Traditional Hopi - Official Hopi Shungopavi Village Website

OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF TRADITIONAL HOPI from the Village of Shungopavi. May Creator join us together to restore the balance in this world.
The Meaning of Hopi -

When Human Beings entered into this world, the world of the Creator, they asked permission to live here. The Creator told them he lives very simply, with only his planting stick and a few kernels of corn. If they were willing to live his simple life, they would be allowed to stay.
Humanbeings were given Three Sacred Duties
They were given Corn, a Planting Stick and a little Water, to live from the Land.
They were given Sacred Religious Instructions, to Uphold the Natural, Spiritual and Universal Worlds, for the Continuing of all Life.
They were to remain Faithful to His Instruction, to always maintain His Way of Life.
The Hopi People, since ancient times, honor these Three Sacred Duties.
Only when upholding these Sacred Religious Instructions does one earn the name Hopi.
Being Hopi means being faithful to these Original Instructions.
The Dudavo – Hopi Wisdom
As has been clearly outlined in the Hopi teachings and instructions, the destructive forces of the present civilization have brought the future survival of both humanity and all life to a crisis point.
For the survival of life, for the survival of the Traditional Worlds, the Leaders are aware that bridges of life forces must be rebuilt and maintained. The Spirit of the Natural Worlds must once again reach the hearts of the peoples of the Earth. Through the sharing of the deep Traditional Spirit within our work – we hope the spiritual healing energy contained within our traditional ways will inspire and motivate all world peoples.
Shungopavi [] -

Traditional Village of Shungopavi -
The Ancient Hopi Mother Village of Shungopovi [soo ngoo bavi], is a deeply Religious, very Traditional center of Hopi Reality.
The intricate and extremely beautiful Hopi Ceremonials, conducted by complex Spiritual Societies, are the center of Hopi daily life. The knowledge and Spiritual depth essential for these Ceremonies can only be carried forward through Highly Initiated Leadership, requiring years of sacrifice. Sharing jurisdiction with the Kikmongwi. Each moon cycle is the responsibility of a specific Mongwi, the Spiritual Leader from one of twelve Hopi Religious Societies. After completing the very Sacred Ceremonial Duties of each cycle, the next responsible Mongwi prepares a new stage of Sacred Movement. Thus the Hopi people are living within a continuous Cycle of Ceremony at all times.
Today, Shungopovi is the sole remaining Hopi Village that still maintains and performs the complete Traditional Ceremonial Cycle. It is the last Sovereign Hopi Village with a fully Initiated Kikmongwi with all of the original Highly Initiated Religious Leaders that complete the full yearly Ceremonial Cycle.
Because of this, Shungopovi carries a great and profound responsibility for the preservation of the Natural Worlds and all Life. Our purpose and action is to Protect, Maintain and Renew this Sacred Knowledge and Traditional Way of Life.
The meaning of Shungopovi is ‘Spring that has Reeds Growing in It’. This Sacred reed is called Soo Ngoo Hu, which forms the raft needed for Passage to the Next World.
Village -
The Hopi People are located on three high Mesas in Northern Arizona, within the United States of America. Hopi Sacred Land covers an area bordered by Spiritual Corners – the San Francisco peaks to the Colorado River forming a Ceremonial Plaza at the Center of the World.
Hopi are the oldest inhabitants of North Americaand our Ancestry is traced through petroglyphs and clan migrations spanning thousands of years. According to the Directions of the Creator, we the Hopi, finally finding this Sacred Centerof the Universe, settled on the present Lands.
The Hopi Reservation is comprised of several villages, originally each with its own Kikmongwi (Village Chief). Today there are four villages within Hopi that still have a Kikmongwi; Shungopavi, Mishongnovi, Shipaulovi and First Mesa Consolidated Villages. These villages have the protection of following a Traditional Way of Life and governing.
These Villages are governed by elaborate Clan Systems, connecting all Hopi People and Leaders, each with specific Sacred Duties and Instructions, all of them for the Continuance of Life.
Messages [] -

Hopi of Shungopavi Village have lived in the same location for close to a thousand years. The Traditional Leaders have remained focused on carrying out their complex Ceremonies to hold the balance of the world and the Universe just as their Ancestors have before them.
Now for the first time in history they are breaking their silence to speak to the world.
What is happening worldwide regarding water and the right to water has moved them to action as they face this challenge along with humanity.
Direct interviews and messages will be placed here for the world as they are created directly from the Traditional Leaders, calling the world to action.
What happens in Hopi, happens happens in the rest of the world. Stoping the sale of Hopi water protects the worlds water and together we create the path to a future which is positive.
KwaKwah (Thank you)

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