ALGERIA ISP / Elmokawama According to Akhbar Libya, to Kofra, Toubou tribal fighters are assisted by Chadian helicopters.

The (NTC) rebels use a commercial cargo ships to transfer the wounded and dead rebels from the town of Kofra. In Kofra today Toubous fighters killed two (NTC) rebels and wounded three others. The city Kofra is under total control of the forces of Toubou tribes.
2012-02-23 "A video of a large army convoy in the Liberation of Libya" from "ALGERIA ISP"
ALGERIA ISP / Dhida Yawme17 fibrayr Fi Libya, has released this video of army combatants of the liberation of Libya Libya’s south.
Since the advent of the son of the guide “Saadi Gaddafi” on TV channel “Al Arabiya“, the signal has been issued for the Liberation of Libya from the clutches of mercenaries and traitors.
The fighters from the tribes of Toubou gave a sacred lesson to the barbarians of the NTC who found themselves very low in the absence of NATO planes.
This video shows a large convoy of pickups, trucks carrying ammunition and rocket launcher trucks.Inchaelah it will be a great and good shot to break the cold hearts of the barbarians of NTC.
Kufra is the largest province in Libya, approximately one fifth (20%) of the country.
It is in the south-east, and it is the only place in Libya which borders the 3 countries with hundreds of kilometers long borders.

This region which is famous for its basin and many oasis in the middle of the Sahara is a link between Sudan, Chad and Libya. Safe passage to Africa. Centre of Libyan import and export.
It has very rich oil and gas fields stretching from Libya to the mountains of Owainat. And has the largest underground basin of fresh water in the world, Al-Jawf, rich with palms and gardens.
The word Kufra comes from the Arabic word kafir, the Arabic term for non-Muslims (often translated as "infidels", literally "those who conceal [the truth]") with reference to the Toubou people native to the region.
Kufra did not fall under the dominion of either the Arabs or the Ottomans and was part of a Toubou Sultanate with capital in Tazirbu.In the 1840s, the Toubou were colonized by the Arabized Berber tribe of Zuwayya and eventually by the Italians in the 1930s.
Importance of Kufra for Italians increased when the Second World War started and, after the Suez Canal was closed to Italian shipping, connections with Italian East Africa became mainly aerial, using Kufra and its strategic location.
Kufra, thanks to its key role for the Italian Occupation Army, soon became a target for the Allies, with France and British desert troops beginning a long battle for its conquest, which ended with the war.
In recent decades, Kufra has become a major point on the route of African migrants who try to reach Europe by various routes. In 2007, European Parliamentary Delegations defined Kufra as "a free zone, a sort of starting Centre of Temporary Permanence CPT against the law... These gathering centres are places, in which the first contacts with the criminal organizations occur. Such organizations promote the "journey of hope", with a flexible handling of the Migrants' African routes according to the restriction policies adopted by the various governments."
At the beginning of the 1970s, Muammar Gaddafi launched in Kufra a great cultivation project aimed at developing agriculture in the desert. LEPA irrigation is provided by fossil water beneath the ground surface, the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, the only accessible water resource in the area. Rotors (high sprinkler that rotates) provide irrigation and the obtained circles have a diameter of about 1 km and can be observed from space.

This is one of Libya's largest agricultural projects.
Because only about 2 percent of Libya's land receives enough rainfall to be cultivated, this project uses the underground aquifer. The green circles in the desert frequently indicate tracts of agriculture supported by center-pivot irrigation.
The agricultural project is an easy-to-recognize landmark for orbiting astronauts aboard the International Space Station.The Libyan government also has a project called the Great Manmade River to pump and transport these groundwater reserves to the coast to support Libya’s growing population and industrial development.
Kufra - cultivated areas seen from space

Kufra has the largest proportion of solar brightness in Libya (according to the Solar Energy Research Center), making it one of the first cities in the world to generate clean solar energy.
It has the variety of natural materials, sand, copper, gold, and other (this is from studies carried out by the Industrial Research Center, previously).
Kufra also has spiritual and cultural value. It is also attractive for Safari tourism, and its lakes in the middle of the desert.
2012-02-22 "Kuffra Update"
(1) Bodies of Libyan rebels have been left unclaimed inside Aozou strip in Chad, since rebels entered via Sudan to force natives of Chad, taking all the men and leaving women and children to languish around the Sahara, Chad responded with full military foce, helicopters and Chadian forces have entered 753 km inside Libya, 93 Libyan rebels bodies lay in the Aozou strip on the Chadian territory, Chad took armed measures against the rebels, capturing over 320 Libyan rebels, the rebels also took one Chadian army officer to Benghazi, they beat the Chadian army with marks over his face.
The Aozou strip area was the cause of dispute betweeen Libya and Chad, which led to of the two countries. In 1973, Libya engaged in military operations in the Aouzou Strip to occupy the area because of native black Toubou who are also Libyan citizens, Libya did gain access to minerals in the area. This led to Chadian–Libyan conflict called Toyota war, where mounted Toyota Pick-ups with machine guns were used to attack the neighbor and brotherly country.
During Toyota War in 1987, the final stage of the conflict, Chadian forces were able to force Libyan commando brigades to retreat from the Aouzou Strip. A cease-fire between Libya and Chad from 1987 to 1988, followed by unsuccessful negotiations next several years. Finally in 1994 International Court of Justice decision found by majority of 16 to 1 in favour of Chad sovereignty over the Aouzou strip because it was established more Toubou of Chad also claim the Aozous strip as their ancestral home, and were forcefully kicked out by Arabs during the Senousi era, and ended the Libyan claim.
The United Nations Security Council established UN Aouzou Strip Observer Group in Resolution 915 (May 1994) to monitor withdrawal of Libyan commandos, and was terminated in Resolution 926 (June 1994) when it was completed. Ever since relations betweeN Libya and Chad went back to normal, rebels know Aozou strip to near Tibesti mountains belong to Chad, but yet they provoked Chad by invading the territory again, today it has turned to a bloodbath between Chad and the rebels, green army has left Chad an open access to attack rebels on Libyan soil whenever rebels cross to cause trouble inside Chad via Sudan.
Libyan rebels think black people have no value, and every black person need be colonized, conquered, if not, they be forced to obey their inhumane Quran at gun point laws.
The black Libyan city of Kufra was named the city of infidels, because many people of Toubou origin followed African spirituality, and worshipped diety, creator, Jah, God, Gaya and whatever you name it and identify with in African sense of spirituality, Kuffra has always enjoyed tremendous amount of autonomy since the green revolution by Moammar Al Gadhaffi, the people of Kuffra can move freely from Libya to Sudan, Niger, Chad, Mali, Algeria and all over the Sahara without passport, the native of the land law applied to them, including the Touareg, the people of Tawharegha, and Toubou.
All the black people of Sahara to the Bile rivers are known as the real native Africans, and in Libya green policy, Africa first and the rest comes after.
(2) 425 heavy convoy of green army has entered Kuffra with water, food, medicine, facility to treat 293 civilians wounded in the conflict, treatment of people with dehydration, supply of wheat, meat, sugar, green vegetables, corn flower and cold drinks.
Green Federation Africa, and Libyan International Investment Company LIICO, a subsidiary of Moammar Algathaffi International has set up $10 billion to supplement Kuffra with liquidity of cash, and infusion of economic support. [S.G.]
I received a phone call now from #Kufra - NATO revolutionaries are displacing Chadian families located in the northern suburbs of Kufra,burning their homes,detaining men,and leaving women and children to flee into desert.
2012-02-22 "S.O.S. Libya Report"
Information from [http://www.alarabonline.org/index.asp?fname=%5C2012%5C02%5C02-22%5C963.htm&dismode=x&ts=22-2-2012+6%3A35%3A37]: Fighting between the tribes Tobou & Azwaip in the desert in southeastern #Libya ,more than 100 ppl & 6 children killed. Said Isa Abdul Majid, leader of the tribe, Tobou, told AFP: "They killed 113 people from our tribe, including six children." A source of the NTC said "Isa Abdul Majid controls the southern border,he took control of the smuggling and Tobou tribes are controling the smuggling trade in the region. While Abdul Majid said that Tobou are the victims of a "genocide plan," adding that his tribe invoked the NTC but has not received any reply so far"
From the rats channel "First joy" - doctors in #Kufra hospital said that 75 Eastern Libyan fighters were captured by "Chadian forces".
2012-02-21 "S.O.S. Libya Report"
KUFRA - More than 120 people killed & around 300 injured in tribal clashes in southern Libya in the last 10 days [RussiaToday]
KUFRA - a complete withdrawal of NATO mercenaries from the airport because of the intense attack they suffered Libya
KUFRA - Green flags and national anthem in Kufra, Libya, today
KUFRA - Green forces managed to capture several rebel tanks in Kufra, Libya
Libyan refugees who were displaced to Chad & Sudan during war, have vowed to come back & defend their friends & families in Kufra in Southern Libya
KUFRA threaten seccession from Libya because of the clashes in South-Eastern Libya after NTC failed to stop the conflict and ignored South-East, although this is the biggest territory which extends to the Libyan provinces on the Chad and Sudan's borders. [http://www.alquds.co.uk/index.asp?fname=today%5C13z493.htm&arc=data%5C2012%5C02%5C02-13%5C13z493.htm]
TUAREGS - The south will be separated from Libya:
Based on reality and events, as well as the new international situation and the project east to Aawst the great based on the division of country into regions, I can say that we are in the second phase of the secession of the south Libya, The south Libyan decision it is to be the territory of the TPU and Tuaregs , and won't be subjected to ethnic cleansing and displacement, and this is clearly evident in several cities Katragn and Murzuq and Kufra and elsewhere, where there is a mobilization of Tabu and all their forces to get hold of the southern province, and they will have it sooner or later, in light of the weakness and fragmentation of the new Libyan state , and the conflicts raging between the tribes and all that which is preventing the unity of the state
2012-02-18 "S.O.S. Libya Report"
A Libyan Toubou in Kuffra singing for Libyan Resistance
[Translation by Stephen Gule]
We are born here.
We live here.
We die here.
No to aggression.
No room for aggressors.
No room for invaders and imperialists.
Kuffra is not the place of agression.
The people here detest aggression.
Yousuf was killed by the aggressor he went to join.
The aggressor knows no peace.
This is our land, the history of eternity knows us.
Our soul lives in this sand, this is our land.
We will never and not will compromise.
NATO mercenaries fleeing Kufra, Libya, going back to the north
Violent clashes in the town of Kufra southeast of the country and the infidels fist supporters Gaddafi: Coinciding with the celebrations fateful day Nakba Fresh clashes erupted between rats and supporters of Colonel Aalqmafa in the city of Kufra, southeast Libya, wounding at least 25 people wounded, 28 dead militias, rebels of NATO, as reported by the German Agency for News. Earlier, the said tribes in the far distant city of infidels, that dozens of people have been killed since last week in clashes between rival tribes for control of the disputed territories.
KUFRA -we received #news today confirming the renewed clashes within the kodrvi district & shoting indiscriminately in the neighbouring districts
2012-02-18 "S.O.S. Libya Report"
People speaking. They said the fighting isn't between 2 tribes but these people are pro-gaddafi and they will not stop until they reach the sea.
And also they said that they are against NTC and their customers, and against their rules/laws...and that life was more better under Gaddafi.
2012-02-16 "S.O.S. Libya Report"
Benghazi - arrival of 12 wounded from #Kufra to #Benghazi on a plane, they were wounded yesterday evening in the clashes that take place in Kufra.

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