More info about Whales, Dolphins [link]
by Kirsten Massebeau []:
“Blackfish” the new documentary about the captive industry being previewed at the Sundance Film Festival is making waves as it delves into the dark side of captivity. Marineparks are coming under scrutiny as it becomes more obvious everyday that captvity for dolphins is ultimately a death sentence with nothing but suffering along the way.
Taiji, Japan is a perfect example of a place marine parks do not want people to think, or know about. Every year Japanese dolphin hunters are given permits to hunt over 2000 dolphins. A portion are taken for captivity and the rest are slaughtered in the infamous killing cove. Made famous in 2009 when the academy award winning documentary The Cove was released revealing to the world where captivity begins [].
In the cove killers and trainers many of them IMATA certified work side by side as the brutal captive process and slaughter takes place. During a recent pantropical dolphin drive several dolphins died during the selection process and one that was badly injured was returned to the killing cove and slaughtered with his pod mates.
“54-56 pantropical spotted dolphins were driven into the cove after fighting with everything they had to escape the killers. Trainers from all three captive facilities and killers selected 27 Spotted dolphins for a life in captivity, however, 2 of them died within minutes from the stress they incurred during the drive and selection process. In addition to those, 1 Spotted dolphin was injured so badly that as it left the cove with trainers, the skiff turned around and left the dolphin with killers for slaughter. The 26-28 left over Spotted dolphins were seen as unfit for captivity, but not the butcher house floor, as they were slaughtered at the hands of killers”.
Taiji harbor, the Whale Museum, and Dolphin Base are loaded with captive dolphins. Each dolphin brings sells for about $150,000 trained and $38,000 untrained. These dolphins are then shipped worldwide. Many are shipped to China, Korea, and the Middle East. It is rumored that these countries can work as stopping points through which the dolphins are shipped to change place of origin.
The Dubai dolphinarium openly purchases dolphins from the cruel Taiji dolphin drives. In addition, their trainers are IMATA certified. A list of marineparks, aquariums, dolphinariums that purchase Taiji dolphins can found here [].
Parks like SeaWorld claim to no longer stock using Taiji dolphins directly. Conversely, they do not oppose aquariums and marine parks that do.
“SeaWorld has apparently never taken any action against the drives themselves.
Their argument seems to go as follows: There’s nothing shameful about benetifing from a massacre that would still occur anyway, with or without the sale of certain traumatized animals lucky enough to be spared execution and dispatched to a faraway tank for fun and profit.
Three years ago, after the release of the Oscar-winning film The Cove, MSNBC reported that SeaWorld “refused to condemn those who still buy from Taiji" []. Company spokesman Fred Jacobs, “likened such purchases to a salvage operation that prevents some animals from being killed.” (
Who is ultimately responsible for the dolphin suffering that takes place in Taiji, Japan? The marine parks and aquariums are complicit but what about the consumers? Everytime a consumer buys a ticket to any marine park world wide they support the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji. Captivity pays the bills. Without the support of the captive industry the slaughter would have died long ago. Those that eat dolphin numbers are few but the captive industry keeps the drive alive.
“No aquarium, no tank in a marineland, however spacious it may be, can begin to duplicate the conditions of the sea,” Jacques Cousteau once said. “And no dolphin who inhabits one of these aquariums or one of those marinelands can ever be considered normal.”
While lucrative captive industries continue to provide financial momentum, wild dolphins in Taiji and larger Japan will continue to lose their lives in barbaric drive hunts.
Pragmatically, however, it is up to patrons of dolphin shows to abstain from supporting marine mammal parks by accepting responsibility that their tickets pay a much larger price—and that price may be the life of a Taiji dolphin.
So don’t buy a ticket”.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
"American Nationalists" (USA)
"State Sovereignty and Secession Movements - Supporting the right to self-determination and local control" "©2009" [admin (] []:
The Union is Dissolved T-shirts only $15.95 (Shipping to united States only. Contact us for large order discounts)

Alabama, CSA
* Alabama lawmakers pass historic resolution that the state can secede from The Union - Jan 20, 2010 []
* Alabama, CSA January 11 1861, Vote 61-39. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* NO enabling act STILL U.S. Conquered Territory
* Was Alaskan Statehood a Fraud? []
* Alaskan Independence Party []
* HJR 27 Relating to sovereign powers of the state and 2nd Amendment []
Arkansas, CSA
* The blue star above "ARKANSAS" represents the Confederate States of America, which Arkansas joined in secession. (Wikipedia)
* Arkansas, CSA Seceded May 6, 1861. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* The flag was adopted on February 17, 1917 by the third state legislature. It was passed into law without the signature of Governor Thomas Campbell. (Wikipedia)
* 2000: Arizona makes secession preparations []
* 2009: HCR 2024 "Claiming sovereignty under the tenth amendment to the constitution of the united states over certain powers, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed" []
California Republic
* 1994: SJR 44 This measure would declare the state's sovereignty under the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution and demand that the federal government cease and desist mandates that are beyond the scope of constitutionally delegated powers []
* California Came Close to Joining the South []
* Needles just the latest town to consider 'breakaway' course []
Republic of Cascadia
* Republic of Cascadia []
* Cascadia Commons []
Florida , CSA
* Seceded January 10, 1861 Vote 62-7. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
Georgia, CSA
* Secede January 19,1861 Vote 208-89. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* 1995/96SR 308 - U.S. Constitution - state sovereignty under 10th Amendment []
* 2009: HR 280 - "Claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain powers; serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates; and for other purposes." []
* NO enabling act STILL U.S. Conquered Territory
* Declaration of US Citizenship still required on flights to Hawai'i
* Congress says Hawai'i not a state with 1993 "Apology Resolution" []
* Hawaii Independent & Sovereign []
* Hawaiian Constitutional Convention []
Jefferson State
* Jefferson State Movement Rekindled! []
* Jefferson State Secession effort still going on since 1941. []
Kentucky, CSA
* Seceded November 20, 1861. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
Louisiana, CSA
* Seceded January 26, 1861 Vote 113-17. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* 1997/98: Louisiana - Sovereignty Constitutional Amendment []
Republic of Lakotah
* Republic of Lakotah - Full Independence []
Mississippi, CSA
* A Seceded January 9,1861 Vote 85-15. Conquered Territory
* 1990 Mississippi removed all BORDERS! []
* Read Article 2 of the Mississippi Constitution for yourself! []
* Mississippi is NO longer a state, just a federal territory. Mississippi has no Boundaries! []
* 2009: House Concurrent Resolution 0004 to affirm Michigan's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and to urge the federal government to halt its practice of imposing mandates upon the states for purposes not enumerated by the Constitution of the United States []
Missouri, CSA
* Seceded October 31, 1861. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* 2009: HR 212 Declares Missouri's sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment and urges the United States Congress to reject the passage of the federal Freedom of Choice Act which prohibits regulations on abortion []
* 2009: HOUSE BILL NO. 246 - 9th Amendment, 10th Amendment, 2nd Amendment []
* Montanans insist on gun rights []
New Hampshire
* 2009: HRC 6 - 9th Amendment, 10th Amendment, Federal Reserve, Taxes, Martial Law, 2nd Amendment, Draft/War, Patriot Act, Labor Camps, 1st Amendment []
* Free State Project []
North Carolina, CSA
* Seceded May 20, 1861. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
North Dakota
* North Dakota is still technically a territory, State constitution defied the U.S. Constitution []
South Carolina, CSA
* Seceded December 20, 1860 Vote 169-0. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
2009: H. 3509 - 9th Amendment, 10 Amendment, Martial Law and Related, 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment []
* Christian Exodus []
* Ohio ex post facto statehood in 1953. []
* Public Law 204, 83rd congress. Section 2 []
* 2008: Oklahoma - 10th Amendment, (Other Legislation: No Child Left Behind, Real ID Act) []
Tennessee, CSA
* Seceded May 6, 1861. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* HJR 0108: Tennessee Sovereignty Bill Signed []
Texas Republic, CSA
* Seceded February 1, 1861 Vote 166-8 Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* 2009: HCR 50 - 9th Amendment, 10th Amendment, Funding Issues []
* Texas Nationalists []
West Virginia, Virginia
* UNCONSTITUTIONAL, lawfully part of Virginia. Should NOT be recognized. []
* Long live secession! []
* Killington residents vote to secede from Vermont - March 4, 2004 []
* Vermont Commons []
* Second Vermont Republic []
* Vermont: Most Likely To Secede? []
Virginia, CSA
* Seceded April 15, 1861. Conquered by new Federal Masters 1865
* Washington Constitution Fraud! De facto State Constitution is not the one on record with the national archives. []
* See Freedom County, Washington. []
* Bill HJM 4009 - 2009-10 Claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment []
* Wisconsin Republic []
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