Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs
The official, long-standing indigenous Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs (MNCC) represents the Sovereign Nation of the Mohawk (separate from the US or UK). The Mohawk Nation Council is an ancient democratic government, that was in operation centuries before European contact. The Mohawk Nation and the other member Nations of the Confederacy including the Oneida, Onondaga, Cayauga, Seneca and Tuscarora, have built a government whose principles are based on peace and the participation of its citizens. It is sometimes referred to as a participatory democracy. The Mohawk and other Haudenosaunee Nations consider their government to be a gift of the Creator.
USA Federal Executive Branch - Department of the Interior - Bureau of Indian Affairs - St. Regis Reservation and Tribal Council of Chiefs (SRMT)
Chartered during 1892
St. Regis Mohawk Reserve - St Regis Mohawk Tribe, Hogansburg, NY 13655-320

Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
The Mohawk Council engages in dialogue with Akwesasronon about Kionkwahteron:hon. Mohawk Council enacts Boards, Commissions, Committees, Agencies and Departments to develop mandates, deliver services, protect Aboriginal rights and languages and assert jurisdiction consistent with the strategic directions and Vision of Council.

Akwesasne Employment Resource Center
The Akwesasne Employment Resource Center is a joint venture project between the Akwesasne Area Management Board and The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, along with the support of Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs. The AERC is a free walk in service designed to help job seekers conduct an effective job search. Though our Resource Library and our Job Finding Club, we assist individuals with resumes/cover letters/ job search tips, access to computers, job board, interview skills and preparation.

Akwesasne Area Management Board

Kanesatake First Nation
Commonwealth of Canada has chartered the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake to act as stewards over the Indian lands of Kanesatake and Doncaster Reserve

"Kanienkehaka / MOHAWK NATION / People of the Flint" [http://www.iroquoismuseum.org/mohawk.htm]
There are 8 Mohawk communities in the United States and Canada shown in blue on the map below:
* AKWESASNE or AHKWASAHSNE (ST. REGIS RESERVATION):Located 10 mi. east of Massena, NY and just south of Cornwall, Ontario. (Ahkwesahsne straddles Quebec, Ontario and New York State.)
* Gibson (Wahta): southeast of Georgian Bay, near Bala, Ontario.
* Kahnawake (Caughnawaga}:across the St. Lawrence River, just south of Montreal.
* Kanatsiohareke: along Route 5, 7 miles west of Fonda, NY.
* KANASATAKE or KANEHSATAKE: at Oka on the Ottawa River, Located about 20 mi. northwest of Montreal.
* GANIENKEH OR KanienKeh: near Altona, north of Plattsburg.
* SIX NATIONS: west of Buffalo near Brantford, Ontario
* TyendinaGa (Deseronto): at Deseronto, east of Belleville, Ontario.

2007-06-18 "Anti-whaling ships to fly First Nations flags" from "CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc." [http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=2d5e108b-c832-4e6a-afe0-95358b6ce598&k=51740]
After being stripped of registration papers and prohibited from sailing under the Canadian flag earlier this year, two of the world’s best-known ocean warriors found a friendly port of call in the Mohawk community of Kahnawake today.
The Farley Mowat and the Robert Hunter – two ocean-going vessels operated by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Authority, an international anti-whaling group – will travel under a First Nations flag and with registration paper’s signed by one of Kahnawake's three longhouses when they set sail for Antarctica later this year.
At a signing ceremony today, Paul Watson, captain of the Farley Mowat, was presented with the papers for his ship and the Robert Hunter, as well as with two Five Nations Iroquois Confederacy flags, a purple flag with symbols representing the Mohawks, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca and Cayuga.
Watson said the ships will set sail from Australia for Antarctica in November where the crews will try to prevent Japanese whaling ships from killing whales.
"It's a real honour to have the Mohawk flag flying on these ships," said Stuart Myiow of the Mohawk Traditional Council, the longhouse that drew up the registration papers.
2007-06-20 "Ships to fly the Mohawk Nation flag" by Larry Hendrick
The Mohawk and Iroquois Nations have flagged two anti-whaling ships to sail from Australia to Antarctica in November. My interest in the story has to do with the flags. The ship’s captain was presented the Flag of Five Nations and the Mohawk Nation flag, along with registration papers. The brief article indicates the Canadians stripped their flag from the vessels, but doesn’t tell why. [ ... ] I am not aware of any other ships sailing under the flag of an Indian nation. If you know of any, please let me know.
2007-08-28 "or-gan'ik @ Tyendinaga Music Festival"
(or-gan'ik) is playing the Tyendinaga Music Festival in Mohawk Park Deseronto,Ontario. Saturday only with feature acts Charlie Major, Aaron Prichett, Honeymoon Suite and yes...Glass Tiger. Come one come all!!! Check out www.mohawkpark.ca for more details.
Mohawk Park
c/o Mohawk Imperial Sales
406 Hwy 2 & 49
Tyendinaga Mohawk Nation
Deseronto, Ontario
K0K 1X0

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