Aztlán is the homeland of the Mexica people, who migrated out of Aztlan around 700 years ago. Their nations are related to "Ute-Aztec" language group whose nations currently inhabit Aztlán, including the Western Shoshone nation. America's civilizations are not like those in Eurasia who were united by one government or king. Altogether, "Ute-Aztec" was united by a standard system of religion, merchants, scholars with books, and pilgrims across a desert region which had more rain 1000 years ago during the height of "Ute-Aztec" civilization...
Aztlán is the homeland of the Mexica people, who migrated out of Aztlan around 700 years ago. Their nations are related to "Ute-Aztec" language group whose nations currently inhabit Aztlán, including the Western Shoshone nation. America's civilizations are not like those in Eurasia who were united by one government or king. Altogether, "Ute-Aztec" was united by a standard system of religion, merchants, scholars with books, and pilgrims across a desert region which had more rain 1000 years ago during the height of "Ute-Aztec" civilization...
Map showing the northern "Ute-Aztec" civilization:

Information about the modern nations descended from the "Ute-Aztec" []
Map showing the locations of modern nations descended from the "Ute-Aztec" who still speak their languages:

2005-07-02 "Who we are" by Noxtinnomecayotzin
The Xicana/o / Mexican@, and CentroAmerican@ people are native to this land.
From Nicaragua to Hopiland, the Kachinas and deities, the spirit of the land, are one.
Our peoples, largely the Uto-Aztecan peoples- the Hopi, Comanche, Shoshone, Tongva, Ute, Yaqui, Tohona O'odham, Ra-Ram-Uri (Tarahumara), Huichol, Paiute, and Azteca (Mexica) --arose from this land.
The Uto-Aztecan peoples as a culture group and as a language group began near the southern borders of what are today New Mexico and Arizona.
From Nicaragua to what is now Idaho, was a single, interrelated cultural complex - a single civilization.
We are their descendants, the uprooted ones, the end product of five centuries of genocide, the greatest Holocaust in human history.
Over 100 million of our ancestors - at a minimum 90% of all living native human beings – perished.
There were no borders as we understand them today. The borders and the nation-states that created them are all one thing, too - they are all European imports, false to this land and to its peoples, scars on the Earth, like the societies Europeans have forced upon us.
The objection will be raised, as always, that Mexicans are not Indians, but rather some kind of half-breed. This argument is phony . Only 10% of the population has ever been European in Mexico - less than the population of Africans.
We are an Indigenous people - whatever tortured permutations have been forced upon us by the invaders, and whatever creative cultural responses we made to the impositions.
Map retrieved from []:

Nueva Aztlan
Nueva Aztlán is composed of various vanguards with different opinions about what Aztlán should
become after the “Reconquista” (the redemption of 7 southwestern states within the USA), considered by certain groups to be the “Northern
Territory” of the United States of Mexico.
New Aztlán News
2012-02-24 "Outlawing Solidarity in Tucson" by "Rethinking Schools" []
2012-02-24 "At the End of the Stairway in Arizona; The Abandonment of the Barrio" by RODOLFO ACUÑA []
Vanguards of Nueva Aztlan
Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán; MEChA)
Motto: "Everything for our Race. Nothing for anyone else."

National logo of MEChA showing an eagle holding a Mexica sword and a stick of dynamite.

MEChA's national constitution starts out: "Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlán must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlán."
At the MEChA National Conference on March 15 - 18, 2001, the official "MEChA Philosophy" was ratified. An excerpt from the document states: "as Mechistas, we vow to work for the liberation of Aztlan."
Nation of Aztlán & The Voice of Aztlan (La Voz de Aztlán)
National Council of La Raza
Quotes from Professor Jose Angel Guitierrez (Founder of "La Raza") -
* "We have an aging white America... They are dying... They are shitting in their pants with fear! I love it!"
* "We're a new Mestizo Nation"
* "We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that's is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
* "Our Devil has pale skin and blue eyes."
NCLR funds many schools across Nueva Aztlán:
* Reconquista charter school in Los Angeles, whose principal is Marcos Aguilar:

* Aztlan Academy in south Tucson seeks “to integrate a meaningful Chicano Studies program into [students’] lives, language, and academics, as a means of developing their intellects as well as their pride and self-esteem."
Organization for the Liberation of Aztlan (OLA)
Party of the United Race (La Raza Unida Party)
National Brown Berets

Brown Berets de Aztlan

Brown Berets de SacrAztlan [Autonomous Chapter]

Boise Brown Berets [Autonomous Chapter]
Fresno Brown Berets [Autonomous Chapter]
Los Angeles Brown Berets [Autonomous Chapter]
Salinas Brown Berets [Autonomous Chapter]
Salt Lake City Brown Berets [Autonomous Chapter]
There is a myriad of Raza college newspaper. Some are El Popo, Aztlan News, Chispas, Gente de Aztlan (UCLA), Voz Fronteriza (U.C. San Diego), La Voz Mestiza (U.C. Irvine) and La Voz Berkeley.

"La Causa" (The Cause) Mark Vallen. Oil on canvas. 40" x 36" inches. 2011. On exhibit at the Forest Lawn Museum, Sept. 9, 2011 through Jan. 1, 2012.

"Eventually, we are going to take over all political institutions of California." -Mario Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund), 1998
Mexico’s President Vicente Fox Quesada refers to the Western U.S. as the “Northern Territory”.
Mexico’s President Ernesto Zedillo's speech made before the National Council of La Raza, Chicago, 1997-07-23: “the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are an important, a very important part of it.”
“Estudiantes Contemporáneos del Norte is Dedicated to the Chicanos del Norte in the hope of recovering their lost sovereignty and assuming their place among the independent nations of the world.” - University of New Mexico Chicano Studies program []
1997-02-07 speech by Fidel Castro: "The United States should return to Mexico huge chunks of that country's territories it acquired more than a century ago."
"What is Raza?" []
In May, 2000, more than 1,200 students gathered at UCLA for the seventh annual Raza Youth Conference, which the members say promotes higher education and recognition of the Aztlan culture. Sponsored by MEChA, the year's theme was "Reclaiming Our Razas through education, resistance, and promoting the idea of remembering the historical struggles of Raza" said Erika Ramirez, co-chair of the conference. The conference drew students from 80 middle and high schools and community colleges; featured speeches by those actively involved with the Chicano community.
The keynote speaker was Antonia Darder, a professor of education and cultural studies at Claremont Graduate University and director of the Institute for Cultural Studies in Education, who received a standing ovation for her speech.
Darder described American capitalism and what she said were its impacts on racism and sexism. "I grew up in a capitalist society, a society that taught us that the greed of corporations control politics," Darder said. "Capitalism is the root of domination. Racism and sexism exist because capitalism requires it." Darder said a globalized economy forced smaller countries to give up their self-sufficiency, resulting in people migrating to the U.S. "We're here because U.S. foreign policy in Latin America has forced us here," she said.
Los Angeles: “Capital of Aztlán”
(Photograph from "Investors Business Daily")

"What is Aztlán?" []
The myth of Aztlán can best be explained by California's Santa Barbara School District's Chicano Studies textbook, "The Mexican American Heritage" by East Los Angeles high school teacher Carlos Jimenez. On page 84 there is a redrawn map of Mexico and the United States, showing Mexico with a full one-third more territory, all of it taken back from the United States. On page 107, it says "Latinos are now realizing that the power to control Aztlan may once again be in their hands." Shown are the "repatriated" eight or nine states including Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington. According to the school text, Mexico is supposed to regain these territories as they rightly belong to the "mythical" homeland of Aztlán. On page 86, it says "...a free-trade agreement...promises...if Mexico is to allow the U.S. to invest in Mexico...then Mexico allowed to freely export...Mexican labor. Obviously this would mean a re-evaluation of the border between the two countries as we know it today."

Map showing the counties within the USA which are dominated by Mexica nationals, according to USA Census of the year 2000.

Map showing "Occupied Aztlán"

Map showing “República del Norte (Northern Republic) circa 2080 AD" from the University of New Mexico []

Map showing the territory ceded to the USA by the Empire of Mexico according to the "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo"

2012-02-02 "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – 164 years of occupation!"
Because in the 1836 to 1900′, we as a Mexican@ Indigenous people were displaced by force off our lands in South Texas and what is now the Southwestern United States, and by the 1900′s we were working what were our lands but now under Gringo ownership. The invaders and occupiers became the owners and we became ‘cheap’ wage-labor,
Because the clauses guaranteeing the land ownership of Mexican and Indigenous people north of the borderline established by the War of the United States against Mexico 1845-48 and under the protection by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo but that were VIOLATED repeatedly and with impunity,
Because our people suffered a campaign of terror and death at the guns of white racist vigilantes, lynchings by White mobs, the mass savage killings by the Texas Rangers, and genocide under the Slave Republic of Texas and under United States occupation and military control that turned the northwestern part of Mexico, into the now Southwest of the United States,
Because we have been treated and have experienced genocide in indigenous peoples and lands, national oppression as a people, exploitation as a working class, racism and racial segregation, mass deportations as migrant workers and youth experience incarceration not education,
And because, our people have a story of unending struggle and resistance against the violence, national oppression, racist segregation, class exploitation, mass deportations, and inequality
We believe that we must recognize the US-Mexico border line and the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo of 1848, as ILLEGAL! (It is a border imposed by military force, war, invasion and oppression) and denounce them every year on this date,
We must rescue and revive our peoples struggles and stories; A regeneration of our culture, universal human rights, indigenous roots, and languages, and connection to the land that is not U.S. Centric,
We must decolonize our lands, our minds, spirits and our people for we are for all practical and political purposes treated as an internal colony within the entrails of the monster.
We reject the assimilationist models of hegemonic power, capitalism and imperialism, colonialism and white supremacy and hold high our goal for liberation, not just reform; but true democracy, and universal equality for all!
Another United States is Possible and Necessary for another world to be possible and happen!
2009-01-18 "What is a Revolutionary Aztlan Nation?" by E.F. Mohammed Martinez aka Aztec al-Qaeda
AZTLAN is the battle cry to defend and taking pride in NUESTRA idioma and cultura!
AZTLAN is to speak out and defend NUESTROS PUEBLOS INDOCUMENTADOS who are daily victimized, persecuted and rounded up by "La Migra" and white racist vigilante XENOPHOBES (Fear of The Unknown)!
AZTLAN is the battle cry to shed and rid NOSOTROS of assimilating into a European AmeriKKKan culture that is not even OURS!
AZTLAN Raza will fight whoever and whatever it takes against all XENOPHOBIC WHITE EURO-AMERIKKKAN RACISTS!
AZTLAN is fighting for NUESTROS derechos humanos against the hateful white XENOPHOBE RACIST ameriKKKan WHITE MINUTEMEN TERRORISTS and their paintjob lackey ilk who want nothing but OUR demise as a Brown Pride people!
AZTLAN is NOSOTROS as we must be tolerant and accepting of other oppressed NON-WHITE people of color as well! They are OUR brothers and sisters in the same struggle for OUR own liberation as well! AZTLAN is self determination as WE RAZA become a self economic reliant people in the struggle!
AZTLAN is NOT being afraid of the much despised and hated white racist XENOPHOBE gringo enemy as united WE stand up together against OUR oppressors by any and ALL means necessary!
AZTLAN is NOT talking about it, ...but living it by example as WE RAZA must be ready to fight at ALL times by ANY AND ALL MEANS NECESSARY against OUR common eternal ameriKKKan MINUTEMEN domestic terrorists and their confused running dogs of color as WE take back OUR once stolen land from the racist gringo enemy, ...without ever having to fire one single shot in anger!
AZTLAN education destroys poverty and ignorance against NUESTROS eternos enemigos gringos blancos e Judios Zionistas pro"Israeli" racistas!
AZTLAN is to fight for a liberation for LA RECONQUISTA de nuestras tierras NOW and FOREVER which is OUR credo that WE RAZA should and must STRIVE and ASPIRE!
AZTLAN is NEVER to put down or turn your back on your own RAZA, because LA RAZA must never forget where their parents and grandparents originally hailed from, Mexico and other parts of Latin America and the Caribbean!
2012-02-01 "Discussion Paper On Immigration 2012" from "Mexican National Liberation Movement (Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional Mexicano /MLN-M)
The recent history of the Mexican people in the United States of America clearly shows that we as a community started out on the right track by attempting to transform our situation and to create a better life for our children. However, much of the energy that we generated in the year 2005 was quickly taken away from us by the powers that be. The Catholic Church, along with the Labor Unions, could not allow the Mexican people to start to define for themselves what we needed as a people. They could not let the feelings of our people run free. They felt like they had to corral that energy and so they moved to harness all of our people’s energy and redirected all our momentum down a road that they picked for us – the road towards reform. They said to us that we had to exercise our power within the parameters set down by the Democratic Party, Labor Unions and the Catholic Church. These institutions could not allow for an independent base to emerge within the confines of the United States, and so the only way to harness this power was to direct it in the direction of political reform and completely away from the direction of independence, which the powers that be knew that the United States population would never accept. Those of our people who were first generation or second generation bought into the whole question of democracy, while never understanding historically what the Mexicans that had lived here since the termination of the Mexican American war had experienced. An so they took our people down the road to reform and what transpired was the corruption of all that energy, the same energy that could have given us some form of substance, methodically evaporated into nothing.
We must look to what has historically transpired with the Mexican population since the Alamo or since the Mexican American war. We are a very resilient people but we have to make some historical analysis of our current situation. We as Mexicans are the only people that had a war waged against them and who also reside within the confines of this country. The Mexican American war was the cession of Texas and the battle at the Alamo. Because of this, we cannot allow the criminalization of our people and the term illegal to be applied to us as humans. We must counter this attack with the fact that the United States stole and plundered our land and raped our people. We as Mexicans have a right to be here on our land. We have to fight for this position today as the Empire is engulfed in wars of conquest in the Middle East. How can this Empire propose democracy in the world and build a wall of infamy against our people? We as a people have to rise up to their challenge as original people in the Americas, as the original inhabitants of Turtle Island. Why do we want to be part of an empire that is destroying people in all parts of the world? This is the same empire that has created the conditions in Mexico where 51 % of our people live in poverty and 25 % live in extreme poverty. This means that only 20 % of our people are making it. This is a reality that all of Latin America currently faces.
As Mexicans and Latinos we must understand what is happening in our homelands to be able to wage a struggle to emancipate our people-be it in Mexico or all of Latin America. All people who come here from all the different parts of the Americas have to understand that these territories, the seven states that were plundered during the Mexican American war, are all part of occupied Mexico. This is why we have to have a different view on the question of immigration. For the Mexican people this is really a question of migration from one part of our country to the other. People who choose not to hear this really do not understand history- you can distort it but you can never change it. As Mexicanos we are part of the original people of the Americas, and because of this we can never turn our backs on our history, as it is the door that will take us to our future. There can never be any reform for us in this empire because this empire was never created to accommodate us, it was created to plunder and rape our natural resources and our Mother Earth. If we as a people believe that we can accommodate ourselves to this empire then we have to also face the reality of going all over the world to kill people in their own homeland so that the empire can take control of their natural resources and gain control of the almighty dollar. If that’s what you as an individual are willing to do to accommodate yourself to be a part of this country then you have lost touch with your humanity. We as a people have to fight on both sides of the imposed border to affect change and to align ourselves with what really represents humanity and learn from other people in the world who have fought for the independence of their countries. Let us band together with the other five and a half billion people that work every day for fifty cents, one dollar or two dollars a day. In the words of Mao, we must “organize the many to defeat the few.” It often seems like such an insurmountable task but everywhere in the world there is poverty and there is struggle and even though it has its own dynamics we have to understand why this situation exists. We have to stop blaming ourselves for our own oppression.
The following legislative actions prove the historical contradictions of the so called democracy of the United States. The original fugitive slave act of 1793 was a federal law that was written with the intention of enforcing Article 4- section 2 of the United States Constitution. In 1850 the only people who had to deal with the question of papers and legality were African Americans. In recognition of southern support for California’s admission to the union as a free state and ending the slave trade in the District of Columbia, Congress enacted the Fugitive Slave Act to assist the south with maintaining a tight rein on slaveholders’ property. Existing laws had created a system designed to enforce the institution of slavery. Southern states usually had slave codes that prevented slaves from being at large without a pass. All this is very similar to Apartheid/ South African pass laws and today’s papers for undocumented immigrants. The key word in all of this is racial profiling. This new law declared that any federal marshal or other officials who did not arrest a runaway slave was liable of receiving a $1,000 fine and six months in prison. Law enforcement officials everywhere now had a duty to arrest anyone suspected of being a runaway slave based on no evidence other than a claimant’s sworn testimony of ownership. Any individual providing food or shelter was subject to six month imprisonment and a $1,000 fine. The new laws created a new force of federal commissioners empowered to pursue fugitive slaves in any state and return them to their owners. No statute of limitations applied, and so even those slaves who had been free for many years could be and were returned to the slave traders. All this sounds like the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs enforcement, known as I.C.E.
The Fugitive Slave Act was passed and used against the African American community from 1865 to 1965. Jim Crow type laws were used to completely control all aspects of African Americans’ lives in the United States. The Chinese Exclusion Act was also passed by Congress in 1882 and signed into law by President Chester A. Arthur. A ten year moratorium was passed for the first federal law proscribed entry of an ethnic working group on the premise that it endangered the good order of certain localities. In 1924 after the assassination of Zapata, Villa and Magon and the termination of the Mexican Revolution, the border patrol was created to maintain the division and control of the Mexican people. The border patrol agents were recruited from the Arizona, California and Texas rangers. The first wave of massive deportations occurred between 1929 and 1939 during the depression years under the Herbert Hoover administration when a million were deported to Mexico. This is not included in the history text books due to the fact that out of the one million deported, 600,000 were Mexican Americans, legal citizens born in the United States.
This was followed by the internment of Japanese Americans in 1942. 110,000 Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps. Executive order 9066 was issued Feb. 19, 1942 and signed into law by president Franklin D Roosevelt. In 1944 the Supreme Court upheld the Constitutionality of the Interment order. The united states census bureau assisted the internment efforts by providing confidential neighborhood information on Japanese Americans. Those that were as little as 1/16 Japanese could be placed in internment camps. Following this, and not to be out done in 1950, President Truman’s Administration instituted operation Wetback and deported one million two hundred thousand Mexicans. To name the deportation act “Wetback” was a racist vilification of our people. The attacks on the Mexican community continued. In 1994 after campaigning for proposition 187 in California, Governor Pete Wilson was reelected on the anti-Mexican wave that was created by proposition187. This proposition prohibited an education for the children of undocumented immigrants, as well as denied them of all social services. This law was later rescinded as it was declared unconstitutional.
Proposition 187 was the new wave of repression that was unleashed by the fascist sector in the United States against the Mexican people. Prior to this in 1985, California passed the English only law that was also aimed at the Mexican community. This English only movement was spearheaded by the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an organization headed by John Tanton – an individual known for his anti-immigrant views. FAIR received funding in the amount of $1.3 million from the Pioneer Fund. This fund was established in 1937 and was based on the Nazi philosophy of Eugenics. In 1996 the Bill Clinton Administration picked up on the California proposition and signed into law the Illegal Immigration and Immigrant Responsibility Act [IIRIRA], which did two things. It expanded the number of deportable crimes; and made noncitizens who were subject to removal to be detained without being able to post bond. This was followed by Operation Gatekeeper. Operation Gatekeeper created the new corridors that would eventually build the first walls on the San Diego and Texas side, while pushing migrants to cross through the Sonora Dessert. It is estimated that 4,000 to 12,000 migrants have lost their life since the passing of Operation Gatekeeper.
In 2003, the Department of Homeland Security, ICE, and the Office of Detention and Removal (DRO) met to develop a document entitled Endgame. Endgame is a 10-year strategic plan to pursue, arrest and deport every undocumented person in the country by 2012 that according to the National Network For Immigrant and Refugee Rights report entitled “Injustice for All: The Rise of the U.S. Immigration Policing Regime” developed the infrastructure for a future “Immigration Policing Regime” and repression in the form of Raids, Racial Profiling, 287(g) Police/ICE collaborations, the creation of more Detention and Deportation facilities, and the Secure Communities program.
In 2005 the U.S House of Representatives approved the Sensenbrenner law [HR 4437] that criminalized not only undocumented immigrants but also anyone who offered them moral or material support. It should be noted that Sensenbrenner had a business investment in the Olive Branch Restaurant chains that employed undocumented workers. Senate Bill 1070 was passed in April of 2010 by the legislature of the state of Arizona. 1070 was introduced by Republican state Senator Russell Pearce. Russell Pearce has ties with Neo Nazi organizations, and also attends rallies while conducting speeches before many of their groups. The main author of SB 1070 is Kris Kobach. Kobach is a law professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Kobach also works for FAIR. Kobach has a long history of involvement in Kansas politics, as he was once a Republican candidate for congress in 2004. According to several newspaper articles, many contributions to his campaign came from white supremacist groups. Kobach and his cronies, all legal conspirators, made the concept of “rational suspicion” a standard for determining who is or isn’t an undocumented immigrant. Let us apply this concept to them and see where it leads us. Senate Bill 1070 violated the U.S. Constitution, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, [United States / Mexico 1848] and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Alabama’s H.B 56 was passed on June 16th 2011. Five things we should understand about this law: H.B.56 requires police to stop anyone who they suspect may have possibly broken a law and inquire about their immigration status. Secondly, the new law makes it illegal for undocumented immigrants to enroll in or attend public colleges. Thirdly, the new law makes it illegal for undocumented people to apply for or solicit work. Subsequently, this new law makes it illegal to rent property to those who are undocumented and lastly and perhaps most shockingly, the new law requires employees of public schools to determine and report approximately how many students-children or teenagers- are undocumented, regardless of how much proof may exist. According to a report titled “Shattered Families” a report from the Applied Research Center, the Obama administration has deported 46,000 parents of children who are U. S. citizens within the first six months of 2011. In that same time period, government data shows a total of 397,000 expulsions in the fiscal year 2011. This means that “almost one in four people deported is the parent of a United States citizen child,” said Seth Freed Wessler, the reports chief investigator and author. After parents are deported, the researchers found that families remain separated for long periods, with child welfare agencies and juvenile courts often moving in to terminate the parental rights of deported immigrants. Children who don’t have other immediate family are then put up for adoption. The deportation of undocumented immigrants in 2011 has left 5,100 children languishing in foster homes. The researchers concluded that controversial federal programs such as Secure Communities, which allows federal authorities to screen fingerprints of those arrested by local police in order to detect undocumented immigrants, has turned parts of the country into deportation hot spots “where families are being torn apart.”
All of the previously mentioned actions were taken against people of color. As we traverse through the door of United States history we should be able to have a clearer picture of our future in this country. In seeking reform we have allowed the ultra-right wing of the Republican Party, and the government in its totality, to criminalize a social working class movement by creating the term Illegal Alien. We have to respond to the fascist alliance that has been formed by the ultra-right wing of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, neo Nazis, the KKKlan and the tea party. Let us begin to build a movement of our people that can defend our future generations.
In conclusion, we pose this question: are the Mexican people affected by the question of Genocide?
On December 9th 1948, Resolution 260 {III} A of the United Nations General Assembly adopted “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.” declared entry into force on the 12th of January 1951, stating:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, is genocide, as such:
A) Killing members of the group
B) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
C) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about itsphysical destruction in whole or in part;
D) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
E) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

2007-01-22 "Racist Mexican Gangs "Ethnic Cleansing" Blacks In L.A.; Latino thugs indiscriminately murder blacks regardless of gang membership, genocidal purge aligns with radical Aztlan theology" by Paul Joseph Watson from "Prison Planet"
Racist Mexican gangs are indiscriminately targeting blacks who aren't even involved in gang culture, as part of an orchestrated ethnic cleansing program that is forcing black people to flee Los Angeles. The culprit of the carnage is the radical Neo-Nazi liberation theology known as La Raza, which calls for the extermination of all races in America besides Latinos, and is being bankrolled by some of the biggest Globalists in the U.S.
A story carried on the liberal website Alternet [], charts an explosion in brutal murders of blacks by Hispanic street gangs in L.A. Far from being gang on gang violence, the Latinos are targeting innocent blacks in accordance with a concerted ethnic cleansing campaign that seeks to eradicate all blacks from Hispanic neighborhoods.
In one instance, 21-year-old Anthony Prudhomme was shot in the face with a .25-caliber semi-automatic while lying on a futon inside his apartment, slain by a Latino gang known as the Avenues as part of a racist terror campaign in which gang members earn "stripes" for each black person they kill.
In one typical case," writes journalist Brentin Mock, "Three members of the Pomona 12 attacked an African-American teenager, Kareem Williams, in his front yard in 2002. When his uncle, Roy Williams, ran to help his nephew, gang member Richard Diaz told him, "Niggers have no business living in Pomona because this is 12th Street territory." According to witnesses, Diaz then told the other gang members, "Pull out the gun! Shoot the niggers! Shoot the niggers!"
The fatwah against blacks began in the mid-nineties, with a 1995 LAPD report concluding that Latinos had vowed to "Eradicate black citizens from the gang neighborhood." In a follow up report on the situation in east Los Angeles, the LAPD warned that "Local gangs will attack any black person that comes into the city."
The author notes that since 1990 the African-American population of Los Angeles has halved, partly as a result of rampant illegal immigration and that there are noticeably fewer blacks walking the streets because many have been forced to relocate in fear of the racist gangs.
"The LAPD estimates there are now 22,000 Latino gang members in the city of Los Angeles alone. That's not only more than all the Crips and the Bloods; it's more than all black, Asian, and white gang members combined. Almost all of those Latino gang members in L.A. -- let alone those in other California cities -- are loyal to the Mexican Mafia. Most have been thoroughly indoctrinated with the Mexican Mafia's violent racism during stints in prison, where most gangs are racially based," writes Mock.
Mock blames the "Mexican Mafia" for ordering the campaign of ethnic cleansing from prison, as part of a turf war with the Black Guerilla family, another prison gang, but fails to pinpoint the racist creed from which the Mexican kingpins draw their inspiration - the long standing Aztlan invasion agenda.
Aztlan's goal, known as La reconquista, is to cede and take over the entirety of the southern and western states by any means necessary and impose a Communist militant dictatorship. President Bush's blanket amnesty program goes a long way to helping the extremists achieve their aim.
Despite the fact that the majority of documented hispanics oppose illegal immigration, as do the majority of Americans, Aztlan and La Raza race hate groups have become the self-appointed voice for a separatist movement that threatens a violent overthrow of the Constitutional system and a barbaric program of ethnic cleansing. This is held up by the media as 'diversity' and to vociferously oppose it is scorned as racism.
Aztlan and Mecha groups advocate killing all whites and blacks and driving them out of the southern states by means of brutal ethnic cleansing. Flags and placards carried at marches depict white people having their heads cut off, as seen in the picture below.
Those that protest such groups are then attacked by the establishment media and labeled as racists, despite the fact that the Plan of San Diego, a rallying cry for the hispanic Klan groups, advocates total eradication of any race but hispanics.
Mecha's own slogan reads, "For the race everything. For those outside the race, nothing."
TV stations owned by rich white industrialists erect giant billboards in Los Angeles claiming the city belongs to Mexico, as seen below.
Mainstream hispanics who love America abhor the virulent racism that the Mexican klan groups embrace.
And who bankrolls these pocket radicals? Billionaire tax-exempt foundations and NGO's owned by white men. Organizations like the Ford Foundation, groups who are zealous in their quest to eliminate the middle class and destroy America, turning it into a cashless society, compact city, surveillance control grid where only two tiers of society exist - the elite and the poor slaves.
During the May immigration protests, The Aztlanwebsite carried the following statement [].
"If the racist "Sensenbrenner Legislation" passes the US Senate, there is no doubt that a massive civil disobedience movement will emerge. Eventually labor union power can merge with the immigrant civil rights and "Immigrant Sanctuary" movements to enable us to either form a new political party or to do heavy duty reforming of the existing Democratic Party. The next and final steps would follow and that is to elect our own governors of all the states within Aztlan."
Here is the open call for violent separatism and the overthrow of existing state government structures.
During the immigration demonstrations, which were orchestrated by Rob Allyn of Rob Allyn & Co. who is closely tied with George W. Bush [], alarming reports of illegals carrying out violent beatings began to surface. In Santa Ana California, illegal aliens swarmed around in mobs invading schools, carrying out violent beatings and in one incident a county worker had a Mexican flag plunged into his chest [].
The violent protests that began on May 1 last year were characterized by throngs marching under Mexican flags, many of which were illegal aliens, as a "day without gringos." []
Imagine what the reaction would be if white middle class Americans marched in their millions and called the event "a day without blacks."
The media continues to run defense for a violent militant movement that seeks nothing less than the eradication of blacks and whites through ethnic cleansing and the takeover of the southern and western states. This is a separatist junta that has over 30,000 ruthless gang members at its disposal once the call for mobilization is heard, along with millions of illegal aliens pouring across the border.
These thugs have the temerity to call Latinos, blacks and whites who are opposed to uncontrolled illegal immigration racists when it is their own La reconquista philosophy that has spawned target hits in Los Angeles as part of a virulently racist ethnic cleansing rampage. It's a bloodlust that can only spread to other cities as the realization of Aztlan is generously aided by billionaire Globalists who wish to see America balkanized, plundered and destroyed.

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