2012-04-09 "Azawad Republic a threat to North Africa" from "Press TV"
One of the French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s rivals in the presidential elections criticizes him for the military intervention in Libya, saying unrest will ensue in the African countries which will endanger the interests of Paris.
When Sarkozy was advocating a NATO military intervention in Libya, he would never have thought that a year later he would be witnessing a coup in one of France’s allies in Africa and part of Mali would declare independence and demand separation. The US was concerned that unrest in Libya would lead to the arms of the slain Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi falling into the hands of al-Qaeda or the anti-Zionist Palestinian groups but had not imagined that it might lead to the domination of the Tuareg tribe in the north of Mali.
It is not only Mali and France who are concerned about the declaration of independence by Azawad, but also Mauritania, Morocco, Western Sahara and Algeria. Some of the people of these countries are members of the Tuareg tribe. The North African countries now fear that their own people too would seek independence and are thus looking at the issue as a grave threat to their national security and sovereignty.
Morocco, Algeria, and Polisario have rejected the Tuareg’s declaration of independence in the north of Mali. Given the military coup in Mali, it seems unlikely that the new regime will succeed to counter the demand, especially that the rift between Tuareg and the Malian government dates back to many decades ago and the Malian regime had failed to reach a stable agreement with the Tuareg rebels before the coup.
The confrontation in Mali goes back to the year of the country’s independence in 1960. The Tuareg tribe launched its insurgency against the central government, which followed communist programs and wanted to homogenize the local and cultural features, in the same year. In 1963 and after the Algeria intervention things went according to the interests of the central government and some of the Tuareg leaders were apprehended and executed. The 1969 coup did not alter the demands of Tuareg.
The Tuareg rebels made some progress in the early 1990’s. After the first free elections in Mali and the coming to power of Alpha Oumar Konaré, an agreement was signed between the north and south in 2006 which was supervised by the neighboring countries, the United Nations and the permanent members of the Security Council. The agreement gave some autonomy to the northern region, but it was not implemented and the war continued.
Algeria was also concerned that Tuareg tribe in its south would also seek autonomy, and is charged with having practically sabotaged the peace agreement. The former Libyan dictator, Muammar Qaddafi, also provided financial support to Tuareg tribe in Mali. The two sides agreed to start a new round of negotiations in 2008.
Military intervention by France is not probable as presidential elections are approaching and Nikolas Sarkozy is not ready for new military adventurism whose result will be unclear. Arab and African countries neighboring Mali are also incapable of military intervention as they are grappling with domestic problems resulting from popular uprisings in those countries. A meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Sahel countries will soon convene in Mauritania and leaders of the Malian coup have also been invited. The Joint Chiefs of Staff was established in 2010 and includes Algeria, Mali, Niger, and Mauritania.
Opposition of Algeria to the establishment of an independent Azawad country in the north of Mali is based on the statute of the African Union which stipulates that official borders among African countries are the same as they were under the rule of colonialist powers. Algeria is the main supporter of Polisario Front in its attempt to establish an independent country in Western Sahara and get separated from Morocco. Algeria, however, did not oppose the creation of a new country in south Sudan, perhaps because disintegration of Sudan was based on an agreement between the northern and the southern parts of the country and was done through a referendum.
Morocco is also having problems with Western Sahara and a local tribe (Amazigh) as they have declared solidarity with the new republic in the north of Mali, willing to tread the same path. Libya and Tunisia should be added to this list because the Tuareg tribe was accused of having supported Qaddafi and part of the tribe was suppressed for that reason. They may see this as an opportunity to take revenge on the incumbent government in Tripoli which is not in full control of the entire country yet.
Before Qaddafi’s fall, supporting the Polisario Front and opposing to the establishment of an independent Azawad country were the main reasons for the conflict of interests between North African and Sahel countries. However, the issue of Western Sahara is quite different from establishment of a self-called Azawad country. Western Sahara was a legacy of colonialism which is put in the same category by the United Nations with 16 other non-independent regions of the world and an official plan has been approved to determine its fate through elections.
Perhaps the UN, with the help of the African Union, will be able to find a solution to the new crisis in Mali which, of course, will need a lot of time. Although coup leaders in Mali have announced that they plan to transfer power to civilians, it is not clear when the situation in the center of the country will return back to normal to pave the way for a confrontation or a negotiation over the separation of the northern part.
The fall of Qaddafi has apparently not remained confined to the Libyan borders and has undermined the security of several African countries, thus, providing more grounds for the activities of al-Qaeda in Arab Maghreb.
2012-04-06 "First time in history the Tuareg created their own independent state"
Baku, Fineko/abc.az. National division in North Africa has accelerated sharply. After the announcement of the (still) semi-autonomous status of Libya’s Cyrenaica, the 5 million Tuareg people scattered over Mali, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Burkina Faso and Niger has stated of establishment of its own state Azavad in northern Mali.
National Movement for the Liberation of Azavad has already declared the cessation of hostilities from 6 April 2012 in connection with the "complete liberation of the territories" (north of Mali). The rebel Tuareg announced a complete cessation of "occupation from Mali" and appealed to the international community for protection. The statement was made after the "liberation" of the legendary city of Timbuktu.
"Now we begin to implement tasks of defense and security of Azavad territory in the sake of the happiness of its people," the Tuareg movement claimed.
The appearance of a new state formation was helped much by 7,000 Tuareg fighters, who fled with their families from Libya after the overthrow of their friend Muammar Gaddafi. It was not difficult for their army to defeat the Malian army (8,000 soldiers), which did not find anything better than to arrange a military coup in its country.
The next step of the Tuareg rebels can be an attempt of seizure of the southern territory from Lybia, inhabited by their tribes. According to the Libyan Transitional National Council, shortly before his death Qaddafi was ready to create there a separate state of the Tuareg.
International observers doubt of international community’s willingness to quench Tuareg separatism, as the benefits in the aircraft and tanks in the fighting in the Sahara have no meaning. Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in Western Sahara has existed for about 50 years in a similar way. At that, experts consider that Azavad, the territory of which already exceeds the area of France, will not be the last act of national delimitation in North Africa.
2012-03-31 "Mali rebels attack northern town in coup aftermath" by RUKMINI CALLIMACHI from "Associated Press"
2012-03-24 "Libyan Resistance, War News"
In Mali, a tragicomic military coup - Representatives of the Green Army arrived in Bamako (Mali) to assess the situation on the ground inside the Sahara. Malian youth and soldiers need a good military vehicles to attack the Al-Qaeda/CIA agents who left the Libyan battlefield. Green Army have a large quantity of ammunition, equipment and missiles of various classes. Equipment will be sent via air cargo in huge containers. Malian President was very weak in the fighting against Al-Qaeda/CIA agents. Hopefully after that, the security situation and living conditions in Mali will be better. All foreign agents, French, Qatari, the CIA destroyed on the ground and the process of their elimination in Bamako it runs perfectly.
2012-03-24 "Libya: Last report from the Government (24/03/2012): the truth and reason of the Jamahiriya is imposed against the treacherous scum and apatrida of CNT-NATO-Qaeda whose destination is escape, commit suicide or be eliminated…"
[ ... ]
To the South of Libya, the Taouergs attacked the traitors and “rebel” bandits Zenten and seized all its weapons.
The Taouergs spokesman announce they have material and military resources to create an independent country Taouergs to the South of Libya.
[ ... ]
2011-09-27 "Support from the Tribes of Sahara. Thousands of Tuaregs Join Libyan Resistance Forces" by Alliby Hassan. Translated by La Haine. Editing and Comment by Les Blough from "Axis of Logic"
Editor's Comment: George Walker Bush uttered the following words only a month and a half after the bloody U.S. "shock and awe" bombing of Baghdad [http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/articles.cnn.com/2003-05-01/us/bush.transcript_1_general-franks-major-combat-allies?_s=PM:US]: "Admiral Kelly, Captain Card, officers and sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, my fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed. And now our coalition is engaged in securing and reconstructing that country."
That was on May 1, 2003 and 8 years later the Iraqi Resistance continues to fight off the invader where millions have been killed, injured and displaced and $billions have been robbed by contractors in a country destroyed with none of the promised reconstruction.
On August 22 French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Colonel Qaddafi "mad" and "stupid," stating "we are going to make him eat dirt," according to Le Monde [http://www.liquida.com/le-monde/journal-le-monde/].
On August 23, 2011 Reuters trumpeted the words of the new NTC UN envoy Ibrahim Dabbashi in their world news headline [http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/23/us-libya-un-dabbashi-idUSTRE77M59O20110823]: "All of Libya will be liberated in 72 hours"
[begin excerpt of article cited]
Gaddafi's stronghold is "totally in the hands of the revolutionaries," Dabbashi, a key figure in the Libyan opposition movement, said at Libya's U.N. mission in New York shortly after the rebels entered the compound in Tripoli.
Declaring that Gaddafi's government "has already fallen," he predicted the city of Sirte, Gaddafi's hometown, would fall within the next 48 hours and that the entire country would be under rebel control within three days.
"We expect Libya to be totally liberated and totally calm and peaceful within the next 72 hours," he told reporters, speaking two days after anti-Gaddafi fighters swept into Tripoli following a six-month uprising.
Dabbashi said Gaddafi and other top officials were probably scattered in houses across Tripoli, although they could be in an underground shelter. "We will start soon looking (for) them and we expect all of them to be captured soon," he said.
[end excerpt]
On August 29 [http://www.thenewslr.com/29082011a.html], Colonel Ahmed Bani, military spokesman of the NTC stated that the City of Sirte would be 'liberated' "in a matter of days" and NTC information minister Mahmoud Shammam announced, "we have liberated all of Libya."
Currently, the war in Tripoli rages on 7 months after NATO began it's bombing campaign and over a month after NATO implied and their corporate media declared it to have fallen. NATO and their mercenaries gave two deadlines for the people of Bani Walid to surrender on September 3 and 7 respectively. In both cases thousands of NATO's mercenaries turned tail and ran after receiving the response from the people inside the city in the language of mortars, GRAD missiles, heavy machine gun fire and snipers from rooftops and minarets. In the last 24 hours the NATO/NTC mercenaries have run from a similar assault by the Libyan people and military at the City of Sirte calling it another "tactical retreat."
Whether it's Bush declaring victory in Iraq or NATO declaring victory in Libya, the purpose of the imperial media's claims of victory and that Col. Qaddafi has fled is obvious: to demoralize the resistance and shore up people's faltering support for the war in the west.
The BBC says the Tuaregs are Qaddafi's Mercenaries [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12647115].
We received the following communiqué from the Libyan Resistance via La Haine and Leonoren Libia this morning stating that 10,000 Tuaregs have joined the forces of the valiant Libyan Resistance from the Sahara. The BBC confirms that the Tuaregs have joined the Libyan Resistance but quotes an unnamed source to perpetuate the lie that the Col. Qaddafi is using mercenaries from Africa and that the Tauregs are among them, being paid by the Libyan Embassy in Mali. This has been denied by a spokesperson at Mali's Foreign Ministry, "The government of Mali is strongly opposed to the use mercenaries in any armed conflict and is not in any way facilitating the movement of these people. We're thinking at the moment about how we can stop this." If you think these nomadic tribes of the Sahara are doing this for money the movie, The Lion of the Desert might cause you to adjust your views.
We have added maps to clarify where the major battles are taking place and from whence new troops are arriving to support the Libyan Resistance.
Locations of major battles and incoming support for the resistance are indicated in green. - Axis of Logic

The lined area indicates the land of the Tuaregs in the Sahara

[begin article by Alliby Hassan as presented by "Axis of Logic"]
In Tripoli the fighting continues. There are constant battles between the local militias (the residents of the capital) and the "rebels" NATO and mercenaries from Al-Qaeda.
The NATO planes have continued its bombing in Sirte, Sabha, Bani Walid. But the three cities have strong defenses in combat against the armored forces of NATO. The fighting followed. Units of NATO, the army of Qatar and Al-Qaeda are using heavy artillery as they have integrated new artillery units. The city of Bani Walid has opened another front in the fight against the aggressors who were concentrated in the outskirts of the city, which is protected by national forces of the Great Jamahiriya.
A source reports that one of the rebel leaders, Ibrahim Tauorga Halban, who had massacred the African people based on the color of their skin, has died. The source said, "Tauorga is no longer alive. He was hit in Sirte by a bullet that entered his neck and paralyzed him." In Tripoli fighting does not cease. They are constant between local militias (the inhabitants of the capital) and the mercenaries of Al-Qaeda. The renegades are relentlessly attacked from all sides.
The people of Benghazi call to Al-Rai (Syrian television) to express their support for Muammar Al Ghaddafi and announce that they have rejoined the Libyan resistance. An American analyst, former military, has said the 32 Brigade under the command of Khamis Al Ghaddafi is able to continue fighting for many months. Khamis Al Ghaddafi continued regrouping operational elements deployed to fight the renegades in occupied areas.
The September 19 Tuareg tribes had a general conference composed of the heads of the tribes in Libya, Mali and Niger. Tuareg stated that all will fight against the renegades because they started a war against the Libyan Tuareg and killed a large number of them. Tuaregs in Mali have also stated that to go to war against the government of Mali if it recognizes the "Board" puppet in Libya or if the government of Mali arrests people close to Muammar Al Gaddafi found in Mali.
The Tuaregs remember that they are masters of the Sahara desert and that "only persons authorized by the Tuaregs may enter the desert" and have promised that "Sahara will be released from the Islamists." So the Tuaregs have given a clear answer to the people who keep sending NATO special forces units and Al Qaeda into the Sahara as occupation forces.
Saharan fighters are already en route to the Libyan city of Sabha in Bani Walid, the losses of the renegades "are estimated at more than 1,000 dead, just in Sirte and Sabha. National Forces have returned to its port Brega oil where Libyan oil is shipped. They have also returned to Ras Lanuf where there is a major oil refinery."
There are over 10,000 Tuaregs are over 10,000 (not including those mentioned above) who have joined forces with Libyan Jamahiriya and some of them have crossed the border to help the resistance which the colonialist terrorists have crossed.
As expected, many Arab fighters have come from neighboring countries to join their Libyan brothers Libyans and are fighting alongside them against the invaders. The green flag flies over buildings in the districts of Benghazi where battles between the renegades. These struggles have also occurred across the battleground. The Islamists want the skin. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, is a an NTC puppet of the Nazis, NATO and head of the same NTC. Mujahedin of the Arab tribes have also passed through Egypt to join forces Libyan resistance.
The renegades are still clueless. They have not solved the problem of command. They fight each other all the time because they all want to be commanders. At the same time, when Mustafa Abdul Jalil gave the order to enter Bani Walid against Libyan forces, the renegades refused. This was a big surprise to their bosses who asked them if they refused due to fatigue. The renegades responded, "not by fatigue but because they want to continue spreading the blood of the Libyans." La Voix des Opprimés.
[end of article by Alliby Hassan as presented by "Axis of Logic"]
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