Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jamahiriya - Bani Walid

2012-01-21 photograph showing Jamahiriya in Bani Walid

 2012-01-21 photograph showing Jamahiriya in Bani Walid

2012-01-23 "Four Killed as Old Regime’s Flag Is Raised in Town" by Jason Ditz
Major fighting has broken out in the Libyan town of Bani Walid this weekend, and reports indicate at least in the near term, that it has fallen to fighters loyal to the former government of Moammar Gadhafi [].
The same reports say at least four people have been killed in the fighting, and dozens wounded. The green flag of the former regime is now flying over the town, one of the last few that fell to the NTC during the NATO-backed civil war [].
It is unclear from the reports whether the fighters were simply supporters of the former regime, or if they were remnants of the old Libyan military. NTC forces in the town said they had been warning about the prospect of a fight for months.
When the fighting finally broke out, NTC forces in the town petitioned for reinforcements, but none came. They finally withdrew when they ran low on ammunition. Libyan Defense Minister Osama Jweli says he will not order a new attack on the town until it is determined that the forces are indeed Gadhafi remnants and not merely some rival militia. Militia from Misrata on the northern coast, known to be a particularly aggressive faction [], were sent to the area to blockade the town in the meantime.

Libyan Resistance fighters and armed Jamahariya supporters attacked NATO Mercenaries in Tripoli and Benghazi after the liberation of Bani Walid, the original Libyan Green flag has been raised over Bani Walid, giving moral boost to other Libyan towns trying to end the NATO driven oppression.
Street battles between NATO Mercenaries and Resistance fighters continue in Tripoli neighborhoods, shops have been closed, and people are staying in doors knowing that the liberation has begun. NATO Mercenaries announced that they will show no Mercy to Resistance fighters and have installed more checkpoints in Benghazi and Tripoli.
Heavy clashes between Resistance fighters and NATO Mercenaries have also been reported in Benghazi, this comes after months of protests, and recent attack on puppet regime‘s headquarters. Abdul Jalil was forced to flee from puppet regime’s headquarters when a mob entered the compound, even destroying his transport. The puppet vice president also resigned after being attacked in Benghazi University by angry students, and carried out by his body guards like a baby (caught on video).

"Gaddafi Dead But Still Haunting Rebels In Bani Walid"
On Monday local officials had said the brigade of 28-May (the Warfallah joined the CNT), the largest in Bani Walid, was surrounded by followers of Gaddafi.
A local official, al-Fotmani M'Barek, "said the AFP (a local official, who escaped from the base a few hours after the start of the attack). ... As the leader of the faithful Muammar Gaddafi of Libya deceased, armed with machine guns and RPG had "taken control of the city," located 170 km southwest of Tripoli.
They attacked in broad daylight the basis of "the brigade of 28-May, the largest in Bani Walid," circling the waving green flags, he said, by reports of five dead, including the commander of brigade, and about thirty wounded.
"The attackers shouting 'Allah, Muammar, Libya and that's it'! The day before, they had distributed leaflets saying, 'We will be back soon, we will set out the rats,' "said al-Fotmani. .... "I call on Libya to save thowars urgently thowars of Bani Walid. Ammunition were soon completed, "he said.
According to him, the wounded could not be evacuated because the ambulances were not able to approach them, "snipers are positioned on the school and the mosque" in the vicinity.
Asked about the situation, a trader said: "That's it, we have rats outside", echoing the terminology used by Muammar Gaddafi to describe the rebels.
The former rebels who were surrounded in the night before a military base in Bani Walid were able to leave the city after leaders of the tribe of Werfelli them a safe passage.
A column of smoke rose above the Bani Walid it is not possible to determine its origin.
It is therefore 200 dignitaries of Bani Walid who gathered Tuesday at a mosque and decided to ban the military council appointed by the CNT and replace it with a local institution.
"If (the president of the CNT Moustapha) Abdeljalil tries to impose by force, we will not accept under any circumstances," said Ali Zargouni, one of the elders gathered in the mosque.
Tightening security at Benghazi and Tripoli .. DEAD AND EVENTS
A spokesman of the military council of Misrata, east of Tripoli, said the brigade had prepared in case the government would ask them to intervene in Bani Walid.
"We had conflicting information. Since yesterday, we have protected access south of Misrata if, "said Fathi Bach Agha.
In Tripoli and Benghazi (east), security has also been strengthened in the night from Monday to Tuesday, dams have been built in several neighborhoods in both cities.
Tuesday, former rebel fighters demonstrated in Tripoli against the CNT.
"Gaddafi is dead but the system remained the same, and the CNT is doing everything to marginalize thowars. 90% of those who work with Abdeljalil only serve their own interests ", accused Rajbani Omar, one of the demonstrators.
*** After the failure of Warfallah (in the 90) of attempting to overthrow Gaddafi, a pact of fidelity and non-aggression was signed with the plan .. and all who have joined the CNT, are therefore regarded as traitors (listen to France Info report) ...

2012-03-24 "Libyan Resistance, War News"
NATO bombing of the city of Bani Walid by phosphorous bombs – NATO crimes in Libya (we do not know the exact date of this video)

2012-03-19 "Water Pipeline in Bani Walid sabotaged from NATO-mercenaries"

From []:
19 March 2012 – Today is the anniversary of the beginning of criminal air bombing from NATO’s terrorists in Libya. To commemorate this memory the rats decided to sabotage the GMR in Bani Walid so the Green City will suffer by thirsty.
The Nato-mercenaries sabotaged the pipeline of water supply of the artificial river in Bani Walid.
A Nato-mercenary group, which is part of the rat battalion 28 of May, under the direction of “Ambarek Salah Bin Laden” and “Mohamed Bachir Toti”, conducted a sabotage operation against the pipeline of water supply from the artificial river Ouedi Dinars.
This sabotage was synchronized with the visit of the delegation of the United Nations in Bani Walid. This criminal act was planned to tarnish the image of Bani Walid to the international public opinion, while this city is considered one of the most secure, compared to other Libyan cities.
According to news, from the explosion of a massive pipe Great Man Made River in the town of Beni Walid, in terms of area and water Allmat Artfh now in the sky to about 200 meters…
Interruption of supply to the capital Tripoli from the waters of the river because of the bombing of the river Tobo.
From []:
19h/ BANI WALID – Statement of Warfalla tribe about the explosion of the Man-Made River pipeline:
 “It was not a technical fault, it was a sabotage, they are trying to displace the whole city, not caring about the children, or the ones which they already orphaned!”.

Brega (Libya), 22-07-2011: NATO bombed Great Man Made River factory

2012-03-24 "Libyan Resistance, War News"
Despite Nato-mercenaries criminals, Jamahiriya will resist. Despite all the circumstances we did not forget our children – Child Gala in Bani Walid, 21 Mar 2012

2012-03-24 "Libyan Resistance, War News"
After the sabotage of the water pipeline of Bani Walid, the Green army have sent 52 trucks from Tunisia in Bani Walid, to deliver clean drinking water in large and small bottles. Trucks  with fresh and dry products will follow later.

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