet been able to grasp, thus leaving them at the mercy of the Colonial Players and to be used like mindless killing machines by those who claim to be their leaders who again are manipulated by the Colonial Players.
But in the wake of the bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, many Africans are beginning to wake up to the cruel fact that the continued fighting and escalating wars in Central Africa are just a strategy to Recolonise the African Continent and to obliterate and crush the State of Lado whose recognition as a Sovereign State is the key to Freedom and lasting Stability in Africa.
Freedom and Stability are the last things that the Colonial Anglo/American Players want to see in Africa, and people of insight and understanding do not give a cent for US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s crocodile tears demonstrated in the fu-neral parade for the American victims of the bombings.
the War
Same Madeleine Albright is now flying to Nairobi to orchestrate the War in Congo/Zaire, and the next step Sudan, which is a plot to oust President Laurent Kabila, the one Central African President who has seen through the scheme and has refused to obey the British/American command to participate in the final slaughter of the State of Lado („Equatoria“), also known from its ancestral area the Upper Nile Valley.
After the fall of Kabila, the African forces, controlled and financed by the Anglo/American Colonial Players and Big Business, are moving swiftly northwards to overthrow the Sudanese Government in Karthoum.
On their way on destruction they pass through the State of Lado where they will have a free hand to effectively eradicate the Existence of Lado as a Political and Ethnic Entity so the Colonial Players are once and for all rid of the tiring claims for Sovereinty and Independence of the People of Lado.
"Terra Nullus" is the
Overall Plan
And particularly to end the Lado obstruction to Terra Nullus (i.e. the European decision at the Paris Conference from August 1875 to take and maintain African land for the Europeans), which led to the bona fide Colonialisation of Africa. The Berlin Conference, ending in February 1885, legalised the Paris Conference Decision from 1875: „Terra Nullus“.
Last Chance
for Imperial Dreams
The remaining one and a half years to Year 2000 is the absolute last chance for the Colonial Players to implement their Imperial Dreams of Terra Nullus.
To this end the perfect alibi is to use troops from Uganda and Rwanda, as well as the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), to do the donkey job for the Colonial Players.
Will to fight Invaders
with Bows and Arrows
However, in spite of the seemingly unavoidable Terra Nullus implement-ation in Africa, the African people are still determined to fight for their Freedom and Liberty, be it even with Bows and Arrows.
The Agofe of Lado, King John Bart Agami puts it bluntly: „The People of Lado will do everything necessary, and whatever it may take, to remain a Political Entity as an Independent and Sovereign State in Africa.“
14 August 1998
The Code Word for Peace
and Security is: Lado...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
Africa is the burning point for Third World War, but holding the Key to Peace in Africa is the small central African State of Lado, which the Anglo-Ameri-can Governments have tried to eradicate from the world map.
Hunger, displacement, genocide and endless suffe-rings for the people of the African nations are on the daily menu in the television stations around the world.
Behind all this misery and refugee movements is the military build-up and massing of troops in Southern Sudan, Northern Uganda and around the area of the Nile Region of Lado (formerly Equatoria, Province of Egypt).
Right now forces from U-ganda, Tanzania and Kenya are being trained to make a united front and strike an attack on Sudan, apparently over the Southern Sudan issue (the SPLM rebels).
The allied African front is, however, just a covert exercise by Britain and the US to divert the International Community’s attention from the real issue, viz. the Independence of Lado.
This issue is so unbearable for the former Colonial Powers, particularly Britain, who without success have tried to colonise Lado for fifty years, and still today, together with their ally the US attempt to block the issue in the Uni-ted Nations.
Little do these Superpowers realise though that the building-up of the tension in the heart of Equatorial Africa is the direct path to the Third World War.
The next „Holy War“ could potentially break out with the next strike against the Islamic state of Sudan who is fighting against the SPLM Rebels led by Col. John Garang, who has been given sanctuary by Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
High tech arms are supplied in plenty to the Ugandan Government directly by the UK and the US who operate through the multinational companies, who again operate their covert activities through such companies as Sandline Int. and Executive Outcomes whose head office incidentally is placed in South Africa.
These companies act as fronts for governments and supply the skilled man-power, i.e. professional mercenaries, who by the way were also responsible for the genocide in Rwanda, Burundi and the Congo/Zaire, including Sierra Leone.
The Military Hardware is shipped to the port of Mombasa in Kenya and then taken by trucks to Uganda who, in addition to being a "pseudocolony" of the Anglo-American Government's errand boy Denmark, is the central point for the African United Front (Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and partly South Africa).
The battle ground for the „Battle of Africa“, which is really the rich world’s battle for oil, diamonds and other essential commodities, will invariably be on Lado Territory as Lado has been enveloped with Sudan, U-ganda and Congo/Zaire.
The next holy „Big Bang“ between the Muslim and the Christian Worlds will happen in Equatorial Africa inside Lado right at the world’s axes in the Nile-Congo Watershed Region.
Unless there is an international intervention with or without the initiative of the United Nations.
The situation is highly explosive and dangerous for World Peace and Security since an attack by the Christian cohesion against the Islamic Sudan will trigger the Third World War.
Both parties are supported by heavyweight World Powers, and the entire Arab World, with the Muslim North African Nations, are committed to defend Sudan whom they regard as their Islamic Brother.
While all this scheming and massing of arms and troops is taking place behind the television cameras, and in hiding behind the refugee presence, the World’s Global Power Elite is getting ready to wage the next World War III.
The hidden agenda by the Anglo-American Govern-ments (London and Was-hington) is to hand over Lado Territory to the SPLM Rebels and ultimately destroy the Government of Sudan which is to be replaced by SPLM people led by Col. John Garang.
That would mean the total annihilation of Lado as a Political Entity, and at the same time it would mean the end of all hope for peace in Central Africa, and indeed the rest of the world.
If the Anglo-American plan is to go ahead unhindered, Africa will be engaged in a long-term war which will bleed the Continent of all human resources and involve the rest of the world in a Muslim/Christian Holy War.
The Anglo-American Go-vernments know very well that the Issue of the Independence of Lado is the key to lasting peace and stability to the African Region, and that is exactly why they are diverting the international attention to the conflicts and „rebel movements“ in Southern Sudan.
So in case the UN are genuinely interested in keeping the Peace in Africa, and avoid a full-scale World War, the UN Security Council must direct the UN Secretary General to call a Conference to solve the political problems of Central Africa.
And in this the State of Lado holds the key to World Peace...
May 8, 1998
Albright’s Holocaust in Central Africa
may trigger Third World War...
By Press Officer
Britt Bartenbach
With the aid of USA, Britain and Big Business, Uganda is exterminating the People of the small Kingdom of LADO in ethnic cleansing operations and in concentration camps.
Before the Year 2000 all countries in the world are to be given Independence according to UN Resolution 43/47 of 1988, but in fact the UN agreed already in 1947 to give LADO Independence.
Colonisers in
frantic Activity
This explains why some elements, orchestrated by the US State Dept. and the Pentagon, with the assistance of CIA and FBI, are working fiercely against the fulfillment of the UN Resolution and are more active than ever before in creating endless havoc and armed conflicts in Africa where Britain and USA still have colonies which they control with an iron fist through their puppet governments.
Via these regimes, who govern by oppression, brutality, corruption and any-thing than civil liberties, the Anglo-American Conspirators are carrying out a sweeping recolonisation with the purpose of taking full control of the values and the work force, and with the end objective of gaining World Supremacy.
Uganda is annihilating
the LADO People
One of these puppet countries is Uganda who, with the willing and hipocritical help of the Number One Humanitarian Champion of the World, Denmark, is systematically slaughtering the People of LADO, the country which the former colonial masters have handily renamed „Equatoria“ and mutilated into parts of Uganda, Sudan, Kenya and Zaire (now the Congo).
Denmark acts as
the Go-Between
Denmark’s role in this game is top secret, but public scrutiny is now focusing on the fact that Denmark, through her foreign aid organisation Danida, has placed Danish officials in strategic postings throughout Uganda, and that high ranking Ugandan ministerial civil servants are getting their salaries paid by Britain - but with pay cheques issued and forwarded by the Danish Foreign Ministry in Copenhagen.
Many Danida
Projects in Uganda
Under the cover of „Foreign Aid“ Danida runs numerous „projects“ in Uganda, and the Danes are pumping millions of dollars, camouflaged on the state budget as „Humanitarian Projects“, into a country which is ruled by a cynical dictator, Yoweri Museveni, who from his exile in Sweden took power by a state coup in 1986.
Danish Politician
most helpful
Museveni owes his rise to power to the Danish Conservative MP Viggo Fischer who earned the nickname „The Man without Memory“ after his remarkable loss of memory during his testimony in the infamous impeachment against the former Secretary of Justice, Erik Ninn-Hansen, which followed the Tamil Case scandal toppling the Danish Conservative/Liberal Coalition Government in 1992/1993.
State Coup financed
by Denmark and Sweden
Viggo Fischer was a personal friend of the then Ugandan Ambassador in Denmark, the later Foreign Secretary of Uganda, Ibrahim Mukiibi. During the years 1970-1984 they collected funds to get Museveni instated as Dictator in Uganda. Though Viggo Fischer no doubt has no recollection of that.
Uganda’s new Constitution has been drawn up by the Danish High Court Judge, H. Brydensholt, just as Uganda’s administration and infra structure are controlled by the Danish Foreign Ministry operating through their Danida officials whose top salaries are financed by the Danish tax-payers, who are renowned for their number one position as the planet’s most heavily taxed people.
Elite Troops
preparing for Invasion
The military and security aspects are dealt with by experts from Britain and USA, and from various diplomatic sources it has been confirmed that the Pentagon has sent elite officers to Uganda to train a special force of soldiers from Kenya and Tanzania who are to be used specifically in a regular invasion of LADO Territory.
It means that Britain, USA and Denmark are celebrating their comeback as co-lonial powers, and if the citizen may wonder where his or her tax money goes, one of the deep black holes carries the label: „Colonial Policy in Africa“.
Museveni placed
by USA and Britain
„President Museveni was placed on the post by Britain and USA who have given him the honourable task of annihilating as many of LADO’s People as possible before Year 2000 so there will be noone left to claim Sovereignty for the State of LADO“, says the Agofe of the State of LADO, King John Bart Agami who lives under the protection of the UN and the Danish Security Police.
„My People, counting seven million, will fight for Sovereignty to the end, and if the Super Powers still refuse to abide by the UN Resolution by Year 2000, I guarantee that there will be endless war in Central Africa.“
Threat to
World Peace
Such a war may lead to a to-tal war which will be a threat to World Peace, particularly since Russia from the time of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, has been an ally of LADO and so will feel obliged to help the LADO Defence For-ces and the LADO People in case of a regular war.
Greedy Eyes
upon LADO
But such old-fashioned i-deals as Peace, Freedom and Stability are not what the Anglo-American Conspirators are fighting for. It is the central and strategic position of LADO in the heart of the Nile Valley from where one has control of the whole of Africa, and not least the enormous and unexcavated natural resources in the form of Uranium, Gold, Diamonds and Oil which the giant Multinational Mining Corporations and the International Banking Elite, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements, just to name a few, have cast their greedy eyes upon.
Protected Camps
are KZ Camps
King Agami, who himself has received his training at British military academies, from which institutions they also recruit people for their intelligence organisations, is fully aware who are his enemies and who are behind the cynical genocide of his people.
„Museveni performs ethnic cleansing on the direct orders of Britain and the US (Pentagon and State Dept.). Museveni’s troops, under the Commonwealth Kings African Rifles, consisting of Ugandan, Kenyan and Tanzanian soldiers, are carrying out masked „guerilla“ attacks against LADO’s civilian population, causing death and terror by poison gas air raids and by setting up extermination camps, which are in actual fact KZ camps, called „Protected Camps“. Two of the best known camps are placed in the towns of Moyo and Ajumani,“ King John Bart Agami points out.
„With the help of such organisations as Executive Outcomes and the Rebel movement SPLM, the soldiers attack towns and villages, burn and plunder and hurd the survivers off to KZ camps enclosed by military barracks.“
American Military
running KZ camps
According to intelligence sources, American military persons are active inside the camps where the conditions are comparable to those which prevailed in the Nazi extermination camps during the Second World War where torture, executions, rapes and medical experiments were the order of the day.
One and a Half Million LADO’ans have already been killed „About one and a half million of my people have either disappeared or been killed by socalled „military activities“, the technical term for ethnic cleansing, but the genocide taking place inside the State of LADO never gets to the world’s attention“, says King Agami, who for the past twelve year has been tirelessly drawing the international attention to the plight of the LADO people.
200,000 slaughtered
„A recent example of the hidden ethnic cleansing in LADO, is 200,000 LADO civilians who were slaughtered in all secrecy in the Ituri Province in eastern Zaire while Kabila kept the world’s attention focused on his invasion.
Behind the horrifying massacre was the Ugandan President Museveni, and masterminding it was the Director of the US Refugee Committee, Roger Winter whose colleagues in the State Dept., Tony Hall and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Susan Rice, act as the perfect backing group. The unmistakable State Dept. involve-ment explains why Kabila was ordered not to accept a UN investigation into the murders.“
Madeleine Albright
is not working for Peace
„This gloomy scenario is finansed by taxpayers in the West who believe their hard earned money is being used to help the starving masses in the socalled „Third World“. Through friendly satelitte states, such as Denmark, who have very close ties with the US and Britain, limitless funds and resources are being channelled into the vulnerable African nations, already struggling with their colonial borders. The sole purpose is to step up chaos and unrest.
US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, herself originally a refugee who emerged from the smoking chim-neys of the European holocaust, is in charge of US foreign policy, and in unison with the US Secretary of Defence, William Cohen, she is calling the shots.“
Albright is waging
War in Central Africa
It is a joke that Madeleine Albright has earned the reputation „The Woman who travels the World for Peace“. When she visited Uganda last year, she urged President Museveni to wage war against the State of LADO and the LADO People according to reports from our secret intelligence organisation“, adds King Agami.
„Albright’s and Cohen’s first step towards the total annihilation of the State of LADO is to topple the President and Prime Minister of Sudan, Omar al Bashir.
This end they hope to achieve through the rebel conflict and the well planned refugee situation in southern Sudan, which is really the northern part of LADO.“
CNN’s Cameras turn a
blind Eye to Genocide in LADO
„Behind the scenes of all this chaos, human misery and suffering, which the world is witnessing daily, the conspirators can carry out their genocidal operations against the LADO People away from the public eye and CNN’s ever present cameras who turn their focus away from the LADO issue.
But if noone interferes soon and prevent a total war from breaking out, the entire African Continent will explode into a holocaust which the world has never seen the like of before and which by far will surpass the European Second World War holocaust. And such a holocaust will invariably cause unpleasant echoes in the West“, concludes King John Bart Agami.
31 July, 1998